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Newspapers’ Impact Study Adding a ‘wow’ kick start to magazine campaigns. Date: March 2011 (Ads tested December 2010). Newspapers have the wow factor to kick-start campaigns. Advertising in national newspapers is a great way to launch a campaign to connect with women.
Newspapers’ Impact StudyAdding a ‘wow’ kick start to magazine campaigns Date: March 2011 (Ads tested December 2010)
Newspapers have the wow factor to kick-start campaigns Advertising in national newspapers is a great way to launch a campaign to connect with women. New NMA research amongst 445 women has shown that advertisers' messages to women have a powerful impact in newspapers. And that those ads stick in women's minds. Both effects are stronger in national newspapers than in the women's magazines on which many female-targeted brands focus their campaigns. The research also found that women put a very high value on reading their newspapers and are more likely to act on the advertising they see there. Newspapers offer a unique combination of: Mass reach: 11.9m women aged 16-60 read newspapers in an average week – 3.9m more than read a magazine. Engagement: newspaper advertising gets noticed in an environment where readers are on the lookout for ideas and information in a medium they trust to be well-informed and to be straight with them. Right-now delivery: 96% of newspaper readers read on the day of publication, compared to 20% for women's weeklies and 4% for women's lifestyle monthlies. That combination makes national newspapers the ideal medium to kick-start a campaign, launching the advertiser's message into the marketplace and ensuring that the campaign is highly visible from the outset.
Research approach • Ad Impact study - 11 ads in both newspapers & magazines : 445 Women aged 16-59 • All regular national newspaper readers: • Quality readers: exposed to Cartier, Moët, J’adore Dior ads • Mid-market readers: exposed to Dolmio, Airwick, Galaxy, Purina ads • Popular /mid-market readers: exposed to Pringles, e.on, Hellmann’s, L’Oréal Revitalift ads • All also read women’s magazines nowadays: • Weeklies readers : one cell exposed to Dolmio, Airwick, Galaxy, Purina ads and one cell exposed to Pringles, e.on, Hellmann’s, L’Oréal Revitalift ads • Monthlies readers : exposed to Cartier, Moët, J’adore Dior ads • All main or joint household shoppers • Newspapers and magazines carrying relevant ads sent to respondents with instructions to attach Post-it notes to anything that stood out/captured attention (no mention of ad test or product category). Publications returned for analysis • Online follow up : media perceptions, ad awareness, category ad awareness, recognition & diagnostics
Range of Publications and ads tested In order to measure the impact of newspapers relative to magazines a broad range of adverts covering a wide cross section of advertising and publications was used.
Creative tested: Quals & Monthly mags Daily Telegraph Friday, December 3, 2010 Vogue December 2010 Fractional, over two pages Pages 3 & 5 Double-page spread Pages 36 & 37 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular quality newspaper and monthly magazine readers 142)
Creative tested: Quals & Monthly mags Times Thursday, November 18, 2010 Vogue December 2010 Full page Page 34 Full page Page 15 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular quality newspaper and monthly magazine readers 142)
Creative tested: Quals & Monthly mags Daily Telegraph Friday, December 3, 2010 Sunday Times Sunday, December 5, 2010 Vogue December 2010 Double-page Spread Pages 8 & 9 Full Page Page 9 Double-page spread Pages 50 & 51 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular quality newspaper and monthly magazine readers 142)
Creative tested: Mids & Weekly mags Daily Mail Monday , November 22, 2010 Woman’s Own November 15, 2010 Full Page Page 26 Full Page Page 38 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid-market newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Creative tested: Mids & Weekly mags The Daily Mail Monday , November 22, 2010 Woman’s Own November 15, 2010 Full page inside back cover Full pagePage 24 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid-market newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Creative tested: Mids & Weekly mags The Evening Standard Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Woman’s Own November 15, 2010 Full Page Page 28 Full Page Page 4 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid-market newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Creative tested: Mids & Weekly mags The Daily Mail Monday , November 22, 2010 Woman’s Own November 15, 2010 Fractional Page 55 Full Page Page 22 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid-market newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Creative tested: Popular/mids & weekly magazines The Mirror, Tuesday , November 23, 2010 Woman’s Own December 6, 