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PSC Briefing and Discussion July 22, 2009. E.O. 13508 Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration. Presentation No. 5. Chesapeake Bay Executive Order. Part 1- Preamble. By the authority invested in me as President… Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure
PSC Briefing and Discussion July 22, 2009 E.O. 13508Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration Presentation No. 5
Part 1- Preamble By the authority invested in me as President… Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure Restoration of the Chesapeake bay will require a renewed commitment to controlling pollution…as well as protecting and restoring habitat and living resources… Executive departments and agencies, working in collaboration, can use their expertise and resources… Progress will also depend on…State and local governments, private sector and by all people
Sec. 201 – Shared Federal Leadership, Planning and Accountability Federal Leadership Committee • To begin a new era of shared Federal Leadership, a FLC is established • Oversee development and coordination of programs and activities… of agencies participating in protection and restoration • Chaired by the EPA Administrator with reps of USDA, DoC, DoD, DHS, DoI, DoT and others
Sec. 202 - Seven Reports Outlining Federal Action Draft -120 days; “Final” -180 Days for Public Comment (a) define the next generation of tools and actions to restore water quality... and describe the changes to be made to regulations, programs, and policies ... (EPA) (b) target resources ... including resources under the Food Security Act of 1985 as amended, the Clean Water Act, and other laws; (USDA) (c) strengthen storm water management practices at Federal facilities and on Federal lands and develop storm water best practices guidance; (EPA and DoD) (d) assess the impacts of a changing climate ...and develop a strategy for adapting natural resource programs and public infrastructure (DoC and DoI) (e) expand public access to waters and open spaces ... and conserve landscapes and ecosystems ... (DoI and DoD) (f) strengthen scientific support for decisionmaking ... including expanded environmental research and monitoring and observing systems; (DoC and DoI) (g) develop focused and coordinated habitat and research activities that protect and restore living resources and water quality ... (DoC and DoI)
Section 203 – Draft Strategy in 180 Days; Final Strategy in One Year The Committee shall prepare and publish a strategy for coordinated implementation of existing programs and projects to guide efforts to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay. The strategy shall, to the extent permitted by law: • define environmental goals for the Chesapeake Bay and describe milestones for making progress toward attainment of these goals; • identify key measureable indicators of environmental condition and changes that are critical to effective Federal leadership; • describe the specific programs and strategies to be implemented, including the programs and strategies described in draft reports developed under section 202 of this order; • identify the mechanisms that will assure that governmental and other activities, including data collection and distribution, are coordinated and effective, relying on existing mechanisms where appropriate; and (e) describe a process for the implementation of adaptive management principles, including a periodic evaluation of protection and restoration activities.
Sec. 204. Collaboration with State Partners In preparing the reports under section 202 and the strategy under section 203, the lead agencies and the Committee shall consult extensively with the States… The goal of this consultation is to ensure that Federal actions to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay are closely coordinated with actions by State and local agencies in the watershed and that the resources, authorities, and expertise of Federal, State, and local agencies are used as efficiently as possible for the benefit of the Chesapeake Bay's water quality and ecosystem and habitat health and viability.
Sec. 205. Annual Action Plan and Progress Report Beginning in 2010, the Committee shall publish an annual Chesapeake Bay Action Plan describing how Federal resources will be used to protect and restore the Bay during the upcoming fiscal year. This Plan will be accompanied by an Annual Progress Report reviewing indicators of environmental condition…. The Committee shall consult with stakeholders in developing the Action Plan and Progress Report
Sec. 206. Strengthen Accountability The Committee, in collaboration with State agencies, shall ensure that an independent evaluator periodically reports to the Committee on progress toward meeting the goals of this Order. The Committee shall ensure that … reports… are made available to the public by posting on a website maintained by the Chair of the Committee
E.O. 13508Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration Section 202 Reports July 22, 2009 PSC Meeting
Requires Seven Federal Reports in 120 Days Water Quality Targeting Resources Storm-water & Federal Facilities Climate Change Public Access & Conser-vation Monitoring & Decision Support Habitat & Research for Living Resources Define the next generation of tools and actions to restore water quality... and describe the changes to be made to regulations, programs, and policies. Target resources ... including resources under the Food Security Act of 1985 as amended, the Clean Water Act, and other laws. Strengthen storm water management practices at Federal facilities and on Federal lands and develop storm water best practices guidance. Assess the impacts of a changing climate ...and develop a strategy for adapting natural resource programs and public infrastructure. Expand public access to waters and open spaces ... and conserve landscapes and ecosystems. Strengthen scientific support for decision-making ... including expanded environmental research and monitoring and observing systems. Develop focused and coordinated habitat and research activities that protect and restore living resources and water quality. + + + +
Principles for Section 202 Reports • Represent a key opportunity for the federal government to demonstrate leadership • Federal actions will nest within the 203 strategy • Federal agency team leads and representatives identified and the 202 reports are being drafted. • In developing the reports, 202 report teams are carrying out extensive consultation with states and other CBP partners.
