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The Walsall Children's Services

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    1. Welcome The 11th Walsall Lifelong Learning Awards

    2. The Walsall Childrens Services Serco Early Learner Award

    3. Nominated by The Childrens Trust, ALIYAH BEGUM is just five years old. Whilst mourning the death of her beloved grandfather, she has never missed a day at school and has a reading age of a 7 year old. She is creative, involved in her community, and is learning sign language.

    4. The Walsall Childrens Services Serco Early Learner Award

    5. Nominated by The Childrens Trust, MATTHEW DEAN is 12 years old and was bullied at his primary school to such an extent that he was running away from school and showing very disruptive behaviour. His mother worked tirelessly to address this problem, even sitting with him through his SATS to ensure there was no interference from the bullies. He has now moved to Joseph Leckie School and is doing tremendously well top in French, excellent in maths and never misses a day. He is one of the youngest volunteers at events at Palfrey Park and is developing into an exceptional young man.

    6. The Prospects Services Ltd Young Persons Award

    7. Nominated by Walsall College, ANDREW CUTLER lost his father at just five years old, leading to a unconventional and disruptive life, including living in foster care, hostels and the victim of bullying leading to his removal from mainstream schooling. He enrolled at Walsall College in 2007, taking on a BTEC course, a first aid course and a hairdressing course and excelling at all three. During last Summer, he was appointed to the post of President of the Student Union, and is passionate about being a role model to other students. He is also a Student Governor and his ultimate goal is to become an IT consultant.

    8. The Prospects Services Ltd Young Persons Award

    9. Nominated by Walsall Housing Group, SAMANTHA HARBINSON is from a large family originally from the Goscote Estate in Walsall. She has managed to overcome her vulnerability and the social barriers that have been placed in her way, and, in joining whgs youth engagement programme, she has taken part in a number of projects where she has shown initiative, drive and been an inspiration to other young people. Not least of these projects was a five day tall ships challenge involving sailing a ship as a team from Brixham to Falmouth. She has worked hard at school, achieving excellent results at GCSE.

    10. The New Deal for Communities Senior Learner Award

    11. Nominated by Bloxwich Community Partnership, KEN DUKES suffered a stroke 16 years ago, leaving him with memory loss and borderline blindness. He has been attending the Elmore Row Centre in Bloxwich every Friday for the last four years without fail. He has progressed through photography and computer courses, and is always smiling and helping others to learn. His nominator describes him as a first class student.

    12. The New Deal for Communities Senior Learner Award

    13. Nominated by The College of Continuing Education, MOHINDRA DEVI came to this country aged 18, worked and raised a family. It was not until the tragedy of losing her adult daughter and having to take care of her two year old grandson, that she turned to learning to address her language barriers. She has been studying for the past two years and has passed her Skills for Life exams with distinction. She is now undertaking a classroom assistants course and volunteering work. She is a role model in both her community and the wider one.

    14. The Carver PLC Developing Sectors Award

    15. Nominated by St Thomas More School, ADAM DICKENS AND CHARLOTTE STANTON THE STM GOLF ACAEDMY are two young entrepreneurs who have used their hobbies and talents to set up their own enterprise. Our two young winners play golf to an exceptional standard, and with the help of their teacher, raised over 3,000 to establish the first ever Golf Academy at their school, and in the local community in Willenhall. They have developed the Academy to such an extent that several staff are now employed and it has the support of the English Golf Union. By the end of this year, they are aiming that over 100 local children will have been introduced to the game and taken part in coaching. What these two young people have achieved is a real life business venture and in regenerating Walsall, encouraging business entrepreneurs is vital.

    16. The Carver PLC Developing Sectors Award

    17. Nominated by Park Hall Community Association, THELMA BYTHEWAY has contributed greatly to the voluntary & community sector in Walsall as the Director of a community association. She has worked tirelessly, ensuring the continuity of community based provision, and has helped the association move towards a new funding structure, embracing the changes and improving quality. Her steer has helped her community association to move forward and engage with a number of external organisations to develop the range and quality of the educational opportunities on offer.

