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WOD - Week #1 (Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.). Focus: Latin root “ malus ”: mal-, meaning bad, badly, harsh, wrong, ill; evil; abnormal, defective

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  1. WOD - Week #1(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “malus”: mal-, meaning bad, badly, harsh, wrong, ill; evil; abnormal, defective Latin prefix bene-, ben-, beni-, or bon-, meaning good or well 15 Aug. 2011 malediction (n) mal- (bad) + dict- (to speak) + -tion(act of) = the act of speaking badly (in a mean way); the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult); a proclaiming of evil against someone; a cursing Ms. Colbert’s sentence example: The wizard’s malediction was blamed for the ugly rash all over the boy’s back and arms. 16 Aug. 2011malodorous (adj) mal- (bad) + odor- (smell) + -ous (full of) = full of a bed smell; unpleasant smelling; having a bad odor; foul 17 Aug. 2011 benevolent (adj) bene- (good) + volens- (to wish) + -ent(having, showing, being in the state of) = wishing to do good, showing goodness;1. doing or producing good 2. arising from a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others

  2. WOD - Week # 2(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek prefix “hypo-”= under or below Greek prefix “hyper-”= excessively, over, above, beyond 22 Aug. 2011 hypothermia(n) hypo- (below) + therm- (heat) + -ia(state of) = the state of having below normal temperature; an abnormally low body temperature 23 Aug. 2011hypodermic (adj, n) hypo- (below) + derm- (skin) + -ic (having to do with) = having to do with something under the skin; characterized by the introduction of medicine or drugs under the skin; (an instrument) used for injecting a drug under the skin 24 Aug. 2011 hyperextension (n) hyper- (over, above) + ex- (out of, away from) + -tens (to move in a certain direction; to stretch) + -ion (condition or action) = the action of overly stretching out;straightened beyond; the act of straightening a limb past its normal fully straightened position

  3. WOD - Week # 3(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root scribo-, scriptum: scrib-, scribe, scription = to write, record 29 Aug. 2011 prescription(n) pre- (before) + scrip- (to write) + -tion(the act of) = the act of writing before; a direction, usually written, by the doctor to the pharmacist for the preparation and use of a medicine, the medicine; the act of establishing official rules, laws, or directions 30 Aug. 2011transcriptionist (n) trans- (across) + scrip- (to write, record) + -tion (the act of) + -ist (one who) = one who writes across; a person who makes a full written or typewritten copy of something, esp. medical or court records. 31 Aug. 2011 conscription (n) con- (together, with) + scrip- (to write, record) + -tion(the act of) = the act of writing to bring together;a compulsory enrollment, draft; a monetary payment collected by a government in wartime.

  4. WOD - Week # 4(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root arch- = chief, leader, ruler, govern, most important, ancient, former, first 7 Sept. 2011 matriarchal (adj) matri- (mother) + arch- (ruler) + -al (having the nature of) = having the nature of a mother who rules; the female head of a family or tribe; a woman who is the founder or dominant member of a group; a venerable old woman *LOOK ‘VENERABLE’ UP IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS! 8 Sept. 2011hierarchy (n) hier- (sacred) + arch- (ruler) + -y (characterized by) = characterized by a sacred ruler; any system of persons or things ranked one above another; government by religious rulers; government by an elite group; categorization of a group of people according to ability or status. 9 Sept. 2011 anarchism (n) an- (without, not) + arch- (ruler, government) + -ism (state of) = the state of being without a ruler;a doctrine urging the abolition of government, active resistance and terrorism against the state; confusion, disorder.

  5. WOD - Week # 5(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root graphein: graph-, gram-, grapho-, -grapher, -graphia = to write or written 12 Sept. 2011 seismograph (n) seismo- (to shake violently, to move back and forth) + -graph (to write) = writing about violent shaking; any of various instruments that measure and record the earth’s tremors, waves, and quakes 13 Sept. 2011sociogram(n) socio- (companion, interpersonal relationships) + -gram (writing) = writing about interpersonal relationships; a diagram showing the pattern of relationships between people in a group, usually in terms of which persons they prefer to associate with 14 Sept. 2011 lexicographer (n) lex- (a word; a saying, a phrase, speaking) + graph- (to write) + -er(one who) = one who writes words;a writer, editor, or compiler of a dictionary

  6. WOD - Week # 6(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root mania = wild or violent insanity; over-excessive enthusiasm, madness, obsession, frenzy; an exaggerated enthusiasm, craze, or mad impulse 19 Sept. 2011 pyromaniac (n) pyro- (fire) + -maniac (person with a mad impulse) = a person with a mad impulse regarding fire; a person with a compulsion to set things on fire 20 Sept. 2011kleptomania (n) klept- (steal) + -mania (obsession) = obsession to steal; an obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need 21 Sept. 2011 maniacal (adj) maniac- (person with a mad impulse) + -al (having the nature of) = having the nature of a person with a mad impulse;characterized by excessive enthusiasm or excitement

  7. WOD - Week #7(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Greek root phobia: phobo-, phob-, -phobe, -phobiac, -phobist, -phobic, -phobism, -phobous = fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear or terror of something or someone. Sometimes this Greek root means a strong dislike or hatred for something or someone. 26 Sept. 2011 aquaphobia(n) aqua- (water) + -phobia (fear of) = a fear of water; an excessive fear of water, an irrational fear of drowning 27 Sept. 2011acrophobia (n) acro- (high, top of, tip of) + -phobia (fear of) = a fear of heights; a pathological fear of heights, an abnormal fear of high places 28 Sept. 2011 xenophobia (n) xeno- (foreign, strange) + -phobia (fear of) = fear of foreigners;hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture

  8. WOD - Week #8(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “portare”= to carry, to bring, to bear; (“-port” = can also mean an opening, entrance) 3 Oct. 2011 deportation(n) de- (out of, away from) + -port (to carry) + -ation (the act of) = the act of carrying out of; the lawful expulsion of an illegal alien or other person from a country 4 Oct. 2011portability(n) port- (to carry, bring) + -ability (ability to) = ability to carry; the quality of being small and light enough to be carried; software that can run on two or more kinds of operating systems; the right to move an investment plan from one employer to another 5 Oct. 2011 teleportation (n) tele- (distance) + -port (to carry, to bring) + ation(the act of) = the act of carrying over a distance;a hypothetical method of transportation in which matter or information is dematerialized, usually instantaneously, at one point and recreated at another

  9. WOD - Week #9(Copy everything on this page. Then create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “currere”: curr-, cur-, curs-, corr-, cours- = to run, to flow, to course 17 Oct. 2011 courier(n) cour- (run, course) + -ier (one who) = one who runs or follows a course; a messenger, usually traveling quickly, bearing urgent news, important reports or packages 18 Oct. 2011concurrent(adj) con- (with) + curr- (run, flow) + -ent (to form, inclined to) = inclined to run or flow with; to run together; occurring or existing simultaneously or side by side 19 Oct. 2011 incursion (n) in- (into) + -cur- (to course, run) + sion(the act of) = the act of running into;an attack that penetrates into enemy territory; a hostile entrance or invasion of a place; entering into

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