2010 Full PagePage 44 FractionalPage 6 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Creative tested: Popular/mids & weekly magazines The Mirror, Friday, December 3, 2010 Woman, December 6, 2010 Full PagePage 36 Full PagePage 36 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Creative tested: Popular/mids & weekly magazines The Mirror, Friday, December 3, 2010 Woman’s Own December 6, 2010 Full PagePage 30 Full PagePage 66 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Creative tested: Popular/mids & weekly magazines The Evening Standard Monday, November 29, 2010 Woman, December 6, 2010 Full PageBack cover Double Page Spread Page 26 & 27 Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Key metrics – Impact & Ad recognition The women were first asked to read the papers and magazines as they would normally, and put a Post-it note on anything that caught their attention. At this stage they had been given no indication what categories the researchers were interested in, and advertising was not mentioned, they were simply highlighting anything that caught their attention. The next stage was to ask women what advertising they had seen in the publications
Newspaper ads achieve 25% higher standout Marked test ads in newspapers with Post-it 40% average 32% average Marked test ads in magazines with Post-it Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular newspaper and magazine readers 445)
Newspaper deliver 25% more impact In the new research, an average of 40% of women marked the test ads in newspapers, against 32% in magazines. In follow-up qualitative research, women like to see advertising that is aimed at them in their newspapers. They often feel that newspaper ads are all about "men's stuff", like motors. Seeing ads for such high-interest products as cosmetics and toiletries was, they said, a pleasant surprise. Ads that speak to them are in tune with the significant female-targeted editorial – newspapers feature more fashion, lifestyle and celebrity coverage than ever before, especially in the high-status, high-interest, high-impact main newspaper. Women said ads in newspapers stood out more than in magazines because there were fewer of them – they spoke about feeling "swamped" by magazine ads, and said they seemed to "morph into each other"
Newspaper ads gain 18% higher recognition 71% average recognition in newspapers + 11%points 60% average recognition in magazine Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular newspaper and magazine readers 445)
Newspaper advertising sinks in deeper The new NMA research found that ad recognition is stronger when the advertisement appears in a newspaper. Ad recognition averaged 71% in newspapers – 11% points above the magazines average – with a top score of 88% for the Dior ad in The Daily Telegraph. Ten of the 11 ads were recognised more strongly from newspapers than from magazines. And of course, as readership is significantly higher, this will have a considerable impact on response levels.
Standout in newspapershigher than magazines “An ad this size certainly stands out” “Love the perfume/colours used in this advert” Telegraph “Very memorable advert” % of women marking ad with Post-it note “Impossible to miss” Sunday Times “This bottle caught my eye as did the writing” “Stunning advert for a top range perfume” “Distinctive advert, hard to ignore” 65% “WOW!” “You can’t miss it, the model and her pose draw you in and the size of the print and product catch your eye” Double-page spread “I love this ad, makes me want to buy, classy” Telegraph “One of my favourite fragrances” 65% Sunday Times Full-page ad 40% Double-page spread Source: Kantar Media/Quality Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 142)
Standout in newspapershigher than magazines “Right hand page is good – the first one I look at – Bold simple message” Comments written on Times Moët advert “Striking photo” “Brilliant!” % of women marking ad with Post-it note “Expensive feel, classy, star quality” “Appropriate for this time of year” “Can’t miss this one” “Elegant and beautiful like the champagne” 58% 27% Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular quality newspaper and monthly magazine readers 142)
Stronger recognition in newspapers than monthly... % recognising Telegraph Vogue Times Vogue Telegraph/ Times Vogue Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular quality newspaper and monthly magazine readers 142)
Standout in newspapers higher than magazines “Looks very appetising I might try this one” Comments written on Daily Mail Dolmio advert “This jacket potato looks absolutely delicious” % of women marking ad with Post-it note “Love the picture makes me want to try out different recipes” “Will look into the recipes online” 38% Full-page ad 36% Full-page ad, back cover Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Stronger recognition in newspapers than weeklies... % recognising Daily Mirror Woman’s Own Daily Mirror Woman Daily Mirror Woman’s Own Evening Standard Woman Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Stronger recognition in newspapers than weeklies... % recognising Daily Mail Woman’s Own Daily Mail Woman’s Own Daily Mail Woman’s Own Evening Standard Woman’s Own Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