    18. The Hadens Solicitors Raising Aspirations Award

    19. Nominated by Shelfield Community Academy, CARL PALMER AND JEREMY BROWN are a Head of School department at a Walsall school and a freelance creative director, who have become the driving force behind a unique film project to engage disaffected students in Walsall at risk of permanent exclusion from school. Choosing Tomorrow is a provocative thirty minute drama which uses contemporary time travel to allow five very different students to explore their futures negative futures through underachievement or lives lived through benefits or positive futures through careers such as the Police, local government or teaching.

    20. The Hadens Solicitors Raising Aspirations Award

    21. Nominated by The Princes Trust, CHARLOTTE KENNEDY is a mother of two small children and a budding entrepreneur. In a very difficult financial climate, she is determined not just to sit around at home or to take a variety of jobs that lead nowhere. Her aim is to be a good role model to her children and to run her own successful commercial and private cleaning business. Securing funding from The Princes Trust, she has done just that and is fast developing her client base.. But what really sets this young lady apart is that she grabs every opportunity offered to her by both hands every training opportunity and every piece of advice.

    22. The Performance Through People Skills for Life Award

    23. Nominated by Links to Work, DONALD HEMANS communicates through British Sign Language and has been with Links to Work for the past two years. Wanting to get a job and communicate with the wider world, he enrolled on a literacy course halfway through the academic year and achieved passes at Entry Levels 1,2 and 3. Improving his basic skills has enabled our winner to find confidence in different work placements, becoming more extrovert and self-assured.

    24. The Performance Through People Skills for Life Award

    25. Nominated by Walsall College, please welcome CRAIG JACKSON is a student of the Achieving Together course at Walsall College, and surgery at an early age resulted in numerous medical side effects and motor skills which he deals with to this day. He has nevertheless successfully achieved the Adult Literacy, Adult Numeracy, and Life Skills qualifications, and an excellent attendance record. He has also successfully completed the Junior Football Organisers course and helped organise a football competition for local schools, another one of which is planned this Spring.

    26. The Walsall Adult & Community College Learning in the Community Award

    27. Nominated by Walsall Caldmore Housing, RICHARD TAYLOR has suffered from mental illness since he was a teenager and is now working on his rehabilitation whilst living in a care home. In the past two years, he has developed his IT skills editing a newsletter; acted as the Chair and Secretary for residents meetings; been a member of the customer care steering group; a member of an art group; and has been part of the recruitment panel for the home. As a role model, our winner encourages confidence in others and, by breaking down barriers and misconceptions, challenges stigma surrounding mental illness.

    28. The Walsall Adult & Community College Learning in the Community Award

    29. Nominated by Walsall Housing Group, JUSTINE GARDNER and JULIE EMERY are Community Champions as part of the Darlaston Capacity Building project. Their role has been to motivate and encourage residents to engage in training and activities. They needed support themselves to undertake this role and have both overcome many barriers to succeeding in their role. Both of our winners have used these experiences to shape the services and capacity building activities they offered to the residents of Darlaston, and they developed and delivered learning and training in an open, honest and reliable way building trust amongst the community.

    30. The Steps to Work Walsall Learning Champions Award

    31. Nominated by Performance Through People, KEVIN BROCKLESBY from CASHMORES METALS LTD is an operations manager at a local manufacturing firm, and has shown an incredible commitment to learners in Walsall. Together with his company, our winner have given full support to rolling out Young Apprenticeships, Modern Apprenticeships and the new Diploma programmes within his company. He is always on hand by email, phone or personal visits and always has time to answer questions, talk to learners and staff, and to conduct visits for other learners.

    32. The Steps to Work Walsall Learning Champions Award

    33. A true hands-on learning champion, DAVID STORRs philosophy is that you learn throughout life and that without the experience of learning you are delivering, the young people of our communities will not respect what you are sharing with them. An ex-police officer and now Walsall FCs Stadium Manager, he undertakes voluntary work in the youth sector to a fantastic extent. He has gained Coach, Lifeguard and Judge Qualifications in Swimming and is a linesman, referee, instructor and referee assessor in football. He has undertaken these to train others and promote learning. He has also undertaken a trainers certificate in Microsoft Office.

