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Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition. Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers. At the end of this Lesson, you will be able to answer: What should be the basis for deciding the amount of manures and fertilizers to chili pepper?
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers • At the end of this Lesson, you will be able to answer: • What should be the basis for deciding the amount of manures and fertilizers to chili pepper? • What is the recommended rate of organic manures for chili pepper? • What is the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium recommendation for chili pepper? • When do you apply nitrogen in two doses? • What is the method of application of phosphatic fertilizers? • How do you apply recommended dose of potassium?
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers Prior to the availability of improved varieties and chili pepper hybrids, very little fertilizers were used with consequent low chili pepper yields. With the cultivation of high yielding varieties and hybrids, fertilizer application is essential to get the yield potential of these cultivars.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers A soil test is the most practical method of determining fertilizer needs of chili pepper crop. However, in the absence of soil test results, the recommended fertilizer application need to be followed.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers For rain fed crop 2-3 tones of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) need to be applied before last plowing and then properly incorporated. For hybrids and high yielding varieties cultivated under irrigated conditions, the dose of FYM or compost needs to be doubled i.e. 5-6 tones/acre. Azospirillum, a biofertilizer, is recommended to at 2 Ib/acre mixed with each of 25 Ibof FYM and soil, and applied at the final plowing or at transplanting.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers Chili pepper responds profitably to a balanced fertilizer application program. Soil testing to know about the nutrient availability is the first step towards balanced fertilizer program that do not waste fertilizer by applying nutrients that are already sufficient for the anticipated level of production. Balanced fertility program improves water use efficiency, drought-tolerance, and yield at the lowest possible cost.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers Under dry land conditions with low rainfall 80 to 120 Ib/acre of nitrogen may be adequate for varieties of low yield potential. For long-season, high rainfall or irrigated areas may require 150 to 200 Ib/acreto get higher yields. Recommended rate of nitrogen is applied in two equal split doses in light soils. The first application is done at sowing and the second one 25 to 30 days after planting.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers Soil tests showing low and very low phosphorous (P) indicate an expected response to phosphorous application, unless yield potential is restricted by insufficient moisture. Response has been erratic with medium testing soil and is unlikely when soil tests are high or very high. The recommended rate of phosphorus application is 50 Ib P2O5/acre for rainfedchili pepper and 80 to 200 Ib P2O5 /acre for irrigated chili pepper.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers The recommended rate of phosphorus is applied in one dose, and along with nitrogen fertilizer at the time of sowing. Phosphorus has to be applied as side dressing or by placement below the seed for its efficient utilization of plants.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers Soils with medium or above in potassium will not normally show a yield response to added potassium fertilizer. For soils low in potassium (less than 150 Ib/acre), the recommended rates are 50 Ib/acre of K20 for rainfedchili pepper and 150 Ib/acre of K20 for irrigated chili pepper. Like phosphorus, potassium also is applied in one dose at the time of sowing along with nitrogen fertilizer.
Module V: Chili Pepper Plant Nutrition • Lesson 4: Application of Manures and Fertilizers With this, the Lesson 4 on Application of manures and fertilizers, and also this Module 5 on Chili pepper Plant Nutrition concludes. The next Module in this Course deals with the nutrient deficiency symptoms in chili pepper.