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EU WASTE MANAGEMENT FRAME WORK LEGAL FRAMEWORK ON WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BULGARIA Waste Management Act (WMA) National Waste Management Programme ( 2009–2013 ). Population to reach 9 billion by 2050;

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  1. EU WASTE MANAGEMENT FRAME WORK • LEGAL FRAMEWORK ON WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BULGARIA • Waste Management Act (WMA) • National Waste Management Programme (2009–2013)

  2. Population to reach 9 billion by 2050; 2 billion middle income earners in 'developing countries' are expected to triple their consumption by 2020 In a “business as usual” scenario, extraction of resources will triple by 2050 Global demand for food, feed and fibre will increase with 70% by 2050, while 60% of the ecosystems underpinning their supply are already degraded or used unsustainably Competition for resources (including raw materials) increases, resource scarcities appear, prices go up - this will affect the European economy In Europe we consume 16 tonnes of materials annually per capita, 6 tonnes of which become waste The Resource Challenge

  3. The Resource Challenge

  4. The Resource Challenge


  6. EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK MANAGEMENT OF SPECIFIC WASTE STREAMS PCB/PCT (Directive 96/59/EC) ELV (Directive 2000/53/EC) WEEE (Directive 2002/96/EC) Packaging waste (Directive 94/62/EC) Sewage sludge (Directive 86/278/EEC) Batteries and accumulators (Directive 2006/66/EEC) Waste oils (Directive 75/439/EEC)-repealed from12 December 2010 TiO2 (Directive 78/176/EEC) CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE BIOWASTE

  7. EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK Obligations in the EU Waste Framework Directive: establish Waste Management Plans (art 28) in line with the waste hierarchy (art 4)

  8. EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK END OF WASTE STATUS • Certain specified waste shall cease to be waste when it has undergone a • recovery, including recycling, operation and complies with specific criteria to be developed in accordance with the following conditions: • (a) the substance or object is commonly used for specific purposes; • (b) a market or demand exists for such a substance or object; • (c) the substance or object fulfills the technical requirements for • (d) the specific purposes and meets the existing legislation and standards applicable to products. LANDFILL TAX AND LANDFILL BANS FOR CERAIN WASTE STREAMS

  9. REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA • The territory of the country is 110 994 sq km; • 6 planning regions: Northwest, North Central, North east, Southwest, South Central and Southeast. Correspond to 2-ndlevel of the European statistical classification of territorial units; • 28 districts administrative-territorial units that conduct regional policy, implement government policy on local level. Cover average 10 -11 municipalities and which correspond to 3-th level of the European statistical classification of territorial units; • 264 municipalities their size varies widely from 45 km2 to over 1 200 km2 corresponding to level IV of the European statistical classification; 55 waste management regions 11

  10. Competent authorities on environment 1. The Ministry of Environment and Water (МОEW): • develops and implements the national policy and legislation in the field of waste management • issues permits to recovery organizations for specific waste streams • is a competent authority on adoption of resources from the pre -accession and structural funds of ЕС and from the cohesion fund as well as resources from other international financial institutions 2. RIEWs(16) are the control bodies of the MoEW and are responsible for: • implementation of the requirements on the treatment and transportation of waste • issuing of permits, registration documents and certificates for collection , storage, transportation, recovery and disposal of waste on their territory • carry out unexpected, routine and periodical control on waste management 3. Executive Environment Agency • management, coordination and information responsibilities, relative to the control and protection of the environment in Bulgaria. 12

  11. WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT • REGULATIONS • NATIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME 2009-2013 • NATIONAL STRATEGIC PLANS AND PROGRAMMES • National strategic plan for diversion of biodegradable waste going to landfills for 2010-2020; • National strategic plan on construction and demolition waste management 2010-2020; • National strategic plan on sewage sludge management 2014-2020 (under development) • National green public procurement action plan 2012-2014 г.

  12. National Waste Management Program 2014-2020 Horizontal legislation Regulation No 3 on waste classification WasteManagement Act Incineration of waste Waste treatment Ordinances on specificwaste streams Landfilling of waste Wasteoils WWTP sludge Spent batteries and accumulators PCB/PCT ELV WEEE Packaging waste Biodegradable waste

  13. WASTE MANAGEMENT LAW • NEW LEGISLATIVE CHANGES RELATING TO: • new waste hierarchy • new definitions of the disposal and recovery operations, collection and reuse activities • extended meaning of the "polluter pays" principle giving a very important place of the "producer responsibility“ principle • targets for reducing the waste amount • targets for recycling and recovery of municipal and construction waste • concept of "end of waste “ • the encouragement of separate collection and recycling of Biowaste

  14. To move towards a European Recycling Society The 2020recycling targets were set. It includes: • 50% for the preparing for re-use and the recycling of at leastpaper, metal, plastic and glass from households and other origins (waste streams similar to household waste); Bulgaria set intermediate targets: • Until 1 January 2016 г. – at least 25% • Until 1 January 2018 г. – at least40% • Until 1 January 2020 г. – at least50% • 70% the preparing for re-use, recycling and other material recovery, (backfilling operations) of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste (excluding naturally occurring material defined in category 17 05 04 in the list of waste

