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PROCESSING LINES IN FOOD INDUSTRY. 2003-2004. Prof. Hoffman. PROSCI UTTO D I PARMA. PARMA HAM. Have you ever heard something about this delicious ham?. Where is Parma?. Parma. Emilia Romagna. Something about its history. 100 b.C. an author speaks about this ham
Parma Emilia Romagna
Something about its history • 100 b.C. an author speaks about this ham • 19th century: the production starts to be in multistoried buildings • 1963: the Parma ham consortium is estabilished • 1970: the Parma ham becomes a product with protected origin
The SECRETS of how the Parma ham is made • 4 ingredients
The SECRETS of how the Parma ham is made • 4 ingredients • 10 steps
The 4 ingredients • Italian pigs (4 million annually) • Salt (as little as possible for curing and retarding spoilage) • air (the cool, sweet-scented air of the Parma countryside) • time (hung 300 days at a minimum)
The 10 steps • isolamento; • raffreddamento; • rifilatura; • salagione; • riposo; • lavatura – asciugatura; • pre-stagionatura - toelettatura; • sugnatura; • stagionatura; • sondaggio e marchiatura.
First step ISOLAMENTO Selected breeds of pigs Weigh around 150 kg Older than 9 months 15 hours foodless The leg is insulated from the body
Second step RAFFREDDAMENTO 24 hours in refrigerated rooms at 0°C Loss of 1% of weight
Third step RIFILATURA The leg is made rounder Loss of 24% of weight
Fourth step SALAGIONE Wet salt is used for the rind Dry salt is used for lean parts Room of “first salt” for 1 week with 1-4°C and 80% of humidity Room of “second salt” for 15-18 days Loss of 4% of weight
Fifth step RIPOSO room “of rest” for 60-80 days with 1-5 °C and 75% of humidity The leg must “breathe” Loss of 8-10% of weight
Sixth step LAVATURA - ASCIUGATURA The leg is cleaned by cool water and dried by natural enviromental conditions
Seventh step PRE-STAGIONATURA TOELETTATURA The leg is hung and it continues to dry Loss of 8-10% of weight
Eighth step SUGNATURA The “sugna” makes the superficial layers softer to avoid that that the superficial layers of the ham dry faster than the inners
Nineth step STAGIONATURA It is the seventh month and the ham must be moved to the cellars around Parma, to continue in drying Loss 5% of weight
Tenth step SONDAGGIO E MARCHIATURA The hams are checked after 10 months for the hams with a final weight of 7-9 kg and 12 months for which weigh more than 9 kg. If everything is ok it is possible to put the stamp It means that the ham is ready to be eaten
Something about its nutritional values • Parma ham is a food which is good for everybody, even for people who are doing a low-calorie diet. It has a low cholesterol level and it is one of the basic dishes for the athletes.
How long can I keep it? • Packed and boned it is possible to keep it for 6 months as long as it is in refrigerated place with a temperature of 4-8 °C. • The ham with the bone can be hung and kept for 12 months in places with temperature of 17-20 °C.
Main source: www.prosciuttodiparma.com Andrea Pasqua