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CIASTD Work Place Learning and Certification Support

What is the CPLP?? . Certified Professional in Learning?and Performance? Offered by the ASTD Certification Institute (CI) Offers workplace learning and performance professionals an opportunity to enhance credibility and prove value in an increasingly competitive marketplaceBroad-based credential,

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CIASTD Work Place Learning and Certification Support

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    1. CIASTD Work Place Learning and Certification Support 2008

    2. What is the CPLP™? Certified Professional in Learning and Performance™ Offered by the ASTD Certification Institute (CI) Offers workplace learning and performance professionals an opportunity to enhance credibility and prove value in an increasingly competitive marketplace Broad-based credential, covering nine areas of expertise as defined by the ASTD competency model To date: 543 professionals certified

    3. The CPLP: Helping Workplace Learning Professionals The five hallmarks of a profession, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, are : a national organization that speaks on its behalf a code of ethics a body of knowledge research that develops the field a credentialing organization that sets standards for the profession.

    4. What is a Certification? A degree develops intellectual skills and covers the general knowledge of a field A certificate focuses on acquiring specific knowledge and skills during a learning event and has no testing requirement Certification focuses on testing and providing evidence that usually signifies someone has required knowledge, experience, and has met pre-determined standards to practice in the field.

    5. Who Can Apply? Professionals in the learning and performance field Must have a minimum of 3 years related work experience; although 5 is more preferable

    6. What is the CPLP Process? Knowledge exam with 150 multiple choice questions covering the 9 competency areas Work Product Assessment Sample of recent project work Essay responses Areas: Designing Learning, Delivering Training, Improving Human Performance, Measuring and Evaluating, Facilitating Organizational Change and Managing the Learning Function

    7. Work Product Can submit a work product for: Designing Learning* Delivering Training* Measurement and Evaluation* Improving Human Performance Facilitating Organizational Change Managing the Learning Function Sample work products are available for those with a *

    8. The Competency Model

    9. The 9 Competency Areas Designing Learning Improving Human Performance Delivering Training Measuring and Evaluation Facilitating Organizational Change Managing the Learning Function Coaching Managing Organizational Knowledge Career Planning and Talent Management

    10. How Must Study is Required? Times vary by individual Plan on 8-12 weeks o prepare for the knowledge exam Plan on at least 40 hours to prepare for the work product submission (in addition to the time it takes to complete the project itself)

    12. Test Fees

    13. Pass Rates From June 2005 to Dec. 2007 1,184 knowledge exams were administered 79.6% passed 730 Work Products Scored 74.4% passed 543 Designations awarded

    14. CPLP Testing Fees Fees Include: Knowledge exam seat  Knowledge exam score report Work product submission score report (must pass knowledge exam first) CPLP™ certificate and lapel pin (must pass knowledge exam and work product first) Fees Do Not Include: Study materials (a test outline is provided in the Candidate Bulletin) Study group support or preparatory classes Travel expenses to and from testing center Other ancillary fees such as transfers, re-testing, test seat cancellations, etc. See the Candidate Bulletin for a list of all program fees.

    15. Recertification The CPLP™ credential is valid for 3 years. Recertification is earned either through testing or professional development. If the professional development option is selected CPLPs must accumulate 60 CPLP recertification points within the three year recertification period.    As part of the recertification process CPLPs are required to submit a completed application/tracking worksheet providing evidence of their professional development activities.  The recertification of their credential is verified via an audit review process.

    16. What Support is Available? CIASTD Information Sessions Study Kits Study Groups On Line Forum ASTD Practice Exam ASTD Learning System Webcast Series Flash Cards Prep Workshops

    17. Use of Study Kits ASTD Study Kit with 9 work books (one per competency) Content, practice questions and references lists Can check out up to 3 workbooks at a time for up to 6 months by contacting Mark Records Workbooks will be used by other members – please do not highlight, mark or otherwise damage the books If books are lost, damaged or returned in an unusable conditions, member will be assessed a $50 replacement fee

    18. Study Group Sessions Sixteen sessions per year – we rotate through all competency areas Each session led by a senior practitioner in that area of knowledge Sessions will run from 5:00 to 8:00 on Wednesday nights 2008 Sessions held at RCI May attend in person or virtually Registration fee good for 2 years of attendance – may repeat sessions as needed Need 3 attendees to hold each session (must RSVP 3 days in advance)

    19. Work Product Review and Coaching Opportunity to have a panel of certified CPLP members to review your work product prior to submission and make suggestions for improvement Chance to ask questions to this panel as you put together your work product

    20. CIASTD Support Options

    22. Questions

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