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Strategic Council Meeting 6

Strategic Council Meeting 6. September 26, 2012 BCIT Downtown Campus 1230 – 1600h. Page |. BC campus | connect. collaborate. innovate. . Proposed agenda. Page |. BC campus | connect. collaborate. innovate. . Meeting notes and attachments.

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Strategic Council Meeting 6

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Strategic Council Meeting 6 September 26, 2012 BCIT Downtown Campus 1230 – 1600h Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  2. Proposed agenda Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  3. Meeting notes and attachments • February 8, 2012 meeting notes were distributed for review and/or comment • Also distributed was BCcampus draft annual report for 2011 – 2012 • Updated governance package elements for review and comment Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  4. Follow-up items from meeting #5 • Management of online learning survey Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  5. Management survey • Survey of BC and Alberta post-secondary institution re. management of online learning • Themes: • Policies, Plans, Budgets • Governance • Credentials, Programs, Curricula • Technology Infrastructure • Staffing and Resourcing • Practices • Futures Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  6. Open development • Open textbook pilot project • Project underway for a collaborative IT program • Two faculty members are leading the development process for 5 courses • Grant funding was provided by AVED through the Northern Council, and institutions matched with in-kind support • Using Pressbooks.com a Canadian open textbook authoring platform Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  7. Research and development funding Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  8. Updating governance package • Terms of reference • Term of office • Selection process • Vacancies • Renewal and continuity Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  9. Draft annual report • BCcampus draft annual report for 2011-2012 • Bookend to evergreen strategic plan • High-level trends Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  10. Refreshment break • 15 minute break recommended • After break • Renewing BCcampus strategic plan 2012 – 2015 • Operational updates, challenges, opportunities Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  11. Operations update • Student services and data exchange • Collaborative programs and shared services • Curriculum development and academic growth Challenges Opportunities Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  12. Student and data exchange services • Goal: Achieve systemic benefit, good user experiences and demonstrate institutional value • Challenge 1: Uneven user experience with ApplyBC • Opportunity 1: Create more seamless process • Wins: • Better branding for SFU and improved value for ApplyBC • Improved fee collection process (potentially ~$1.6M/yr; fully PCI compliant) • Shared development, maintenance provides significant cost savings across participating institutions • Next: • Transcript integration (BC PSI, BC high school, other Canadian institutions) Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  13. Student and data exchange services • Challenge 2: Better applicant data would improve decision making • Provide a real-time picture of demand across BC by institutions or programs • Provide data on how many students apply to multiple institutions • Provide a way to ensure all institutions participate in sharing data • Opportunity 2: Continue building real-time data reporting capacity ? Applicants to Health programs @ VCC in 2009 by school district Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  14. Applicants to multiple institutions • Applicants to multiple institutions report: 11/11/21 • Data: 2010/10/1 to 2011/9/30 Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  15. Collaborative shared services • New synergies • Integration with student information systems (SIS) • Integration with collaborative programs • Integration with online program development fund (OPDF) • New services • Kaltura - streaming media services • WriteAway • Potential services • Plagiarism detection service - e.g. Turnitin • Syllabus management services - e.g. Curricunet Adobe Connect Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  16. Life cycle approach • BUSINESS PROCESS • EOI • EOI Response • Project Phase • MOU • Project Charter • Project Plan • Evaluation • Operational Phase • Letter of Commitment • Terms of Service Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  17. Collaborative shared services Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  18. More collaborative shared services Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  19. Collaborative shared services Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  20. Business models for shared services • Current status • Some institutions incented • Some institutions receive free service • Systemic development benefiting multiple institutions funded • PRINCIPLES moving forward: • Collaborative educational SERVICE • Scalable, sustainable, systemic shared service (s5) • Appropriate blend of incentives, base funding, and cost recovery • Life cycle, business model, TCO approach • Consortium sourcing solutions and participatory governance • IMPLICATIONS: • Some institutions may lose or have reduced incentives • Some institutions who have free service may need to contribute to service operation Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  21. Professional learning • Open and collaborative practices remain a focus • BCcampus staff continues to promote and provide professional workshops and resources for institutions, faculty and instructors on open educational resources as an alternative approach to curriculum and instructional resource development. Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  22. Professional events • Online Events • ETUG T.E.L.L. sessions came out of the plan for an "opening education series" with goal to share and re-use workshop materials • http://etug.ca/event/online-events/ • FTF Events • October 15, 2012 • Creative Commons Canada Salon at SFU W2 • October 16-18, 2012 • OpenEd 2012 at UBC Robson Square • October 31-Nov. 2, 2012 • WCET 2012 • February 12-15, 2013 • Canada MoodleMoot 2013 Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  23. Curriculum development and professional learning Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  24. Recent and current events • UNESCO OER World Congress • June 2012 • CMEC Meeting • BC Presentation - July 2012 • OER Forum • October 18, 2012 • Minister’s letter to all PSI Presidents • Target audience: Senior decision makers within institutions • Afternoon meeting to discuss open as a strategy within BC institutions • Open resources, open textbooks, open licensing, open policy Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

  25. Next meeting/s and follow-up items • Proposed dates • January 2013 • Approval of updated evergreen strategic plan • 2013 – 2014 service plan and budget submission • May 2013 • Service plan review 2012-2013, annual report draft • Adjourn Page | BCcampus | connect. collaborate. innovate.

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