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2. WelcomeCapital Planning Process. Guest Speaker: Dr. Gregory ParhamQ
1. eGovernment Working Group Meeting
Dr. Gregory Parham, Associate CIO
Barbara LaCour, USDA Deputy eGovernment Executive
2. 2 Agenda High energy Welcome.
Get jazzed.
Good things are happening:
EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov
EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week
Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow
Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again.
High energy Welcome.
Get jazzed.
Good things are happening:
EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov
EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week
Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow
Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again.
3. 3 Current IT Spending Decisions Reflect A Structured Federal IT Capital Planning Process
4. 4 Business Cases Drive Performance Improvement
5. Budget Implementation OMB Circular A-11, Preparation and Submission of Budget Estimates
Budget Requests
Budget Exhibit 53, Agency IT Investment Portfolio
Strategic Plans & Annual Performance Plans
Planning, Budgeting & Acquisition of Capital Assets
Budget Exhibit 300, Capital Asset Plan & Justification (Business Case)
6. 6 Informing the CPIC Processes – Lessons Learned
Heightened focus on project management
Scrutiny of acquisition strategies (performance based)
More enterprise licenses and consolidated office automation and infrastructure buys
Continued focus on security and privacy
Integrated Business Case for infrastructure
Further integration with the budget process
Implementing Modernization Blueprints tied to the FEA
7. 7 High energy Welcome.
Get jazzed.
Good things are happening:
EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov
EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week
Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow
Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again.
High energy Welcome.
Get jazzed.
Good things are happening:
EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov
EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week
Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow
Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again.
8. 8 Q: What does USDA spend on IT?What is portfolio management? A:
We estimate from agency and staff office data that USDA’s IT Portfolio includes over 570 individual projects – 51 of which are major – at an estimated cost of about $2.25 Billion in FY 2004.
But we have some housecleaning to do, we must do a better job of documenting what we are spending so we can manage it better.
Some of our IT budget is actual IT dollars, some is program dollars, and some is miscellaneous, leftover monies.
There is also the working capital fund.
And many of you have seen firsthand how hard it has been to figure out across the Department for the Smart Choices, Presidential Initiatives or an OMB data call how much each agency is spending or planning to spend on certain items.
Portfolio Management is the process for managing better. Just like you would your personal financial portfolio of stocks, bonds, cash, real estate, etc.
It includes: strategic alignment, IT Governance, and IT effectiveness. So it is directly tied to our Enterprise Architecture, our eGovernment Strategic Plan, your Tactical Plans, and the work of this group day in and day out.
9. 9 Q: Highlight what’s changed from last year to this year? A:
Major IT Project Definition Expanded (old rules plus these listed here)
Was a major investment in ’04 and is continuing
Financial Management and spends more than $500K lifecycle
Tied to top two layers of Federal Enterprise Architecture
Integral Part of Agency Modernization Blueprint (enterprise architecture and eGovernment Strategic/Tactical Plans)
Significant program or policy implications or high executive visibility (Y2K Mission Critical List)
OMB may decide based on other criteria
Submission of 300 in MS Word format to OCIO and OCIO will submit in XML to OMB
Joint business cases for “unify and simplify”
Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300 have more questions and request more specificity. As such, we will provide more guidance and samples on our site (http://www.ocio.usda.gov/irm/cap_plan/index.html ) to assist you.
10. 10 Q: How have the 300 and 53 Forms Changed? A:
300s themselves – Draft (“95% Solution”) Available Now
Risk Adjusted ROI
Emphasis on aligning to USDA and Federal Enterprise Architecture
Zero Tolerance for duplicating Presidential Initiatives
Emphasis on aligning to eGovernment Tactical Plans
Emphasis on aligning to Smart Choices
Zero Tolerance for duplicating Smart Choices
Funding Approach
See eGovernment Appendices of Investment Year memo (forthcoming)
See eGovernment changes to CPIC Guide (forthcoming)
Unique identifiers have changed to link to Federal Enterprise Architecture (later question)
Separated project name and project description
11. 11 Q: What deadlines/milestones should I know about? A:
April 30th
Update all initiatives in I-TIPS with FY 2003 passback numbers since the President signed the FY 2003 Agriculture Appropriations Bill on February 20, 2003. Chief Information Officers and Budget Officers should work together in this effort.
