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Spring 06 ORF Final Senate Allocations. The POT:. Rules and Guidelines. Must submit the following within a 2 week deadline from the date of the event: Event Summary Receipt Itemization Attendance List Receipts Get forms from: http://www.umaryland.edu/usga/finances.html.
Rules and Guidelines • Must submit the following within a 2 week deadline from the date of the event: • Event Summary • Receipt Itemization • Attendance List • Receipts • Get forms from: http://www.umaryland.edu/usga/finances.html • Must spend USGA funds on the specific items that the senate motions and votes • Contact me, Jessie O’Kane, the treasurer, at jokan001@umaryland.edu if you need clarity or to schedule an appointment for office hours (usual office hours are Tuesday 5-6pm)
For ALL ORFs • Advertise, Advertise, Advertise • All funded events should submit a flyer or event summary to Kristy Ward prior to their event so that it can be added to the USGA website • Please send your campus-wide events for USGANews to USGAannouncements@yahoo.com by each Sunday night for weekly posting
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (KY) Other funding: Variable: None as of yet, SOP SGA, Entrance fees ($13) for non-students. Price for non-students will vary based on funding
ISO = $3950 + 350 = $4300 • Systematic breakdown • IA received = $1200 to spend as need on the movie night and/or Holi Show • CSSA received = $1000 to spend as needed on the Chinese New Year Festival • ISO = received $1750 to spend as need on World Fest • An additional $350 was added and can be spent as needed for any of the aforementioned events
Project Jump Start = $900 Requested by: Daniel Anderson and Julia Della-Maria • Project jump start was allocated a total of $900 to spend on food for the homeless over the course of this semester
Alpha Omega Alpha: AOA = $0 • It was recommended that AOA receive $225 to purchase food for one lecture. • Ultimately, AOA was denied funds by the senate.
ABAE: A Bridge to Academic Excellence = $1150 Requested by: Dean Howell Nature of Event: Tutoring sessions and awards ceremony Date/time of Event: 01/21/05 – 05/06/05; 10-12PM Saturdays Location of Event: Pharmacy Learning Center and MSTF • ABAE was granted a total of $1425 • Food - Awards Ceremony: 500 • Snacks - weekly sessions: 650 • Hall Rental and setup: 275 For more information contact rhowe001@umaryland.edu • Other funding: Name of Sources & Amount Granted From Each: • Pharmacy School: $1000.00 • ABAE: $300.00
Maryland Public Interest Law Project, Inc (MLILP) = $1500 • Requested by Kelley Walsh • March 11, 2006: 6:00-11:00 pm • Senate voted as per the committee’s recommendations: Other Funding: SBA = $1300 for Spring, $300 for Fall (requested $2100)
International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) = $135 • Satish Valluri • Date/Time of Event: 03/15/06 from 11:30 - 12:30 • Location of Event: HSF II Room no. 600 • The Senate voted as per the committee’s recommendations: Other funding: none
Student National Dental Association = $625 • Request by: April Johnson • ]Date/Time of Event February 23, 2006 at 5:30 pm • The senate voted as per the committee’s recommendations: Other funding requested: $250 from USAD (pending)
2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Patient Management Competition ( IPMC) = $671 • Requested by: Sam Lee (co-sponsored by PLS and ASHP) • The Senate allotted a total of $985 • Security = $66 • Food = $500 • Photocopies = $25 • Awards = $80 • And $314 in additional funds to spend as needed on any item requested Other funds: $300 (PLS and ASHP fundraising ($150 each))
MSSA: requested by Yasmeen Abou-Sayed Total $3825 Total requested $3675, Recommended = $1572 The Senate voted to allow MSSA to spend the allocated sum, $1572, as need for any item they requested
Student National Pharmaceutical Asso. (SNPhA) = $250 • Requested by: Latasha Weeks • Date/Location: Tuesday, 2/28/06, 11am – 12pm, Room 120 and Lounge, Pharmacy Hall • The Senate voted as per the committee’s recommendations:
ASTHMA OUTREACH COALITION • The Senate voted as per the committee’s recommendations, which allotted funds for food for the first two events = $850
USAD: $1715 The senate voted to allow MSSA to spend the allocated sum, $1715, as need for any item they requested