  15. The WMA specifies municipalitieswithinWaste management regions.Those regions have to implement a common waste management system, including regional landfills and other waste treatment facilities. • The municipalities of each of those 55 Waste management regions, established a Regional Waste Management Associationbeing responsible for the development of a sustainable and modern waste management in line with the new legislationn including the build-up of the necessary infrastructure on the territory of the region • The regions must establish systems for separate collection, reuse, recycling and recovery of waste, and ensure the fulfilment of the obligatory targets :


  17. Obligations and responsibility of local authorities … The Mayors … • … are responsible for the management of entire municipal waste, generated on its territory; • … must provide containers, bins etc. for collection of household waste; • … must introduce separate collection for at least the following waste materials: paper and cardboard, metals, plastics and glass; • … must introduceSeparate collection biowaste form householdand similar sources, establish the entire collection infrastructure therefore including the transport to composting or anaerobic digestion plants; • … must establish 100%separate collection of the green waste from public parks and gardens • … must provide the necessary information to the population on waste management through the website of the municipality and by other appropriate means;

  18. Obligations and responsibility of local authorities • Mayor fulfill his obligations by contract with : • waste recovery organizations • waste licensed companies • Demarcation of responsibilities between municipalities and recovery organizations • Clear obligations associated with separate collection of waste streams (packaging, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, tires, oils, end of life vehicles) • Introduction of obligations for construction of municipal recycling centers for collection of bulky waste, hazardous household waste, construction waste from renovation, ferrous and nonferrous metals and others.

  19. Packaging waste: for organization of recovery of packaging waste MOEW has authorized 8 organizations • End of life electricalandelectronicequipment: for organization of recovery of WEEE,MOEW has authorized 12 organizations • Spentbatteriesandaccumulators(SBA):for organization of recovery of SBA, MOEW has authorized 3 organizations • End-of-lifevehicles/ELV/: for organization of recovery of waste from ELV, MOEW has authorized 9 organizations • Waste oils : for organization of recovery of waste oils MOEW has authorized 1 organization

  20. DECREE №207/16.09.2010 on landfill tax The amount of the landfill tax by the year: 1. for disposal of municipal waste in sanitary landfills: а) for 2011 – 3 leva/t. b) for 2012 – 9 leva/t. c) for 2013 – 15 leva /t. d) for 2014 – 35 leva /t. 2. for disposal of construction and demolition waste in sanitary landfills: а) за 2011 – 0.50 leva /t. b) за 2012 – 1.50 leva /t. c) за 2013 – 15 leva /t. d) за 2014г. – 35 leva /t. • For disposal of waste in the landfills which doesn’t comply with the requirements, the amount of landfill tax is double

  21. The National Waste Management Programme (NWMP) has for an objective to set out a long term strategy for sustainable waste management and the framework for decision making in compliance with the legislation and the policy of the European Union. • Main principles: • Sustainable development (Sixth Community Environment Action Programme) • Waste prevention principle (Directive 2008/98/EC on waste, Sixth Community Environment Action Programme) • Precautionaryprinciple (declarationfromtheUnitedNationsConferenceonEnvironmentandDevelopment, 1992, RiodeJaneiro) • Self-sufficiencyandproximityprincipleinwastemanagement (FrameworkDirectiveonWaste • Waste management hierarchy (Directive 2006/12/EC on waste) • Bestavailabletechnologynotinvolvingexcessivecosts • 7. Fullproducersresponsibility (FrameworkDirectiveonWaste) • “Producer responsibility” • 8.Integrated wastemanagement (SixthCommunityEnvironmentActionProgramme)

  22. The main objective of the National Waste Management Programme is to contribute for the sustainable development of Republic of Bulgaria by establishment of integrated framework for waste management, which will lead to: • reduction and limitation of the harmful impact upon the environment caused by the waste generated; • better resource efficiency, • maximum producer responsibility; • encouragement of the investments and the waste management activities. • NWMP provides the framework for the local authorities to develop a waste management policy including introduction and encouragement of waste prevention, separate waste collection, management of specific waste streams.

  23. Measures envisaged in the NWMP: • Development of separate collection systems and subsequent treatment of batteries, electrical and electronic equipment, household hazardous waste; • progressive establishment of a municipal or regional recycling sites for integrated waste management including hazardous waste from households; • optimization of existing systems for collection and treatment of specific waste streams and ensure the necessary investments; • infrastructure for collection; • use of mobile collection points; • information campaigns to raise the level of awareness and consciousness of the people for their role in the separate collection of waste and environmental hazards and human health in poor management; • strengthen management control on waste treatment facilities

  24. INVESTMENTS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NWMP FOR THE PERIOD 2009-2013 Regional landfills for municipal waste Installations for pre-treatment Transfer stations Closure of existing landfills, which doesn’t meet the requirements Cleaning up and rehabilitation of the illegal dump sites Facilities for treatment of construction and demolition waste Facilities for treatment of biodegradable waste Facilities for disposal of healthcare waste Organization of systems for management of specific waste streams Facilities for treatment of hazardous municipal waste TOTAL: 1 000000 000 EURO

  25. SOURCES OF FUNDING • Instrument for pre-accession assistance (IPA) • STATE BUDGET • PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP

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