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By Ash Narain Roy, Director, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi

By Ash Narain Roy, Director, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi. Erupting masses and evident accountability. Introduction. “Expect nothing from the 21 st century. It is the 21 st century which expects everything from you” – Garcia Marquez Age of information revolution

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By Ash Narain Roy, Director, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By Ash Narain Roy,Director, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi Erupting masses and evident accountability

  2. Introduction • “Expect nothing from the 21st century. It is the 21st century which expects everything from you” – Garcia Marquez • Age of information revolution • Life would be much easier if Apple and Blackberry were just fruits • Post-modern world • “The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems” – Gandhi • Century of citizens’ engagement

  3. New Geography of Below • Governance has moved beyond governments • New actors on the scene • New pyramid of power

  4. Empowered Customers • More informed, more powerful and demanding • How to earn trust with customers • Challenge from Social Media

  5. Key Questions • What is India’s true potential? • Is it really living up to its potential? • And, if not, what can we do about it?

  6. India Story • Indian elephant has harrumphed • Indian politics like a sad Italian opera • “India grows while the government sleeps” • India’s is a bottom-up story • India’s strength is its new middle class

  7. What we must learn • Washing machine changed society more than the internet—Ha-Joon Chang • We will get nowhere if we stick to what we are already good at • Countries need to develop their capabilities

  8. Innovation • Innovation thrives where people breathe easily • Messy and politically divided land is good for innovation • India’s golden economic period coincides with political coalition

  9. India’s own Ford Model T Moment • India had its own leap of faith • Maruti brought many firsts to the Indian consumers • It brought in a work culture of super-efficient manufacturing

  10. Crisis in automobile sector • Volatility of the automobile industry • The problem can itself be a solution

  11. Closing Remarks • Opportunity would be knocking at the door • Cars will not disappear • Demand may saturate in metros but it will grow in small towns

  12. Thank You

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