Add any investments planned or underway for FY 2003 funds that are not currently recorded. Include those identified in your most recent eGovernment Tactical Plan as part of the eGovernment Integrated Reporting process (if those investments are not integrated with investments already recorded in I-TIPS). Planned investments must be recorded in I-TIPS without regard to the source of funding. It is imperative for I-TIPS to match the Integrated Reporting planning documents referenced above.
12. 12 Q: What deadlines/milestones should I know about? (Continued) A: (continued)
May 30th (Submission to CPIC)
Update 300 for ALL current Majors for FY ’05 CPIC Submission
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) has identified a number of agency investments that meet the new expanded criteria for major investments, but have not previously been included in the major investment portfolio. Prepare an Exhibit 300 for each of these investments.
Prepare an Exhibit 300 for each active system that was identified as a Departmental priority mission critical system.
Prepare an Exhibit 300 for each Financial System with lifecycle costs over $500,000.
OMB guidance requires a single, consolidated Exhibit 300 from USDA for each of certain types of investments specified in a later question. All agencies must participate in the development of these consolidated USDA Exhibit 300s. OCIO will be the managing partner in these efforts.
13. 13 Q: What deadlines/milestones should I know about? (Continued) A: (continued)
July 1st (Agency Budget Submission)
Prepare a one-page “value proposition” for each investment that remains in your portfolio after the changes described above have been completed. The format for the value proposition is a handout.
Prepare a cross-cut exhibit showing costs for the following items:
IT Security
Geographic Information Systems and geospatial data
August 15th (OMB Submission)
OCIO will give a final review and may suggest changes
Must be finalized and submitted by September 8th for OMB Scoring
A Summary Calendar will be provided in the Investment Year ’05 Memorandum (forthcoming this week)
14. 14 Q: What are joint business cases? A:
OMB has mandated that it receive one consolidated 300 from the Department covering:
USDA Enterprise Architecture components
Consolidate all investments at agency level with lifecycle less than $500K
OCFO/NFC Financial Systems
Infrastructure/Office Automation/Telecommunications
We are also hoping many of the USDA Smart Choices will be integrated 300s if they are not already (e.g., consolidated eGrants).
These 300s make real the new USDA Enterprise Architecture. These business cases move us toward collaborative, enterprise and cross-agency approaches.
15. 15 Q: Is there going to be a change in the waiver threshold? A:
The waiver threshold was reduced from $250,000 to $25,000 effective May 13th.
This was necessitated by increasing OMB mandates and desire of E-Board to preserve and protect the USDA’s enterprise architecture and to get a better sense of what we are spending our money on.
This will not necessarily mean a quantum increase in the number of waivers. Hopefully agencies will combine waiver requests across eGovernment opportunities, HW/SW, and enterprise agreements by agency or enterprise-wide.
We are working to address improved turnaround time and process changes for waivers – metric of 15 days.
16. 16 Q: Is the final 300 out? Are they still doing the 300 Short Form? A:
Sort of – a Draft which represents approximately 95% of what will be required is available.
No. This was an idea for an abbreviated, standard form like EZ form on your taxes for non-major investments. But OMB has canceled.
Instead all non-major investments must complete a “value proposition” template (handout)
17. 17 Q: How should our agency show its eGovernment expenditures? A:
eGovernment spending is pervasive throughout an agency's IT budget in project specific 300s and non-major investments.
Each agency will be required to summarize eGovernment spending in a “crosscut” spreadsheet similar to last year by July 1, 2003. The information required in the spreadsheet will be at a greater level of detail representing Presidential Initiatives, Smart Choice Initiatives/Opportunities, and agency-specific initiatives. There are also individual crosscuts for IT Security, and GIS and geospatial data, and Homeland Security.
Additional information on how to show eGovernment spending are provided in the CPIC Guide and will be provided in greater detail in the OCIO's IT Investment memo for FY 2005. A formal definition of eGovernment for budget purposes is in the A-11 and will be provided.
18. 18 Q: Where can I get additional information about requirements for eGovernment, IT Security, Homeland Security, and GIS? A:
CPIC Guide and IT Investment Memo will both have additional guidance for these required crosscuts.
