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Refueling of transit flights made through the territory of the Russian Federation. Gazpromneft-Aero Group of Companies, 2012 г. Gazpromneft-Aero JSC – exclusive supplier of aviation fuel produced at GAZPROM NEFT refineries.
Refueling of transit flights made through the territory of the Russian Federation Gazpromneft-Aero Group of Companies, 2012 г.
Gazpromneft-Aero JSC – exclusive supplier of aviation fuel produced at GAZPROM NEFT refineries GAZPROM NEFT is a subsidiary of Gazprom, and one of Russia’s fastest growing oil companies. Our main activities are: the exploration and development of oil and gas deposits, refining and oil products sales. Our proven SPE (PRMS) reserves of over 1 billion tones of oil equivalent (toe) make us one of the top 20 oil companies in the world. Based on 2010 production numbers, Gazprom Neft is one of Russia’s top five largest vertically integrated oil companies. More than 70% of oil production occurs at GAZPROM NEFT own plants Gazprom Neft main processing activityin Russia is at the Omsk Refinery, Moscow Refinery, Yaroslavl Refinery. The Omsk Refinery is Russia’s leader by refining volumes and product quality.
Gazpromneft-Aero JSCFifth year of progressive development December 06, 2007Gazpromneft-Aero JSC was registered as a subsidiary enterprise of GAZPROM NEFT. At the moment more than 100 work at Gazpromneft-Aero JSC, and its subsidiaries count more than 1800 employees. Gazpromneft-Aero JSC cooperates with the biggest Russian airlines such as Aeroflot, Transaero, Volga-Dnepr, AirBridgeCargo, S7, Red Wings, Nordavia, VIM-Avia, I Flyetc, as well as with the foreign airlines, such asEmirates, Turkish Airlines, AigleAzur, Air Cargo Germany, Aerosvit, Aviatraffic, Air Astanaetc. Gazpromneft-Aero JSCalso supplies aviation fuel for Government purposes: RF Ministry of Defense; EMERCOM; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Federal State Reserve Agency.
Gazpromneft-Aero is the leader in retail saleswhich owns the biggest supply network in Russia Murmansk Kaliningrad Saint-Petersburg Tver Pskov Yaroslavl Refinery Moscow Refinery Sheremetyevo Chkalovsky Vnukovo Domodedovo Ryazan Bryansk Tambov Lipetsk Ulyanovsk Kursk Екатеринбург Borisoglebsk Saratov Voronezh Komsomolsk-na-Amure Taganrog Tomsk Omsk Refinery Krasnoyarsk Chelyabinsk Omsk Akhtubinsk Blagoveschensk Novosibirsk Novorossiysk Kemerovo Chita АэропоGazprom Neft Refineries ртыНПЗ сбытовой
Map of Gazpromneft-Aero presence in the foreign airports Gazpromneft-Aero sales figures outside Russian Federation 200 9 thousand tones 65 137 2009 2010 2011 2012 (forecast) Europe Austria(1) Germany(3) Greece (4) Spain (7) Italy (7) Cyprus(2) Norway(2) Sweden(1) France (3) Finland(2) Czech Republic(1) Turkey (5) Bulgaria(2) Serbia(1) Slovakia(2) Montenegro(1) Croatia (3) Portugal (3) Great Britain (1) Latvia (1) A/P Countries IN 81AIRPORTS IN 36 COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD Япония (1) Таиланд (2) Гонконг (1) Индия (4) Китай (4) Сингапур (1) Сейшелы (1) Никарагуа (1) Мальдивы (1) Africa Egypt(5) Nigeria(1) Tunisia(1) Equatorial Guinea (1) Jordan(1) UAE(1) Uganda (1) Ethiopia (1) South America Brazil(1)
Map of aviation fuel supplies to the airports of Russian Federationand CIS which serve the international transit flights • Main transit airports in Company network St. Petersburg Yaroslavl refinery Sheremetyevo Moscow refinery Ulyanovsk Omsk refinery Novosibirsk Krasnoyarsk • Gazprom Neft refineries Kyrgyzstan
Sheremetyevo Airport (Moscow)Gazpromneft-Aero Sheremetyevo, Ltd. Fueling company Gazpromneft-Aero Sheremetyevo is a joint project of Gazpromneft-Aero, JSC and “International airport Sheremetyevo, JSC. At the moment aviation fuel is supplied from Gazprom Neft Moscow Refinery, refueling is arranged by “International Airport Sheremetyevo” JSC. In 2012 it is planned to set into operation new fueling complex Gazpromneft-Aero Sheremetyevo, Ltd which will be included into general system of aviation supply of Sheremetyevo airport. • The structure of Gazpromneft-Aero Sheremetyevo fueling complex will consist of the following items: • Depot with general capacity of 20 000 m3 • Loading points of aviation fuel with effective output • 3 000 m3per day • 6modern refuellers • Quality control laboratory • Refueling operations through new refueling complex will start in October 2012.