What it is about newspapers and these adverts that powered the newspaper results Exploring beyond the headline results consumers were asked to provide as much detail as possible about what the advert was advertising and what it was about the advert that had made it stick in their minds. As a follow up they were asked why they thought the advert had stood out more/the same in the newspaper and magazine
Newspaper advertising achieves higher stand out & recognition by capturing the mood- consumer verbatims The model; I recognise her from movies I have seen and I found her particularly appealing. She caught my eye. I think the black and white and 'sparkle' factor made it stick out It’s a really good ad & gives the bubbly feeling of enjoying drinking Champagne The champagne...I thought it was very appropriate for this time of year The position in the paper, the size of it. The attractive lady model It was a full page advert with a good photograph of Scarlett Johansson holding a bottle of Moët. There is good use of contrast in the photo and it is both dramatic and fun. Full page spread, the dress was attractive and the word "Moët " brought it to my attention Source: Kantar Media/Quality Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 142)
Newspaper advertising achieves higher stand out & recognition by creating interest – consumer verbatims Initially it was the leopard cub that made me notice this advert. then I saw that it was an advert for the Cartier brand - very simple, very effective I thought The cute leopard cub and the fact that there's no product shown on the first page- you have to turn over to see what it's specifically advertising The little leopard was attractive and the ad covered several pages This is one of the adverts that I have put a post-it note on. It is very noticeable as the baby leopard is so beautiful Crisp colour scheme, the use of a baby cub, elegant and eye-catching writing, two page spread It was slightly different from other brand ads Source: Kantar Media/Quality Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 142)
Newspaper advertising achieves higher stand out & recognition by celebrating topicality – consumer verbatims Because the Pringles are coming out of the tube in the shape of a Christmas tree, it took up a whole page and it is bright red and gold The Christmas tree effect of the crisps, and bright colours ...colourful and modern Crisps made into a Christmas tree shape Colour and festive Merry Pringles slogan It was very clear and drew my attention It’s big and bold Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Newspaper advertising achieves higher stand out & recognition by sparking ideas – consumer verbatims The colourful plate of food, also featuring a large picture of the mayo. Tasty ingredients makes you want to try Hellmann’s mayonnaise bring on boxing day Chill out turkey slogan It stood out and was relevant to me It had a suggestion of how to use Hellmann’s Mayo with leftover turkey. I love mayo so it stood out to me! The ad took up a whole page. It has large, brightly coloured words and images. It's different, colourful, nice font letters Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Newspaper advertising surprises and delights – consumer verbatims The little cartoon mice trying to get under a door really sticks in my mind for EON. Red banner and mice + message about draughts The advert was in cartoon form which made me feel attracted to look at it. It was advertising how they can help you get energy fit The offer being advertised Large ad The mice....I like the TV advert, and it reminded me of that The colours The ad was giving away free power-down plugs Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular popular/mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 148)
Newspapers are essential for women • The research suggests that the newspapers' ability to communicate strongly and memorably is related to the high value that women put on reading their newspapers. • The women said that newspapers, much more than magazines, give them comprehensive information that's bang up-to-date, and presented in a way that engages with them so that they enjoy the process of getting informed. • While newspapers, with their right-now deadlines, have a natural advantage over magazines when it comes to news, the research found that newspaper features were also more likely to be regarded as cutting-edge. • Reading the paper is often part of a ritual, like sitting down for a coffee break. It is built into her day, underlining previous NMA research in which women said they make sure that they carve out time in their busy lives to read the newspaper.
