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XML-publication in Finnish Labour Force Survey (LFS). ESTP training course on “Data Dissemination and Publication of Statistics” Madrid, 3.-5.3.2008 Kalle Sinivuori (kalle.sinivuori@stat.fi). Finnish Labour Force Survey.
XML-publication in Finnish Labour Force Survey (LFS) ESTP training course on “Data Dissemination and Publication of Statistics” Madrid, 3.-5.3.2008 Kalle Sinivuori (kalle.sinivuori@stat.fi)
Finnish Labour Force Survey • It is a continuous panel survey based on a sample of about 12,000 persons per month. • Sampling units : individuals • Field interviewers collect the LFS data using computer aided telephone interviews (Blaise) • The data is available approximately three to four weeks from the reference time period. • Periodicity of the results: monthly, quarterly and annually • Monthly press release, www-tables and -figures, pdf- and paper publication. Kalle Sinivuori
Revision of the publication process (LFS) - background • Revision of the statistical production system in 2002-2006 => Shift from the oldest technology to the latest technology => From mainframe to open environment • Need to change the publication process as well • Old publication process was ‘clumsy’ : troublesome to update and based on mainframe. Kalle Sinivuori
Revision of the publication process in context of Statistics Finland • Production model project in years 2003-2006 => New production model of Statistics Finland • New XML-based publication process was defined and tools for new publication process were selected (=> but not implemented). • CoSSI: Common Structure of Statistical Information => Based on fact:statistical information has a certain simplifiable and acceptable universal structure ; www.stat.fi/cossi Kalle Sinivuori
Reasons to use XML=> from Final Report of Production model -project • Possibility to add distribution channels without changing the publication process • Independence of (certain) software's ~ • XML is suitable format for archiving statistical information • XML makes possible wide-ranging metadata to describe statistical information and statistical publications • XML creates good possibilities for integration between different applications Kalle Sinivuori
Paper Publi- cation LFS - old dissemination process Automaticalpublishing -Timercontrolled Databaseservices Excel -manually and - automaticly Stat Build StatFinDatabase Publication production (Monthly & quarterly publ, publication tables...) Web-site Statisticalapplication www.stat.fi FastWeb -Timercontrolled Excel -manually and - automaticly Word:- Conversionto HTML HTML Mainframe Publicationeditor Conversionto PDF Word, Excel, Kalle Sinivuori
What we need(ed) • More and better metadata • Language versions • All information in a single file • Archiving • Automatical conversion to different dissemination channels • Structured searches • To add new dissemination channels Kalle Sinivuori
.PX .PX .PX .PX Statisticalapplication PX-Edit -> PX&CoSSI SuperStar -> PX&CoSSI Publicationeditor SAS -> PX&CoSSI Arbortext Metadata: - statistical metadata- classifications - processingmetadata PDF PDF PDF Monthly & quarterly publ, publication tables...) eXist,XML-database / XML based dissemination process – XML and PC-Axis Publishingandpreview PX-Web:PC-Axis tables Databaseservices PX-Web FastWeb-XML Conversion Disseminationdatabase HTML HTML Web-site eXist,XML-database www.stat.fi Printinghouse RSS,SDMX RSS,SDMX Kalle Sinivuori
LFS New publication processstarted from may 2007 Kalle Sinivuori
Statisticalapplication .xml .xml PX-Edit -> PX&CoSSI SuperStar -> PX&CoSSI Publicationeditor SAS -> PX&CoSSI Arbortext Metadata: - statistical metadata- classifications - processingmetadata PDF PDF PDF Monthly & quarterly publ, publication tables...) eXist,XML-database / XML based dissemination process – integration completed Databaseservices FastWeb-XML Publishingandpreview PX-Web PX-Web:matrices(PXML) Conversion Disseminationdatabase HTML HTML Web-site eXist,XML-database www.stat.fi Printinghouse RSS,SDMX RSS,SDMX Kalle Sinivuori
Future of XML-publishing in Statistics Finland • So far 39 statistics have implemented SAS to XML -publishing process, which was developed in LFS. • During 2008 most of the statistics (about 200 in Statistics Finland) are implementing xml-publishing. • For technical details:ask Harri.Lehtinen@stat.fi (Head of IT-development/ Dissemination) Heikki.Rouhuvirta@stat.fi (Technical expert / ) Markku.Huttunen@stat.fi (Head of the Data Dissemination sect.) Kalle Sinivuori