Pulkovo Airport (Saint-Petersburg)SOVEX, Ltd Refueling of aviation fuel in Pulkovo is arranged by SOVEX, the enterprise been opened in May 04, 1995. Since the time of acquisition of the enterprise shares in February 2008, the Enterprise is equally owned by Gazpromneft-Aero and Lukoil. Refueling complex SOVEX rends the following services: • Aircrafts refueling with aviation fuel; • Laboratory quality control; • Aviation lubricants and special fluids supplies: Production facilities of the refueling complex: • Storage tank capacity– 29 400 m3 • Number of refuellers– 20items
Airports Vostochniy and Tsentralniy (Ulyanovsk) Gazpromneft-Aero Ulyanovsk, Ltd. • Gazpromneft-Aero Ulyanovsk, Ltd. started its activity on November 19, 2010. • The Company was founded by Gazpromneft-Aero as a subsidiary enterprise. • Gazpromneft-Aero Ulyanovsk is rending the following services in International Airport Ulyanovsk Vostochniy and Airport Ulyanovsk Tsentralniy: • Refueling of aircrafts with aviation fuel TS-1; • Special fluids supplies(anti-icing liquid «I-M»). • Production facilities of the refueling complex: • Storage tank capacity– 800m3 • Number of refuellers– 5 items • The annual volumes refueled by Gazpromneft-Aero Ulyanovsk in 2011were230 tones, for 6 month of 2012 – 6 800 tones. • Since 01.09.2012 it is planned to expand storage tank capacity up to 4600 m3 and its park of refuellers up to 8items.
Airport Tolmachevo(Novosibirsk)Gazpromneft-Aero JSC • Gazpromneft-Aero Novosibirsk, JSC was founded in 2008. It is a joint project of Gazpromneft-Aero JSC and “International Airport Tolmachevo”, JSC. Production facilities of the refueling complex: • Storage tank capacity – 38 000 m3 • Number of refuellers– 6items. • In 2008 International Aviation Fuel Quality Committee of IATA counseled its favorable conclusion and awarded Gazpromneft-Aero Novosibirsk fueling complex with “Green Status” (highest estimate). • First in the Russian Federation IATA study center started its activity in 2009. It works in cooperation with Gazpromneft-Aero Novosibirsk providing trainings for aviation supply inspectors. At the moment there are refueled 12 Russian airlines and 5 foreign clients.
Airport Yemelyanovo(Krasnoyarsk) Refueling operations in Yemelyanovo airport (Krasnoyarsk) are made in partnership with SibirAvia Service, JSC and TZK Yenisey, JSC. The volume of refueling of Gazpromneft-Aero in the airport of Yemelyanovo: • Production facilities of Yeniseyrefueling complex • Delivery depot – 900m3; • Number of refuellers– 9items; • Fuel Quality Laboratory. • Production facilities ofSibirAvia Service, JSC: • Storage capacity of aviation fuel - 15 000 m3; • Number of refuellers– 9items. • At the moment a new depot of Yenisey refueling complex with a capacity of 5000 m3 is being built. • Its productive capacity for refueling is up to 120 000 tones of aviation fuel per year. • Aviation fuel depot start-up is planned for October 2012.
Airport of Manas • Gazpromneft-Aero Kyrgyzstan, Ltd. • Refueling company Gazpromneft-Aero Kyrgyzstan was founded in 2010. It is a joint project of Gazpromneft-Aero and Government Enterprise Refueling Complex Manas. • Production facilities of the refueling complex: • Delivery storage depot in “Manas” airport – 12 000 MT • Number of refuellers– 5itemswith capacity of 152 m3 • Into-plane refueling volumes in 2011 -39 211 tones, • 6 months of 2012 – 18 676 tones • In 2011 International Aviation Fuel Quality Committee of IATA counseled its favorable conclusion and awarded Gazpromneft-Aero Kyrgyzstan fueling complex with “Green Status” (highest estimate). • Max possible daily refueling volume is 300 MT • Max possible monthly refueling volume is9300 MT • There is a technical possibility to increase daily volumes of refueling up to 500MT and monthly volumes up to 15 500 MT.
7 main basic advantages to work with Gazpromneft-Aero Direct supplies from the nearby Refineries of Gazprom Neft in Russia: Moscow Refinery, Yaroslavl Refinery, Omsk Refinery Long-term aviation fuel supply contracts (1-2 year) Transparent formula pricing based on Platt’s quotations Refueling complexes network in 35 airports of Russian Federation Gazpromneft-Aero is a strategic partner of IATA. IATA holds regular inspections of Gazpromneft-Aero network of refueling complexes. Insurance of aviation risks while refueling AC with a 500 000 000 USD limit placed in international insurance company Lloyd’s Customer service 24/7
Gazpromneft-Aero – the energy of your flight! GAZPROMNEFT-AERO JSC 14/3 Krzhizhanovskogost., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117218 Tel +7 (495) 642-99-67 Directorate Tel.: +7 (495) 642-99-67, ext.19-04 Fax: +7 (495) 642-99-67 E-mail: aero@gazprom-neft.ru