Principles for Section 202 Reports • Initial report drafts may be shared in mid to late August. Some lead agencies also plan to float some of the new ideas to key stakeholders prior to that time. • The draft reports are due to the FLC by September 9, 2009 (120 days) for a 21-day “interagency review.” • OMB and CEQ briefing on reports expected to occur between 100 and 120 days .
Principles for Section 202 Reports • The CBP MB and Goal teams will review draft 202 reports at around 120 days to facilitate integration into the 203 Implementation Strategy. • Programs and strategies recommended in 202 reports will be described in section 203 strategy. “Final” 202 reports will also be released for public review with the coordinated implementation strategy at 180 days (11/9/09). • Based on the significance of public comments period (60 days), the “final” 202 reports may need to be revised with final 203 implementation strategy by 365 days.
Administrator Jackson Letter to EC Members • Begins a new era of shared federal leadership, in close collaboration with EC and other state partners • Looking forward to a continued close partnership as we implement the EO’s directives • EO calls for an unparalleled collaboration between federal and state agencies and departments • Section 204, “Collaboration with State Partners” directs the FLC to consult extensively with Bay States and DC • Administrator knows that fed/state collaboration is vital to success. • Administrator pledges that she and staff will work closely with EC to implement EO
EO Consultation Memo to PSC Members June 11, 2009 Memo from William Early and Preston Bryant • As part of the “extensive consultation with states” required by EO, EPA will employ several methods to ensure this occurs • PSC is a key forum for consultation while developing EPA’s draft & final reports, and the overall integrated strategy • Builds upon the pledge that EPA Admin. Lisa Jackson made in letters she sent to EC members • Goal of consultations is to share preliminary ideas early, and to get feedback from PSC • Will occur through a series of meeting and forums with PSC members • PSC hopes to have similar consultations with other lead Federal agencies in the development of their reports and strategy
E.O. 13508Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration Proposed Coordination Roles & Approach to Section 203
Section 203 – Draft Strategy in 180 Days; Final Strategy in One Year The Committee shall prepare and publish a strategy for coordinated implementation of existing programs and projects to guide efforts to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay. The strategy shall, to the extent permitted by law: • define environmental goals for the Chesapeake Bay and describe milestones for making progress toward attainment of these goals; • identify key measureable indicators of environmental condition and changes that are critical to effective Federal leadership; • describe the specific programs and strategies to be implemented, including the programs and strategies described in draft reports developed under section 202 of this order; • identify the mechanisms that will assure that governmental and other activities, including data collection and distribution, are coordinated and effective, relying on existing mechanisms where appropriate; and (e) describe a process for the implementation of adaptive management principles, including a periodic evaluation of protection and restoration activities.