Because Telecommunications has been identified as one of the consolidated 300s there will not be a separate crosscut this year for it
19. 19 Q: Will we be requested to provide funds for the Presidential Initiatives in 2004 and 2005? A:
In FY 2003, the Department provided $7.139M to 10 of the 19 Presidential Initiatives in which we are participating. These funds were requested of each agency and staff office according to a funding algorithm balancing IT spending and FTEs.
In FY 2004, we expect this amount to increase to $8.043 M. If better metrics are not available, a similar funding algorithm probably will be utilized.
We do not have a funding request for FY 2005 yet. But would suggest that agencies and staff offices at least presume their contributions will continue at FY 2003-2004 levels if not slightly higher.
20. 20 Q: Will we be requested to provide funds for the Enablers and Strategic Smart Choices in 2004? Should we be requesting funds for the Enablers and Strategic Smart Choices for 2005? A:
Funds will not be mandated for the Enablers and Strategic Smart Choices in FY 2004. The process of early adopters and voluntary contributions by agencies and staff offices according to interest and need will continue.
However, the moratorium on single agency investments which duplicate the Presidential Initiatives or Smart Choices continues to be in effect. No new investments, including enhancements to existing systems, can be made in these areas in FY 2003 and FY 2004.
In terms of requesting funds for FY 2005, this is still being finalized and additional guidance is forthcoming.
At present, we are thinking each agency should request funds for its own estimated costs of preparing for and participating in the Smart Choices. These costs are not the enterprise costs but rather the agency integration costs in the case of the Enablers.
In terms of the enterprise infrastructure costs, we are considering a variety of options such as one centralized request from OCIO to OMB on behalf of the Department, Working Capital Fund, etc.
In the case of strategics, your agency’s share of the total estimated cost for FY 2005 will vary based on your participation in the respective initiatives.
21. 21 How has the CPIC Guidance Changed? A:
The CPIC Guide has changed to reflect OMB guidance and scoring criteria as well as inputs from the CPIC Team and the eGovernment, Cybersecurity and Telecommunications Teams.
Remember in addition to preparing Exhibit 300 on any new or newly designated major system, keep in mind that agencies and staff offices will also need to submit appropriate USDA business case investment documentation which varies according stage in the lifecycle
The Enablers Select Level Business Case documents that many of you worked on are an example
Please check out http://www.ocio.usda.gov/irm/cap_plan/index.html for a new version of the CPIC Guide shortly
22. 22 Q: What is up with the Watchlist? A:
An investment is put on “the Watchlist” if it has a business case that does not meet security and overall scoring requirements established by OMB.
32 of our 51 Majors
Some of this is explained because of our USDA Pre-Select process vs. OMB scoring all as Selects
We just issued a new guidance memo to agencies for managing and remedying investments on the Watchlist including several action steps by May 30th:
Project Planning information
Name project manager and qualifications
Plan for getting off the Watchlist
23. 23 Q: Are there new rules for Project Managers?How does one get trained? A:
All Major Investments, including Smart Choices for example, will have qualified Project Managers
For USDA purposes, a “qualified” project manager is defined as:
Experience managing IT projects of similar size and scope, within 10% of the baseline cost, schedule, performance goals as the project to which currently assigned
Project Management certification or equivalent to the Project Management Institute requirements
The individual is dedicated full-time to the project
The next Project Managers course begins June 23rd and there is another one later in the summer.
Contact Sandra Ginyard if interested at 202-720-8478
24. 24 Q: How do agencies account for costs related to the enablers in the Cost-Benefit Analysis of their business case? A:
For investments that are making use of the enabling technologies, agencies should attempt to cost out only their share of connecting to the enterprise solution.
If you are planning on utilizing our common hosting environment as we would expect most agencies to do, there will be a fee for service structure set up.
If for unique business and technical reasons you are planning on hosting it yourself, you should cost out the hardware and software, as applicable, for the internal technology platform.
Further guidance on this is forthcoming.
25. 25 Q: How has the I-TIPS Changed? And what the heck is a Unique Identifier? A:
Version 5.8.6 has been released
We’re hoping it is better (we know it can’t be worse)
We know there will be glitches but the CPIC Team is here to help you work through these
Part of our risk management strategy is to consider alternatives to I-TIPS
The unique identifier is back and its growing. It is very important to OMB and to USDA. It was 17 digits long but now has 6 additional digits to map to Federal Enterprise Architecture. It is also known as the Investment Unique ID Code and connects the 300s to the 53s.