Perceived strengths of newspapers compared to magazines Magazines % Newspapers Provides information that is current and upto date Reading is a ritual that keeps me in touch Gives me ideas and things to talk about More informative than other media Offers cutting edge features Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular newspaper and magazine readers 445)
Confidence in papers adds value for advertisers • Not only do newspapers have a high status for their readers, the research also underlined how useful readers find both the editorial and the advertising in their papers. • They see their product reviews as more objective, so they are more likely to use the paper as a source of ideas – most said they have tried products advertised in their newspaper. • Useful articles and ads can be ripped out to be consulted during a shopping trip. And ads can get extra energy from placement near relevant editorial. • The high status of newspapers has a positive impact on newspaper advertisers – 72% of the women in the research agreed that companies that advertise in newspapers "show they are really confident in the product".
Women’s perceptions of newspapers 72% agree Companies that advertise in newspapers show they are really confident in the product 85% agree Seeing ads next to related articles makes them more memorable and relevant 66% quality readers prefer newspaper reviews as they are more objective 65% agree that seeing food, cosmetics, snacks, household and utility adverts in a newspaper made them feel that their paper was including things that interest them personally Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular newspaper and magazine readers 445)
Newspapers drive action 71% often try the products that have been reviewed 69% mid-market readers often rip out newspaper clipping and refer to while shopping Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular newspaper and magazine readers 445)
Advantages of newspapers Women were asked if they were the head of marketing for the brand and they had a new advert to place what did they think the advantages would be to advertise their product in newspapers
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Stature of newspaper if reader spotted ad in their usual newspaper might lead to purchase, because newspapers are more "serious" than magazines, therefore might logically think that the newspaper some how endorses the product or makes it more acceptable and attainable. Saliency Reaches a wider audience on a more regular basis would keep the brand fresh in peoples minds newspaper credibility I think as well, probably just my cynical side, I think a magazine is being paid by the advertiser, I know a paper is as well but I always think of papers comparing it for me. . . I think they (magazines) don’t actually rate their products, they’re just there because they’ve booked space, probably very cynical of me to believe it, but I think the papers compare it and probably look at the look at goods before they put them in there. Surprise factor It could really stand out from all the other advertising there is in newspapers right now. Size adds to Impact Newspapers are often larger therefore allowing for full page or even two page spreads. Speed of cover build National newspapers tend to be read by thousands of people so you are going to appeal to the customers in a faster way. Immediacy I believe the offers more in a newspaper. I don’t know why. Maybe it is because it’s more current and it’s daily and you know it’s up to date. With magazines, you probably think that it’s out of date Scale of audience reach A wider cross section of the public read the newspaper more so more people will be viewing the ad, whereas magazines are targeted to a specific gender and age group with specific interests which do not cover a large section of the public Less Clutter Adverts stand out more as there are less of them in newspapers. Reaching purchaser & recipient More people will see it including men who will buy it for women Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Examples of comments for ‘Alcoholic Drinks’ Proximity to use People read it, especially on trains later in the day when they may want a drink Pick up day of week from previous research Reaching high value customers Greater captive audience, possibly of a more affluent background and therefore more likely to purchase champagne. Editorial context Newspapers tend to have reviews by respected wine critics, as well as their suggestions as to what to try in the drinks market. If you have previously enjoyed suggestions made by their critic, you are more likely to try another of their suggestions Source: Kantar Media/Quality Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 142)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Examples of comments for ‘Food’ Saliency Wider readership - males and females of all ages on a more regular basis - Reaching breadth of HHs to drive penetration Mass market to hit as this product appeals to all Tapping into mindset Catch people looking for a quick and easy supper Fits with behaviour People