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Ancus Marcius : 4 th King of Rome

Ancus Marcius : 4 th King of Rome. Sara Hasan 10/26/11 Period 6. Facts. Ancus super fluvium Tiber pontem primum aedificavit, sublicio Sublician  Bridge ( Ancus built the first bridge over the Tiber river, the wooden Sublician Bridge) Ancus erat nepos Numa , regem romae secundus

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Ancus Marcius : 4 th King of Rome

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  1. AncusMarcius: 4th King of Rome Sara Hasan 10/26/11 Period 6

  2. Facts • Ancus super fluvium Tiber pontem primum aedificavit, sublicioSublician Bridge (Ancus built the first bridge over the Tiber river, the wooden Sublician Bridge) • AncuseratneposNuma, regemromaesecundus (Grandson of Numa, the second king of the Rome)

  3. Facts (continued) • Ancus condita portu amnis Ostia ad ostium Tiberis (Ancus founded the harbor of Ostia at the mouth of the Tiber) • Ancus finis romanaetiamnecJanicuum Hill extensavit (Ancus extended Rome’s boundary including the Janiculum Hill) http://www.1st-art-gallery.com/David-Roberts/St-Peter's-From-The-Janiculum-Hill,-Rome,-Italy.html

  4. Facts (Continued) • Post mortem TullusHostilius, Ancuselectus, quod Tullusmultabellafecitciviumtaedio. (He was elected after the death of TullusHostilius who created lots of wars that the citizens were tired of.)

  5. Pictures http://www.romanbookshelf.com/prints/sublician_bridge/1.html http://www.crystalinks.com/marcius.html

  6. Bibliograpgy • "AncusMarcius | Heritage Key." Explore the History of the Ancient World | Heritage Key. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <http://heritage-key.com/rome/ancus-marcius>. • "AncusMarcius (king of Rome) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/23413/Ancus-Marcius>.

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