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Ancient Egyptian Timeline

Ancient Egyptian Timeline. Paula Alexander Marigold Elementary School, Chico, CA. My name is Paula Alexander and I am a 6 th grade teacher at Marigold Elementary School My web site is http:berners.bcoe.butte.k12.ca.us/~palexand/ My e-mail is palexand@cusd.chico.k12.ca.us

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Ancient Egyptian Timeline

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  1. Ancient Egyptian Timeline Paula Alexander Marigold Elementary School, Chico, CA

  2. My name is Paula Alexander and I am a 6th grade teacher at Marigold Elementary School My web site is http:berners.bcoe.butte.k12.ca.us/~palexand/ My e-mail is palexand@cusd.chico.k12.ca.us This is a sixth grade History/Social Studies lesson

  3. StandardsAddressed 6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilization of the early civilization of Egypt. Sixth Grade Reading/Language Arts Research and Technology Grade Sixth History-Social Science World History and Geography: Ancient Civilization 1.4 Use organizational features of electronic text (e.g., bulletin boards, databases, keyword searches, e-mail addresses) to locate information. 1.5 Compose documents with appropriate formatting by using word-processing skills and principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing, columns, page orientation).

  4. Expectations • How to put a lesson on a web site • To work with teachers from a variety of grade levels • Create a lesson to be used in my classroom • To use CUTE and LEECH • To use PowerPoint • To use Excel

  5. Outcomes • Web page creation in Netscape Composer • Using CUTE and LEECH as a communication tool between server and computer (downloading and uploading) • Linking pages and projects

  6. Successes • High student motivation • Student collaboration • High interest in subject matter • Parent support

  7. Successes Continued • Meets Standards in Grade Sixth History-Social Science World History and Geography: Ancient Civilization • Meets Standards in Sixth Grade Reading/Language Arts Research and Technology

  8. Shortcomings • Lack of numerous computers • Time for students to complete PowerPoint • Interruptions (i.e. assembly) during the social studies period

  9. Student Data All the students show substantial improvement. I feel the outstanding improvement was due to the motivation and interest the students had in this subject matter. They also had very little prior knowledge of Ancient Egypt.

  10. Revisions After going over the rubric with the students I found that it could have been more detailed in the explanation of the criteria. The student were very confused at first.

  11. Summary This project used technology to enhance and expedite the learning of my sixth grade class. The time used on the internet was very valuable tool. It allowed the students a much boarder base of research. This project would have taken much longer and been quite frustrating for students who were trying to find information available at an elementary school site.

  12. SummaryContinued Creating a lesson using the History-Social Science /World History and Geography: Ancient Civilization standard for my grade level and relating it to my subject matter, Ancient Egypt, was unproblematic. I would advise others who attempt this process to use a timeline theme as their first try at this process. I have learned a great deal from this project. I plan to share what I have learned with my fellow colleagues.

  13. Student Work The following slides contain pictures of the students working in their Nomes on their timeline project.

  14. Memphis Predynastic Period c. 5000 – 3100 b.c. Archaic Period c. 3100 - -2686 b.c. Old Kingdom c. 2686 – 2181 b.c.

  15. Abydos First Intermediate Period c. 2181 - 1991 b.c. Middle Kingdom c. 1991 – 1786 b.c. Second Intermediate Period c. 1786 – 1567 b.c.

  16. Hermopolis/Akhentaten New Kingdom c. 1567 – 1085 b.c.

  17. Bubastis Early Period c. 1085 – 525 b.c. First Persian Period c. 525 – 404 b.c. Late Period c. 404 – 343 b.c. Second Persian Period c. 343 – 332 b.c.

  18. Thebes Conquest c. 332 b.c. Ptolemaic Period c. 332 – 30 b.c. Conquest by Romans c. 30 b.c.

  19. The End

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