    34. The Walsall Partnership Collaboration Award

    35. Nominated by Black Country Chamber of Commerce, STEPS TO WORK (WALSALL) LTD and PREMIER BUSINESS PARK, have, for the past 6 months, given local unemployed people the opportunity to gain practical, hands-on work experience at a local business park. A partnership between a charity and the business park has given over 20 trainees work skills and a platform to market their skills to local employers.

    36. The Walsall Partnership Collaboration Award

    37. Nominated by JobCentre Plus, THE EMPLOYABILITY TEAM WALSALL COLLEGE A far reaching partnership between a major local college, JobCentre Plus and a number of local employers has assisted a number of Walsalls unemployed residents to gain jobs in the Borough by addressing their training & support needs. The training delivered was designed and tailored to the needs of the employer whilst offering the beneficiary guidance & assistance on attending interviews, mock tests, completing application forms and helped form an understanding of what was required in the world of work.

    38. The Rubery Owen Learning with Technology Award

    39. Nominated by St Thomas More School, the winner is DAVE GILES - Walsall is making headlines for the right reasons at the moment and the new Gigaport will place the town at the forefront of the new fibre-optic technology revolution. However, the jobs created here will need new skills and a teacher at a secondary school in Willenhall has established a fantastic new Robotics initiative. The project is a combination of IT programming, maths, science and design skills. It appeals to the most gifted and talented but the programming can be adapted and relate to all children. The aim is to develop the Robotics project across the whole of Walsall.

    40. The Black Country Training Group Learning towards Employment Award

    41. Nominated by Links to Work, MATTHEW GATLISH was born with cerebral palsy and his motto has always been see me, not my wheelchair. He undertook many qualifications including HNC Level in computing but was unable to secure employment. Taking all training and advice offered, he joined Links to Work and kept trying to get a job, completing applications forms, attending 6 interviews in one year at one stage and graciously accepted the no letters. He then attended a 3 day employment training course, through Walsall Council, and agreed to go on a placement. He has now achieved his goal and is employed.

    42. The Black Country Training Group Learning towards Employment Award

    43. Nominated by Aaina Asian Womens Group, NASHIN AKBAR is a young lady who has had to overcome many obstacles and barriers to achieve her dream of becoming a solicitor. These barriers were physical, mental, familial and cultural. Her chosen career meant that she had to grow into a strong independent young woman, whilst at the same time look after her extended family and own children. Our winner is still studying and her final exams are coming up very soon, after which she will be qualified as a solicitor. She has inspired many other young mothers in the community and is a role model for her family.

    44. The Walsall Centre for Independent Living Overcoming Adversity Award

    45. Nominated by Connexions, CHARLENE DAVIES is from the gypsy traveller community and for various reasons has spent very little time in education. With almost non-existent literacy & numeracy skills, her confidence was at an all time low with the death of her father several years ago. Joining the YELP project to address her basic skills, she then felt confident enough to join the Achieving Together course at Walsall College. Since then she has had 100% attendance and is now working towards Entry Level 1 Literacy & Numeracy and is gaining vital life skills too. Our winner has overcome many barriers in her determination to learn.

    46. The Walsall Centre for Independent Living Overcoming Adversity Award

    47. Nominated by Walsall Centre for Independent Living, DAVID HARRIS has had past problems with alcohol, solvent and drug abuse and has been free from these problems for a considerable time. He left school with no qualifications, and he is a full-time carer for his mother. His determination to turn his lifestyle around and to gain qualifications has impressed both tutors and other learners. He has recently achieved his Level 3 Qualification in IT at Walsall Centre for Independent Living, and is working towards more. He is still working very hard despite the constant negative peer pressure he receives outside the classroom about him wanting to better his life.

