BTEC NATIONAL DIPLOMA UNIT 3 INFORMATION SYSTEMS . WASIM AKRAM. Types of data. Wasim akram. What is information?. Information is writing or data that gives you a lot of detail on what people need to know.
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Types of data
What is information? Information is writing or data that gives you a lot of detail on what people need to know. If it is data then it will be something like ‘40’ if the company orders some thing like ‘40 items’ then that becomes information.
Quantitative Data Is information that can be counted usually represented visually Data which can be measured Graphs Histograms Tables Charts.
Qualitative data Data which can be observed but not measured its things such as Colours Textures Height Weight
Primary data Data that has been observed or collected by a person or your self (valid information) Primary data is a person that has collected information in the first hand meaning by the person things like Researches Surveys Experiments Interviews
Secondary data Secondary data is collecting some one else's data and using it in things like.. Wikipedia Newspaper magazines
Characteristics of good information Reliable- it should be a good source of information Valid- Is it true? Timely- is it out of date? Fit for purpose- was it collected for that purpose? Accessible- is it easy to get hold of? Cost effective- is it free or do you have to pay for it? Sufficiently detailed- has it got enough detail? accurate- is there anything used to prevent mistakes? Relevant- is it relevant information that people need? Understandable- it should be clear for the audience to read
How gizmo gadgets use Information Gizmo gadgets use a data base for constantly reviewing and updating prices, and to chase any bad debts from account customers. they also use for one for stock checks so that they know how much stock they have and how much they need to order. A payment system is also used to make payments from debit/credit card which goes straight to the company.