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Los Verbos Reflexivos. Avancemos 2 Unidad 2.2. Reflexive verbs describe actions done to or for oneself. In English reflexive pronouns end in self or selves and show that the subject both does and receives the action of the verb.
Los VerbosReflexivos Avancemos 2Unidad 2.2
Reflexive verbs describe actions done to or for oneself. In English reflexive pronouns end in self or selves and show that the subject both does and receives the action of the verb. In spanish, all reflexive verbs are expressed with a reflexive pronoun.
Here’s how: In the infinitive form of the reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun attaches to the end: bañarse, cepillarse. Reflexive Pronouns When you conjugate reflexive verbs, the pronoun appears before the conjugated verb.
Verbs-what we already know In Spanish, verb endings agree with the subject There are three verb endings: -ar, -er, -ir Some verbs follow the rules of conjugation = regular verbs. Some verbs follow only parts of the rules. Some verbs (very few) don’tfollow the rules at all.
What do you see when you look in the mirror? • Who brushes your dog’s hair? • Who bathes your pet? YOURSELF • Who brushes your hair? • Who brushes your teeth? • Who puts on your makeup? (girls) • Who washes and dries you every day?
These are things we do to or for ourselves. • Who brushes your hair? • Who brushes your teeth? • Who puts on your makeup? (girls) • Who washes and dries you every day? • Who brushes your dog’s hair? • Who bathes your pet? Reflexive Verb These are things we do to or for others.
Reflexive Verbs • Reflexive verbs are actions that we do to or for ourselves. • Many occur in our daily routine. • Examples: • bañarse- to bath oneself • cepillarse los dientes- to brush one’s teeth • dormirse- to fall asleep
Reflexive Verbs cepillarse- to brush one’s teeth
Reflexive Verbs • Se is a reflexive pronoun attached to the end of the infinitive. • The se refers the action of the verb back to the subject. cepillarse
Reflexive Verbs Let’s try some! • When conjugated the reflexive pronoun goes in front of the verb. • Reflexive pronouns are: me, te, se, nos, and os. cepillarse
Reflexive Verbs cepillarse cepillarme me cepillar
Reflexive Verbs me cepillar
Reflexive Verbs mecepillo noscepillar noscepillamos tecepillas tecepillar oscepilláis oscepillar secepilla secepillar secepillan secepillar
Angela _________ los dientesdespués de cada comida. (cepillarse) se cepilla
The reflexive pronoun is changed to refer back to the subject. Yotengoque ___________ los dientesdespués de cada comida. (cepillarse) cepillarme
Reflexive Verbs meacuesto nosacostamos nosacostar teacuestas teacostar osacostáis osacostar seacostar seacuesta seacostar seacuestan
Where do you put the “no” with a reflexive verb? The “no” goes in front of the verb. Yono me arreglorápidamente. I don’t get ready quickly.
Ricardo no __________ fácilmente. (dormirse)Tiene mucho sueño. se duerme
¿Se requiere un verboreflexivo en español o no? • I wash the dog. • She brushes her hair. • I eat breakfast. • He gets up early. • She washes the dishes. • We go to bed early on Wednesdays. • You paint your nails. • They sleep for seven hours each night. LAVAR CEPILLARSE DESAYUNARSE LEVANTARSE LAVAR ACOSTARSE PINTARSE DORMIR
Mi tíaFelipa__________ lasmanos con jabóncincuentaveces al día. (lavarse) se lava JABÓN
Mishermanos __________ por la mañana y por la noche. (bañarse) se bañan
Mi mejoramiga y yo ____________ el mismovestidopara el Prom. (ponerse) nosponemos
Tú ____________ lentamente cadamañana. (maquillarse) temaquillas
Tupapá y tú_____________ delante de la teleanoche. (dormirse) osdormisteis
Mi mamá________ supelo con el ventiladorporque no funciona el secador de pelo. (secarse) sesecó
Lo vi a un hombre que no _______ lasmanosdespuésde usar el baño. (lavarse) se lavó Ewww!
Andrés y Sergio __________ con lasmanos. (peinarse) se peinaron
¿Te dormistecuando los niños ___________ anteayer? (acostarse) se acostaron
Yo _________ el pelo y __________ lasuñas antes de acostarmeanoche.(alisarse; pintarse) me alisé me pinté
Tú______________ muytempranoestamañanaparaarreglarte. (despertarse) tedespertaste