    48. The Walsall Centre for Independent Living Overcoming Adversity Award

    49. Nominated by Connexions, ROGEIRO MUFUTA arrived in this country at the age of 12 as an orphan, having lost both his parents in war-torn Angola. Moving into a single person home at 17, he has remained in full time education achieving Level 3 in BTEC Sports. It has not been easy for our winner to study, having to live alone and independently, travelling to College, and learning English. Having learned some coping mechanism with his Connexions advisor, he is now one of the first to hand in his assignments often getting distinctions. He has been awarded Student of the Year at College and is now undergoing trials with Premiership football team, Fulham.

    50. The Black Country Training Group Building Better People Award

    51. Nominated by Walsall Construction Training, RAYMOND TONKS is a young man who faced the double blow in his early years that his ADHD and poor eye sight was not diagnosed, as well as losing his father in a terrible accident aged five. With no male role model in his life and untreated medical conditions, he became poorly behaved at school and lost confidence. Joining Walsall Construction Training in 2007, through a referral from his school, Sneyd, gave this young man a chance to achieve against all the odds. He is completing the Building Craft Occupations and he has gone from a young person finding it difficult to cope to a shining example to his peers.

    52. The Black Country Training Group Building Better People Award

    53. Nominated by The Electric Palace, NATHAN MOOREHOUSE was excluded from school and with no qualifications, started mixing with older youths and getting into more and more trouble. Having felt that he wanted to change his life, he began an E2E programme with the Electric Palace, until a previous conviction saw him being jailed. On release, he knew that he had to change for himself, for people he had wronged and also for his parents who had supported him. Having done many qualifications whilst in prison he then began Kickstart again at The Electric Palace and excelled dramatically, moving on to E2e. He is now taking a Level 2 Sports Leadership course.

    54. The Walsall College Learning in Employment Award

    55. PARK HALL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION STAFF are a group of staff from a Walsall Community Association, and their commitment to learning has not only resulted in personal and professional satisfaction for them, but also recognition of quality improvement for the Association. This has ranged form achieving Levels 3 & 4 in Advice and Guidance and Levels 3 in Playwork and Childrens Care Learning & Development. The manager of the Association has also just recently achieved a first-class honours degree. The impact of this learning has been a Grade 2 Ofsted inspection and the reaccreditation of the Association for the Matrix standard.

    56. The Walsall College Learning in Employment Award

    57. Nominated by Performance through People, TEGAN HOWKINS arrived at her first hospitality placement as a very shy 16 year old. Now, nine years later she has completed Apprenticeships and an Advanced Apprenticeship., as well as a range of technical certificates in the industry. She has matured and moved up through the ranks to be in the position to manage her own site. Occasionally, her nominator believes that her belief in her own ability becomes a stumbling block and prevents her from reaching as far as she could do, so we hope that tonights recognition of her commitment to work based learning, will help to motivate her to take the next step in her career.

    58. Congratulations!

    59. The Chairmans Award

    60. Two years ago, the Chairs Award recognised the valued support provided by our friends and colleagues at the LSC. Thankfully, that support continues, I am pleased to say, as strong as ever. However, over the last two years another partner has stepped up to the plate and shown its commitment to WLLA by providing valuable resources to enable our work to continue and flourish. By tasking WLLA to co-ordinate the Increasing Skills project as part of the Local Area Agreement, this organisation has pledged its confidence in WLLA to deliver the targets set. I dont think they have been disappointed with what we have achieved on the Skills project. Suffice to say, we have been resourced for a further two years to continue the good work already in place. In summary, we have a perfect example of partnership working for the benefit of all. The bond our partnership brings is stronger now than it was two years ago. Both organisations continue to move forward. To this end, and as recognition of the support given to WLLA, The Chairs Award this year goes to our colleagues and friends at The Walsall Partnership.

    62. Our Sponsors Gratefully Acknowledged

    63. Main Sponsors

    64. Category Sponsors Black Country Training Group Carver PLC Hadens New Deal for Communities Performance Through People Prospects Services Ltd

    65. Category Sponsors Rubery Owen Holdings Ltd Steps to Work (Walsall) Ltd Walsall Adult & Community College Walsall Centre for Independent Living

    66. Category Sponsors Walsall College Walsall Childrens Services Serco Walsall Football Club Walsall Partnership

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