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Pan Africanism

Pan Africanism. Neha Khatwani. Seminar Questions. To what extent was Pan-African Nationalism an American political construct ? What was the role of 'Africa' in Pan- Africanism ? What is the difference between Pan- Africanism and Pan-African Nationalism?.

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Pan Africanism

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  1. Pan Africanism Neha Khatwani

  2. SeminarQuestions • To what extent was Pan-African Nationalism an American political construct? • What was the role of 'Africa' in Pan-Africanism? • What is the difference between Pan-Africanism and Pan-African Nationalism?

  3. Pan Africanismvs Pan AfricanNationalism • Pan Africanism: Eurocentric: • “The Pan African movement aids the promotion of national self determination among Africans under African leadership for the benefit of African themselves”. – W.E.B. Du Bois • “Pan- Africanism is a manifestation of fraternal solidarity among Africans and peoples of African descent” – George Padmore • All of these definitions lack the notion of African Resistance and revolution – KwameNatambu

  4. Ali A Mazrui • Mazrui divides Pan Africanismintofivebroadgeographicalcategories: • Sub-Saharan • Trans-Saharan • Trans-Atlantic • WestHemispheric • Global Pan Africanism • Thisis a troublingviewbecauseitreinforcesthenotionof European divide andrule

  5. Pan AfricanismandSlavery • At its inception Pan Africanism was racially inspired…Thus Pan Africanism was a racially conscious movemnet born outside of Africa” – Julius K Nyerere (Former President of Tanzania) • Pan Africanism expanded in the 15th century – Clarke • Pan Africanism was about creating a necessary African identity in a world with increasing European contact. It is about a common experience of exploitation. - Walter Rodney

  6. Afrocentric Pan AfricanNationalism • Pan Africannationalism has had a deephistorybeyondslavery. • 3200 B.C. –firstactof Pan AfricanNationalism: • Pharoah Ara ofAncientKemet (Egypt) unitedupperandlowerKemetintoonenationtofight external aggressors • Africans in AncientKemetfoughtagainstseveralinvaders, European and Non European such as theassyrians in 666 B.C.

  7. Redefining Pan AfricanNationalism A Nationalistic, unified struggle and resistance of African peoples against all forms of foreign aggression, in the fight for nationhood and nation building. (KwameNatambu)

  8. Is Pan AfricanNationalismand American Politicalconstruct? • No - Pan AfricanNationalism has had a long historybeyondslavery • No nationalismdrawsitsstrenghtsfromoutsidesources. – George Shepperson • However, thatisnottosaythatAfricanAmericansdidnothave a significantinfluence in shapingthe Pan Africanmovement.

  9. American Influences • 1900 –Henry Sylvester Williams organisedthefirst Pan AfricanConference in London • He essentiallycoinedtheterm Pan Africanism. -Tony Martin

  10. Marcus Garvey • 1920s: Back toAfricamovementsandmassive propaganda forpride in Black skin left a significant mark on African nationalists everywhere. – George Shepperson • UNIA “awakened a race consciousness that made Harlem felt around the World”.

  11. Marcus Garvey • He had a directinfluenceonemergingAfricannationalistssuch as Ghana’sfirstpresidentKwameNkrumah, who went to Garveyite and West Indian nationalist meetings as a student in New York. – Tony Martin

  12. William Du Bois • “Theproblemofthetwentiethcenturyistheproblemofthecolourline–therelationofthedarkertothelighterracesofmen in Africaand Asia, in America andtheislandsofthe sea. Itwas a phaseofthisproblemthatcausedthe Civil War” (Soulsofthe Black Folk)

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