A Shared Vision A system with abundant, diverse populations of living resources, fed by healthy streams and rivers, sustaining strong local and regional economies, and our unique quality of life. Goal 1: Protect & Restore Fisheries Restore, enhance and protect the finfish, shellfish and other living resources, their habitats and ecological relationships to sustain all fisheries and provide for a balanced ecosystem. Goal 2: Protect & Restore Vital Aquatic Habitats Goal 3: Protect & Restore Water Quality Restore those habitats and natural areas that are vital to the survival and diversity of the living resources of the Bay and its rivers. Achieve and maintain the water quality necessary to support the aquatic living resources of the Bay and its tributariesand to protect human health. Goal 4: Maintain Healthy Watersheds Develop, promote and achieve sound land use practices which protect watershed resources and water quality, maintain reduced pollutant loadings for the Bay and its tributaries, and restore and preserve aquatic living resources. Goal 5: Foster Chesapeake Stewardship Promote individual stewardship and assist individuals, community-based organizations, businesses, local governments and schools to undertake initiatives to achieve these goals and our shared vision. Goal 6: Enhance Partnering, Leadership & Management Improve and enhance the leadership and management of the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership. EO 203 Strategy Relies on Existing Goal Structure
Building on the Work in the Chesapeake Action Plan Strategic Framework • Goals & Strategies Activity Integration Plan • Database of annual activities & resources (Federal, State, NGO) Dashboards • Measures of Progress Adaptive Management System
Proposed Structure for Managing 203 Strategy Development Executive Council Federal Leadership Committee 202 a Team • Overall responsibility for strategy & coordination with EC • Decides/approves policy recommendations PSC FLC Designees 202 b Team Close Consultation 202 c Team Management Board Federal Office Directors Group • Provides weekly management • Coordinates identification of policy issues for FLC 202 d Team Editorial Board Suggested: Robert Pace, Dana York, Jim Edward, Peyton Robertson, Representative (TBD) • Directly guides writing team • Reviews drafts on weekly or other basis • Serves issues to whole FOD 202 e Team Goal Implementation Teams Primary Roles In 1st 120 Days: Review - CAP goals, indicators, strategies 202 f Team Suggested Revisions Recommended Strategies Core Rationales 202 g Team 203 Strategy Writing Team Suggested: Aileen Smith Kevin DeBell Alicia Pimentel (graphics) • Describes document and draft initial outline • Reconciles, lumps/splits strategies • Embellishes recommendations • Drafts document Draft 07/08/09 Note: Consultation between 202 teams and GITs and others regarding 202 report development is not depicted in this diagram.
202 Tasks 203 Tasks General Tasks Key Meetings Major milestones CBP Key Dates End: 6/25 End: 7/09 End: 7/17 End: 8/03 End: 8/10 End: 8/10 End: 8/20 End: 8/13 End: 8/19 End: 7/22 End: 8/27 End: ~ 8/30 End: 09/09/09 180 Day Timeline for Developing Draft 203 Strategy Page 5 Draft07/08/09 2009 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 1 2 3 4 Key MB meeting 5 CBP Key Dates 6 Key PSC meeting 7 8 9 Key FLC/D meeting 10 Final FOD review of 202 reports prior to 120 days 9/2-9/4 11 12 13 End: 09/09 Task requires its own detailed subtask breakout and schedule CEQ/OMB meeting 14 15 End: 9/16 0 90 120 (9/9) 150 180 (11/9) 30 60 Today
End: 10/29 End: 10/06 End: 9/24 End: 10/08 End: 10/1 End: 9/30 End: 9/30 180 Day Timeline for Developing Draft 203 Strategy Page 5 Draft07/08/09 2009 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 16 17 Key MB meeting 18 19 Note: LGAC & CAC meetings set for 9/17-18; consider EO engagement 20 End: 10/05 21 Key FLC/D-PSC meeting 22 23 End: 10/21 24 End: 10/21 25 End: 10/22 26 End: 10/23 27 End: 10/26 Key FLC meeting 28 29 End: 11/06 30 End: 11/09 0 90 120 (9/9) 150 180 (11/9) 30 60 Today
180 Day Timeline for Developing Draft 203 Strategy Page 5 Draft07/08/09 2009 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 31 End: 11/06 32 End: 10/08 33 End: 11/06 34 0 90 120 (9/9) 150 180 (11/9) 30 60 Today
Principles and Parameters of the Strategy • Be a coordinated, comprehensive strategy including federal, state and local activities • Enhance performance and accountability of CBP and partners • Highlight a new commitment by federal government, yet be respectful and consistent with work done by CBP and partners • Affirm or establish small number of key environmental measures for each of the six goals
Principles and Parameters of the Strategy (cont.) • Focus on coordinating strategies, but not necessarily represent federal, state and local consensus • Include a prioritized set of actions, not simply a laundry list of possibilities • Clear, understandable, and brief • Address both long (3-5) year view and the annual actions and progress • Working draft of strategy prepared by 120 days and will then incorporate 202 report recommendations for FLC review prior to day 180 release for public comment.
Principles and Parameters of the Document (cont.) • The draft Coordinated Implementation Strategy would be released for public review and comment on November 9, 2009 along with the federal section 202 reports. (60 day review) • Following public comment, the Strategy would be revised to fully integrate section 202 report recommendations and include revisions to CBP goals, milestones and strategies. • Desired end result would be a final Coordinated Implementation Strategy released jointly by the FLC and EC in May 2010.