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Becoming the force we want to be

Becoming the force we want to be. New policing approach. A new structure was introduced in July 2018, with four operational directorates overseen by chief superintendents: Neighbourhood & Partnerships – comprising 10 NH Teams

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Becoming the force we want to be

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  1. Becoming the force we want to be

  2. New policing approach • A new structure was introduced in July 2018, with four operational directorates overseen by chief superintendents: • Neighbourhood & Partnerships – comprising 10 NH Teams • Contact & Response – including our contact function, resolution service and emergency response teams • Investigations – CID and major crime teams • Ops Support – our tactical teams and Justice Services

  3. Key features of the new approach • Maintaining neighbourhood policing as the bedrock of the force – improving our preventative, partnership work • Focusing even harder on serious / complex crime • Tackling calls for service in a better, more efficient way by routing non-emergency, non-urgent incidents through telephone resolution, rather than physical deployment. Whilst also exploring and exploiting other technology solutions to manage aspects of contact service differently • Delivering response policing from three hubs, focusing on emergency and urgent incidents • Undertaking a major IT replacement programme to optimise officer time, thereby enabling more time to be spent in the communities they serve

  4. What progress have we made? • We are joint 4th most visible Force • We are the 7thlowest funded Force • Combining visibility and funding Staffordshire is one of the most efficient Forces in the Country • Based on relative low funding rank combined with visibility ranking • We are the 3rd most productive workforce in Policing • Based on crimes per Officer • We have long term absence that’s significantly below average • 4th lowest rate in the country

  5. Visibility – One of the most visible Forces in the Country

  6. Funding – 7th Lowest in the Country

  7. Why are we constantly refining our Policing approach? There are considerable challenges to be met, as like most public services we are… • Facing significant increases in demand. This level of demand is challenging our ability to respond, to problem solve, and to achieve our aspirations to be more preventative. • Facing significant increases in complexity. Not only is demand rising but investigating crime, tackling offenders, breaking-up gangs and organised crime groups, reducing re-offending and meeting the needs of victims and witnesses is getting ever more complex. • Facing significant financial pressure. The Chief Constable has talked publicly that funding has reached a ‘tipping point’. 18/19 financial settlement was better than expected but still meant significant ongoing savings were required.

  8. What is the policing plan? • It is the force’s plan to meet these challenges, whilst also meeting the objectives set out by the PCC in his Police & Crime Plan Safer, Fairer, United Communities • It identifies the outcomes the force wishes to achieve, and how we will measure our progress towards these outcomes • It provides a set of shared priorities for our new directorates to work collaboratively to improve policing in Staffordshire • Everyone working for Staffordshire Police should be able trace their activities back to the priorities in the plan • By having a Plan it helps the force continually improve services to the people of Staffordshire so that it remains efficient and effective at all times Policing Plan 2018-19 22/01/2018

  9. What are the priorities? • Modern policing – a force fit for a changing future • Early intervention – tackling root causes before they become a problem • Victims and witnesses – making it easier for victims and witnesses to receive the support they need • Manage offending – preventing offending in the first place and reducing the likelihood of re-offending • Public confidence – enabling individuals and communities to feel safe and more reassured Policing Plan 2018-19 22/01/2018

  10. Becoming the Force we want to be….. • Through our Neighbourhood Policing Teams to tackle the root causes of crime and anti-social behaviour, doing so as early as possible and dealing with issues before they become too difficult to reverse • Through our Neighbourhood Policing Teams to tackle local community safety problems; working with partners and the community to share information and, where possible, operate from co-located premises in delivering a ‘place-based’ approach • Through better ways of working and smarter technology to make it easier for victims to report, track and monitor low-level crime • Through new digital and online services to project our public visibility in communities by expanding the range of public contact so that people can access us when they need to and in a way that suits them • Through investments in mobile technologies to remain very visible, particularly our frontline officers, PCSOs and police staff • Through our Response Policing Teams to be there when you need us in an emergency – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year • Through our Investigative Teams to deliver more effective investigations, leading to the identification of offenders and a reduction in reoffending • Through our Investigative Teams to deliver better outcomes for victims by rebuilding capability and capacity so that they have the right people, with the right skills and tools to carry out those effective investigations

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