looking for bargains in the newspaper will find it Proximity to purchase Accessible to more people, may lead to people buying product on way home Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Snacking occasion Many people eat chocolate when reading a newspaper; the two go together. Also, people buy newspapers at the newsagents which also sell chocolate Examples of comments for ‘Chocolate’ Proximity to purchase Target people when they are travelling and might prompt a purchase whilst hungry and en route Saliency Wider readership on a more regular basis. The more often people see it the more they will remember it, and the more likely they are to make it their first choice when buying. Impulse Could encourage an impulse purchase at the train station if people are reading it on the way to work Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Examples of comments for ‘Fragrance’ Size creates impact Newspapers are often larger therefore allowing for full page or even two page spreads. Reaching the purchaser More likely to reach men who would choose perfume based only on advert. Men often buy perfume for Christmas and birthdays and would probably feel that a perfume which was advertised would probably have a status! Stature of paper Newspapers are more widely respected and therefore advertising in newspapers is regarded more highly and considered to be of a higher and more reliable standard. Reaching the gift purchaser and recipient At Christmas time you may remind men of the need to buy the women in their life a present and it could be perfume - men may not read glossy magazines where perfumes are usually advertised Surprise element It would be less expected so would have a greater impact, also it would reach a wider audience Source: Kantar Media/Quality Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 142)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Greater exposure wider coverage and a greater diversity of readers, so more exposure for your product Examples of comments for ‘Luxury Accessories’ Reaching the purchaser &recipient You are widening your audience because a lot of people buy the newspaper, men tend to read newspapers more then women they often don't know what to buy women so are more likely to buy a product that has caught their eye in the paper. Higher impact, less cluttered It is more likely to be noticed because there are fewer adverts in newspapers; and larger adverts are more likely to capture attention. In magazines, there are too many advertisements and they all look the same after a while. This doesn't happen in newspapers. More affluent audience The market would be intelligent people who earn good money and choose wisely to buy products Impact from size larger pages to show the product and grab the attention Source: Kantar Media/Quality Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 142)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Proximity to purchase People are reading it & then go shopping so might buy product Examples of comments for ‘Cosmetics’ Immediacy I think it is good to know where and when are offers in stores for Cosmetics. Editorial Context Can put [the adverts] next to celeb photos, on lifestyle pages etc Timing The other thing about the difference between a newspaper and a magazine, I have a monthly magazine and it’s always like a month early so Christmas was in November. Easy portable reminder Appeals to both male and female, can be ripped out and kept as a reminder by the person reading the newspaper Impact I think more people would take a double look at the advert in the newspaper Purchaser & recipient Appealing to the male of the household - the boyfriend or husband who wouldn't read a woman's magazine. Source: Kantar Media/Popular Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 148)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Examples of comments for ‘Household’ Stature & authority People tend to take products advertised in newspapers more seriously Broader reach Wide readership; all sorts might buy air freshener and you're not restricting your readership. Somehow seems more serious in a newspaper. More attentive audience people spend longer and concentrate more when reading daily newspapers than weekly women's mags Source: Kantar Media Dec10 (Women regular mid newspaper and weekly magazine readers 155)
Newspapers have clear advantages for consumers Examples of comments for ‘Energy Provider’ Editorial Context The readership is looking for concrete information and probably reads the paper thoroughly Less cluttered Newspaper ads sometimes stand out a bit more because newspapers have less advertisements. Size drives Impact The pages are bigger therefore advert would be larger and more eye-catching. newspapers appeal to both men and women and a broader range of readers Key hard to reach audiences Men tend to choose things like that [energy providers] and more likely to read newspapers Breadth of reach A newspaper is bought by all kinds of people and the ad would have a broader audience type Source: Kantar Media/Popular Market Reading & Noting study,Dec10 (Women 148)