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Recent development s of the Hungarian Academic and Research Network

Recent development s of the Hungarian Academic and Research Network. István Tétényi dr., Hungarnet/NIIF, Hungary E-mai l : tetenyi@sztaki.hu. Background. Representing the Hungarian research networking community – Hungarnet/NIIF Hungarnet has a 1 4 years history

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Recent development s of the Hungarian Academic and Research Network

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  1. Recent developments of the Hungarian Academic and Research Network István Tétényi dr., Hungarnet/NIIF, Hungary E-mail: tetenyi@sztaki.hu

  2. Background • Representing the Hungarian research networking community – Hungarnet/NIIF • Hungarnet has a 14 years history • Serving 400 institutions and roughly 400000 users • Personal involvement in Pan European research networking projects

  3. Content • Historical overview • Recent Results • Closing

  4. GRID IPtelephony 169+90 HBONE IPv6 directory SEZAM I.Ext. II. Ext access network TEN-155 upg. AUP Centr. Fac. Supercomputing GEANT Optical Internet directory SEZAM Government decision TEN-155 Ella X.25 Bitnet HBONE TEN-34 MEK Other issues Historical overview Hungarnet 2002 Hungarnet 2001 Hungarnet 2000 Hungarnet 1999 Hungarnet before 1999

  5. The development of Hungarnet

  6. The development of HBONE The sixth generation of technology

  7. GEANT Optical Internet Recent results 1999-2002 • High-speed research network • Upgrade of access • application projects Supercomputing directory SZEZÁM IP telephony

  8. The GEANT project • One of the key projects • 123+Gbps and 27 countries • World-class service • Optical Internet • Budapest becomes an important focal point, regional hub • The Hungarian telecommunication becomes stronger (MATÁV and PanTel) • GTRAN

  9. Hungarnet in Europe

  10. National effortsHBONE- the Hungarian research computer network • In a nutshell: • covers 400 institutions • services for 400000 users • all universities/high-schools, academic research institutions, public libraries and museums, + ministries • STM-16 connection to GEANT • ~30Gbps internally

  11. Hungarnet Optical Internet • Aim: world-class service in Hungary • Long preparation • Successful public procurement • Connectivity providers: MATÁV and Vivendi • Capacity upgrade 3.5Gbps 30Gbps • Hungarian national framework programme

  12. Szekszárd Hungarnet Optical Internet • Public procurment of equipment • Cisco 12416, Catalyst 6509 • MPLS extension • In service: mid December 2001 • Transition period: one month Leading-edge network services in Hungary

  13. Upgrading the access in Hungarnet • Emphasize backbone vs. access (35. vs. 400) • Framework contract with major provider for yearly upgrade of 50-100% • New access routers for 200+ sites • Aims in the next three years • 75% of sites with 512kbps – 1.5Mbps capacity • Average access: 750kbps • Introduction of ADSL More capacity for more sites

  14. Supercomputing in Hungarnet • Background: • There are scientific and research problems that can only be solved using supercomputers and by grids • Hungarian researcher need this service • The Hungarian GRID uses the high-speed national network • Three supercomputer installation in 2001 • Participation in several international GRID projects • Targets: • grid of 50 clusters + some supercomputer • computing capacity: min. 1000Gflops • at least 100 research projects • Problems: quick erosion of computing capacity • Long term national policy is required; Hungarnet plays active role

  15. IP telephony in Hungarnet • Four key issues: • Avoid long distance national, international charges • Almost free telephony between Hungarnet institutions • Cost savings, benefit from economy of scale • New integration phone, PC, Internet • Open organizational and management issues • Long term preparation, demonstrations

  16. Internet weathermap

  17. Looking at from a perspective • International recognition • “for example it has been possible to upgrade the Hungarian network this year directly from 2Mbit/s to 155Mbit/s for the same price !” (Background material for the EC minister of science’s in March 2000. The only positive example.) • National recognition • Telcos are in favour of fair competition and results that shows their competence • Why the status of the Hungarian research network is important ? • 5th/6thFramework programme – Information Society Technologies Goal is: a competitive, extended, united Europe

  18. Summary • Significant development of Hungarnet in the last 2-3 years • Conformity with the eEurope requirements • The infrastructure of the Hungarian research network is advanced in European terms • Application projects (Közelkat, MOKKA, Directory, Hungarian Digital Library, supercomputing, stb.) • The foundation for the next three years is established • Important role within GEANT for the CEE region • End of the era of rationing capacity Joint European effort: world-class research, development, and education

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