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Photosynthesis!. Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis Chemical process Plants absorb sunlight Convert light energy into stored chemical energy Why do plants need this energy?. Where it happens. Photosynthesis occurs in green pigments Called chlorophyll Found in chloroplasts

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  1. Photosynthesis!

  2. Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis • Chemical process • Plants absorb sunlight • Convert light energy into stored chemical energy • Why do plants need this energy?

  3. Where it happens • Photosynthesis occurs in green pigments • Called chlorophyll • Found in chloroplasts • Usually found in mesophyll tissue of leaves • Each mesophyll cell contains between 20-100 chloroplasts Xylem &Phloem

  4. Chloroplasts • Chloroplasts have membrane to contain the fluid inside • Fluid-filled area is called Stroma • It contains enzymes needed for photosynthetic reactions

  5. Chloroplasts • Also inside chloroplasts: • Thylakoids • Set of interconnected flat, disk-like sacs • A stack of them that look like a stack of coins are called Grana

  6. Chlorophyll • Chlorophyll is a complex molecule • Main pigment of photosynthesis • Three pigments are needed for photosynthesis

  7. Chlorophyll • Chlorophyll a • Bright green • Absorbs energy from a specific range of light • Violet-blue to red and red-orange wavelengths • Initiates light dependant reactions

  8. Chlorophyll • Chlorophyll b • Yellow green in color • Absorbs light wavelengths slightly different than Chlorophyll a • Carotenoids • Yellow and orange in color • Absorb energy from green-yellow-orange wavelengths • Energy absorbed can be transferred to Chlorophyll a

  9. Process of Photosynthesis • Trap light energy • Convert light energy into chemical energy • That is it • Then the plant can use the chemical energy(sugar) to grow

  10. Process of Photosynthesis • What traps the light energy? • chlorophyll • That energy is used to manufacture high-energy compounds • What is a compound? • ATP, NADPH • Adenosine triphosphate • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

  11. Process of Photosynthesis • The ATP and NADPH are then used to make carbohydrates • Sugar, Starch, Cellulose • Sugar and starch are the cells’ energy source • Cellulose is what makes up cell walls in plant cells • Watch it

  12. Process of Photosynthesis • Two main reactions in the process of photosynthesis

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