26. 26 Q: Should EGWG members be involved? How can we help? A:
The eGovernment Working Group (EGWG) members and the Steering Committees they chair are the primary conduit for communicating program activity at the agency level.
EGWG members should meet with their IT Investment Portfolio Manager RIGHT NOW to understand the major milestones of the budget season. The EGWG member should also work with each IT Investment Project Manager to ensure consistency between budget documentation and the agency’s eGovernment Tactical Plan.
Not having a completed Tactical Plan will be problematic
EGWG members should be working with Budget Officers and Administrators so they know what to put in IT budget requests and why it is important, versus just wish lists.
The EGWG member should be involved in formulating the agency’s overall budget document to reflect support of the President’s Management Agenda in the area of Expanding Electronic Government and to ensure consistency with the eGovernment Tactical Plan.
Agency E-Boards should be reviewing and making decisions on agency investments right now.
27. 27 A:
In short, much improved with much distance still to travel.
OMB established an action plan for us last Fall with steps we must take in terms of PRA, GPEA, eGovernment Smart Choices, Enterprise Architecture, and Cybersecurity.
OMB has recently requested all Department’s document “What You’ll Be Proud Of” in July 2004 for all elements of the President’s Management Agenda including Expanding eGovernment.
This memo (handout) asks tough questions in terms of what are we going to “turn off”; what investments are we going to stop making as we migrate to the Presidential Initiatives and enterprise solutions
We are trying to make significant progress in all of these areas and they know this. They have been referring other agencies (ie., Interior, Transportation, EPA, Energy, etc.) to USDA as a model of eGovernment transformation efforts in line with the PMA. Q: What, in your estimation, is OMB’s sense of how we are doing?
28. 28 Q: How does this relate to the Integrated eGovernment Reporting Process and Agency Tactical Plans? A:
The Integrated eGovernment Reporting process is comprised of three components: a data spreadsheet, GPEA Compliance Project Plans and an updated eGovernment Tactical Plan.
The Integrated eGovernment Reporting components are already being used by OCIO in the review of 1) IT waivers, 2) significant rulemakings, and 3) Paperwork Reduction Act approval requests.
During the FY 2005 budget cycle, each agency’s IT investments will be reviewed in light of the appropriate eGovernment Tactical Plans. Investments and budget items without a corresponding eGovernment citation in an agency’s tactical plan will be questioned.
29. 29 Q: Need Help? Who ya gonna call? A:
CPIC and IT Budget Questions – Dan Stoltz
Enterprise Architecture – Cindy Dickinson
Project Management Training – Sandra Ginyard
ITIPS – Eva Desiderio
eGovernment Investment Questions – Barbara LaCour
Additional information including all the latest information/guidance can be found on our site: http://www.ocio.usda.gov/irm/cap_plan/index.html
30. 30 Agenda High energy Welcome.
Get jazzed.
Good things are happening:
EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov
EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week
Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow
Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again.
High energy Welcome.
Get jazzed.
Good things are happening:
EITIRB meeting tomorrow for 30 minutes exclusively on eGov
EC and I will be meeting with DS ideally this week as well but may slip to next week
Relatively positive feedback from OMB based on our efforts – only Yellow
Thanks for efforts to date. Time to roll up sleeves again.
31. 31 Questions and Answers
32. 32 Agenda
33. 33 Next Steps Schedule your Integrated eGovernment Reporting meeting by calling Nancy Sternberg (720-6746) or emailing the eGovernment Mailbox
eAuthentication meetings
Look for a discussion of Presidential Initiatives at our next meeting
Beginning to develop a repository re: Usability studies of USDA sites or Federal Government sites and customer feedback results on attitudes towards the Web, Web usage, etc. If you have any materials that might be of use, please send to eGov Mailbox.
Several Enablers meetings coming up
eD/eL approach meeting for decision-makers (similar to eAuthentication) will be May 20th from 2-3 in S-107. Memo went out May 8th.
Followup meetings thereafter on eDeployment capabilities, Digitop, and eLearning LMS