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Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Nghia Mr. Le Hong Phong Mr. Tran Duy Hung Ms. Tran Thu Thuy Isabel Beltran Victor Orozco. Impact Evaluation of CDBC under Vietnam Second Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project. Project description.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Nghia Mr. Le Hong Phong Mr. Tran Duy Hung Ms. Tran Thu Thuy Isabel Beltran Victor Orozco Impact Evaluation of CDBC under Vietnam Second Northern Mountains Poverty Reduction Project
Project description The development objective of the project: to enhance the living standards of the project beneficiaries by improving their access to productive infrastructure, productive and institutional capacity of local government and communities, and market linkages and business innovations.
Project description Project components: • Component 1: District Economic Development • Basic productive infrastructure and business innovations • Component 2: Commune Devel. Budget Component • Small grants decentralized to communes for locally prioritized activities • Component 3: Capacity Building • Management-related and vocational skills • Component 4: Project Management
Project description Some more details for Component 2 – CDBC: • The component aims to improve the livelihood of villages by exploiting local potential resources, creating local employments, encouraging market linkages and value-chains for local products. • Gender issue is focused on by designing one sub-component in which all activities are proposed and implemented by local women.
Research questions • Question 1: What is the impact of CDBC in the livelihood of the villages? • Question 2: Do villages that have a female leader have different impact in the livelihood of the village after the project?
Indicators • Indicator 1: income (including: average on-farm and off-farm income). • Indicator 2: average women that participate in community activities (village council meetings) and women status. • Indicator 3: level of satisfaction with the local government
Identification strategy Total: 230 pre-selected communes 10 villages in each commune on average 130 randomly selected communes (inside the commune, villages are randomly split into 2 groups: ones have female leaders the others have male leaders) 70 communes that were the control (inside the commune, villages are randomly split into 2 groups: ones have female leaders the others have male leaders) 10% (30) communes already selected (political reasons) 1.5 years 1.5 years 6 months 6 months Phase 2 (6mo.) Phase 1 (6mo.) 2nd follow -up Baseline Follow -up
Sample • 200 communes in 6 provinces in Vietnam already selected by Ministry of Planning and Investment. • Each commune has approx. 10 villages • Sample: 2,000 villages approx. • Each village has approx. 40 households. • Randomly select the communes and then randomly select the villages to have male/female leaders.
Timeline • Project begins: August 2010 • Finalize concept note: October 2010 • Baseline: August 2011 • Treatment group (1st cohort): Sept. – Dec. 2011 • 1st follow-up: August 2013 • Treatment group (2nd cohort): Sept. – Dec. 2013 • 2nd follow-up: August 2015
Impact evaluation team • National and Provincial Government (Ministry of Planning and Investment, central project coordination office, Project Management Unit of each province) • WB Project team (TTL) • DIME team • Data collection agency (National Statistics Office)
Estimated budget • Total project investment budget: $165million • 1% of total budget is planned for M&E task ($1.6million) • 30% of M&E budget for IE task: $500,000 this will cover the data collection.
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