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Economic Consequences. Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 - Article 1:This Regulation has as its objective the adoption and use of international accounting standards to ensure a high degree of transparency and comparability of financial statements and hence an efficient functioning of the Communi
1. “Economic Consequences”Mid-Term ReviewFebruary 2009, Valencia Ulf Brüggemann
Theodosia Konstantinidi
Urška Kosi
Laura Marquez Ramos
2. Economic Consequences Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 - Article 1:
“This Regulation has as its objective the adoption and use of
international accounting standards … to ensure a high degree of
transparency and comparability of financial statements and
hence an efficient functioning of the Community capital market
and of the Internal Market.”
Capital market effects vs. real economic consequences
Intended vs. unintended economic consequences
Compliance and enforcement
Market solution?
3. Background Ulf Brüggemann
Since 04/2007 INTACCT ESR, Lancaster University
Since 10/2004 PhD Studies, University of Cologne
07/2003 Diploma in Business Administration, University of Münster
PhD Thesis: “Economic Consequences of mandatory IFRS adoption in Europe”
PhD supervisor: Carsten Homburg (University of Cologne)
INTACCT supervisors: Peter F. Pope, Steve Young (Lancaster University), Holger Daske (University of Mannheim, Frankfurt University)
4. Experiences Ulf Brüggemann
PhD and Research Seminars
Stimulating research environment
Workshops / Colloquia
International conferences
Great community ? current / future collaboration
5. Output Ulf Brüggemann
“Mandatory IFRS adoption, information and market liquidity around earnings announcements” (with Paulo Alves and Peter F. Pope)
“How do foreign retail investors react to global IFRS adoption?” (with Holger Daske, Carsten Homburg and Peter F. Pope)
Other Activities:
Book review (TIJA)
Web-based literature database
ESR/ER group projects
6. Future Plans Ulf Brüggemann
Finish current projects
Review of IFRS literature (with Jörg-Markus Hitz and Thorsten Sellhorn)
Project on unintended consequences of IFRS adoption
Project on market reactions to earnings announcements
After INTACCT (03/2010) ? job market
7. Background Theodosia Konstantinidi
Since 10/2007 INTACCT ESR, University of Cyprus
Since 10/2007 PhD Studies, Lancaster University
2006-2007 MSc in Accounting and Financial Management, Lancaster University
PhD Thesis: ‘The accrual anomaly under different accounting standards: Risk or mispricing”
PhD supervisor: Peter F. Pope (Lancaster University)
INTACCT supervisors: Andreas Charitou (University of Cyprus)
Irene Karamanou (University of Cyprus)
Peter F. Pope (Lancaster University)
8. Experiences
9. Output Theodosia Konstantinidi
“The accrual anomaly under different GAAP regimes”
“Accrual and cash flow multiple-based valuation. Implications for the accruals anomaly”
Other Activities:
Web-based literature database
10. Future Plans Theodosia Konstantinidi
Continuous education
Complete current and start new projects
Collaboration with other ESR’s (with Zoltan)
After INTACCT (10/2010) ? position at a university
11. Background Urška Kosi
04/2004 MSc in Economics, University of Ljubljana
Since 09/2007 INTACCT ESR, University of Macedonia
Since 10/2007 PhD Student, Lancaster University
PhD Thesis: “Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting”
PhD supervisor: Peter F. Pope (Lancaster University)
INTACCT supervisors: Annita Florou (University of Macedonia), Peter F. Pope (Lancaster University), Aljoša Valentincic (University of Ljubljana)
12. Experiences
13. Output Urška Kosi
“Asset Write-Offs in the Absence of Agency Problems” (with Neil Garrod, Aljoša Valentincic)
“Institutional Environment in EU Countries”
“IFRS and Debt Contracting?” (with Annita Florou)
Other Activities:
ESR/ER group projects
Coordination of reporting activities
Conference and seminar attendance
14. Future Plans Urška Kosi
Finish current projects
IFRS reconciliations (with Katja Kaker)
IFRS consequences in financial sector
15. Background Laura Márquez-Ramos
Business Administration and Management, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón (1998-2002)
Background: International Economics
Ph D. International Economics (2007): “New determinants of bilateral trade: An empirical analysis for developed and developing countries”
Related publications:
“Technological Innovation, Trade and Development”, in Information and Communication Technologies for Economic and Regional Developments, ed. Dr. M. Hakikur Rahman. Idea group inc, 2007
“The Role of Distance in Gravity Regressions: Is There Really a Missing Globalisation Puzzle?”, Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 7 (1), 2007
“The Effect of Trade Facilitation on Sectoral Trade”, the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 8 (1) (Topics), Article 42, 2008
17. Output Laura Márquez-Ramos (May 2007- February 2008)
“The Effect of IFRS Adoption on Trade and Foreign Direct Investments”
Workshops, conferences and schools:
IV Accounting Research Symposium, Amsterdam
Ninth Trento Summer School, Intensive Course
in Financial Instability and Crises, Trento
VI Workshop de investigación empírica en contabilidad financiera, Madrid
18th International conference of international trade and finance association (IFTA), Lisbon
VIII doctoral meetings in international trade
and international finance, Barcelona
18. Future Plans Laura Márquez-Ramos
Academic profile:
Working as a lecturer at University Jaume I (March 2008)
Teaching 2008-2009: Economic integration in a Master’s degree, World Economy, Economics, and Quantitative Methodology for Business
IFRS effect at a macroeconomic level
Experimental interest, voluntariety vs. mandatoriety