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How Many Illegal Songs Are Downloaded Each Day?

How Many Illegal Songs Are Downloaded Each Day?. By: Déja N. Agee Justin Grey Timothy Robertson Date: 9/15/09. Did You Know .

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How Many Illegal Songs Are Downloaded Each Day?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Many Illegal Songs Are Downloaded Each Day? By: Déja N. Agee Justin Grey Timothy Robertson Date: 9/15/09

  2. Did You Know • On the Did You Know video one of the slides said “694,000 songs are downloaded during this presentation”. So me and my two friends Justin Grey and Timothy Robertson are going to try to prove that somewhat correct.

  3. Fergal Sharkey Background • Fergal Sharkey, former lead singer of the Undertones quoted“I was one of those people who went around the back of the bike shed with songs I had taped off the radio the night before. But this totally dwarfs that, and anything we expected.”.

  4. Fined For Illegal Downloads Of Music • According to CNN it says that Why suing college students for downloading music is right. I think that shows me and you that we may not know how many songs are downloaded per day but that says that students do get caught and fined with downloading illegal music.

  5. To Our Knowledge • To our knowledge we know that in the 8th grade at Carter G Woodson 8A and 8B download illegal music. Including Justin, Timothy, and Myself. I know for sure I download illegal music. • So that tells us that students and maybe adults download illegal music because it’s normal for teenagers and college students to download music illegally.

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