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National Team Meeting 16 th June 2011 - Paddy Keays

http://lcvp.slss.ie/resource_category/view/3188. National Team Meeting 16 th June 2011 - Paddy Keays. Welcome. Caroline McHale. Multiple Intelligences. Caroline McHale. Multiple Intelligences. Enhance Learning No Guarantees…………magic words Suggestions… Professionals Cautious

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National Team Meeting 16 th June 2011 - Paddy Keays

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  1. http://lcvp.slss.ie/resource_category/view/3188 National Team Meeting 16th June 2011 - Paddy Keays

  2. Welcome Caroline McHale

  3. Multiple Intelligences Caroline McHale

  4. Multiple Intelligences • Enhance Learning • No Guarantees…………magic words • Suggestions…Professionals Cautious • Task of Teaching…delicate/sensitive/difficult • How a student Learns …….complex • Uniqueness of each student ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’

  5. “The Best Teacher Ever” My personal experience of a good Teacher is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  6. “The Best Teacher Ever” What was so “special” about this Teacher?

  7. Tweaking the Teaching • We are not looking for a radical overhaul – just a few tweaks and a bit of polish. In order to do this we need to: • Be specific and accurately identify which aspects of our performance needs tweeking • Identify strategies that will enable us to do the tweeking

  8. Where are you now? • Pause and reflect on the quality of lessons you currently teach. What marks out of ten would you award yourself for the quality of teaching • Whatever mark you gave yourself you will remain there unless you do something different • The key question is how are you going to improve it? If you scored 4/10 how will you make it 5/10, or how will you make 8/10 into 9/10

  9. Tweaking the Teaching 0 _________________________10

  10. Multiple Intelligences “Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I know” Chinese Proverb

  11. How much do you remember? • Recall peaks a few minutes after the learning experience ends • Up to 40% of the material is forgotten within 5 minutes! • Up to 80% of the material is forgotten within 24 hours!

  12. Multiple Intelligences Decide on Choice A. Choice B,or Choice C “Things to Learn”

  13. Average Retention Rates • Lecture 5% • Reading 10% • Audio Visual 20% • Demonstration 30% • Discussion 50% • Practice by doing 75% • Teach others 90%

  14. Improve Learning • Build in reward • Use relaxation or energising techniques • High expectations • Use positive, affirming language • Pre- process • Give the big picture first • Chunk it down • Connect left and right for the whole brain learning • Utilise all the intelligences • Provide work at individual, pair and group

  15. Improve learning • Use visual displays • Provide multi-path learning opportunities • Use spiral learning • Provide opportunities to demonstrate new knowledge • Build in review • Memory maps for note taking • Music in the background • Teach time and priority skills • Use creative visualisation • Build in fun!

  16. Understanding • Asking questions is fundamental to developing understanding • Asking questions without fear or embarrassement is crucial to protecting self-esteem

  17. Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardiner, Psychologist • Dissatisfied with narrow range of ability that I.Q. tests measure • Fascinated with how the brain works • Studied different cultures,brain damaged adults and autistic children • Wanted to devise a broader concept of intelligence • At least 8 systems for learning and for coming to awareness

  18. A Change in Emphasis…… Is He/She Clever? To In What Ways is He/She Clever?

  19. Multiple Intelligences Dr Howard Gardiner identified eight main categories of human intelligence: • Linguistic • Logical/ mathematical • Visual/spatial • Musical • Bodily-kinaesthetic • Intrapersonal • Interpersonal • Naturalist Some people excel in one of these areas at the expense of the others, while others have a more balanced profile

  20. Linguistic / Verbal • Sensitivity to sounds, rhythms and meanings of words • Associated with arguing, debating, persuading and telling stories • Like to read, write and listen • Enjoy writing stories • Often spell words accurately and easily Identify a linguistic student… Am I Lingistic?

  21. Linguistic / Verbal • Difficult words/ tell a story • Wordgames /Crosswords • Like to hear • Library ….exercising / • Early age……..baby is born with the potential of learning any language • Improve Travel, Reading, listening to current affairs, • Notice words • Diary of an entrepreneur

  22. Logical / Mathematical • The capacity to recognise logical or numerical patterns • Like to experiment, solve puzzles • Enjoy working with numbers and mathematical formulas • Love the challenge of a complex problem to solve • Ask the questions “how?” and “ why?” Identify a logical student…. Am I Logical?

  23. Logical / Mathematical • Later in childhood • Peaks in adulthood….40 • Begin with a logical question… • Order in life • Time lines • Lists • What will happen next?

  24. Musical • Love music and rhythmic patterns • Sensitive to sounds in the environment • Often reproduce a melody after hearing it only once • Like to have music in the background when working • Often quite skilled at mimicking sounds, language and accents Identify a musical intelligent student Am I musically Intelligent?

  25. Musical • Early and remains • Power Christmas/funerals/ • Beta- attentive – Problem solving • Alpha – relaxed – learning • Theta – meditation • Delta – deep sleep • Key words to a familiar tune or rap • Suzuki

  26. Visual / Spatial • Think in images and pictures • Often aware of objects, shapes, colours and patterns • Like to draw, paint, make interesting designs and patterns • Love jigsaw puzzles, reading maps and daydreaming • Strong opinions about such things as colours that go together, textures that are appropriate and pleasing! Identify a visual intelligent student.. Am I visually intelligent?

  27. Visual / Spatial • Mind maps • Visualisation – Waitress • Montessori • Lines boring • Imagination • Colour

  28. Bodily / Kinesthetic • Control of body movements and the capacity to handle objects skillfully • Learn through their body sensations, enjoy touching, feeling and tapping • Enjoy roleplay simulations, physical exercises • Movement is essential • Easily bored if they are not actively involved Identify a kinesthetic Student…. Am I Kinesthetically Intelligent?

  29. Bodily / Kinesthetic • Drive • Cross crawl • Oxygen - stand increase oxygen by 10% • Roleplay • Movement is essential

  30. Intrapersonal • Like to work alone • Self reflective • Think about thinking • Highly intuitive • Inwardly motivated rather than needing external rewards • Other people will come to them for advise Identify an Intrapersonal student.. Am I Intrapersonal person?

  31. Interpersonal • Sensitivity to moods, feelings, motivation and desires of other people • Enable us to work with others • Listen effectively, negotiate, handle conflicts and get along well with diverse groups of people • Enjoy participating in cooperative learning groups Identify an interpersonal Intelligent student? Am I an Interpersonal person?

  32. Naturalist • Notice characteristics and patterns of the environment • Like to collect items from nature, study them and group them • Farmers, gardners, botanists, geologists, florists. Identify a naturalist Intelligent student… Am I a naturalist intelligent person?

  33. You may be interested in knowing what engineers discovered in a wind tunnel about why geese fly in a “V” formation. As each bird flaps its wings, it creates lift for the goose immediately following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater range than if each bird flew on its own. Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone, and moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wind and another goose flies point. The geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep their speed. Finally, when a goose gets sick, or is wounded by gun shots and falls out of formation, two geese fall out with him and follow him down to help protect them. They stay with him until he is either able to fly, or until he is dead. Then they launch out on their own or with another formation to catch up with the group

  34. Multiple Intelligences • Try this Multiple Intelligences Self Test to see what your profile is. • Treat it as fun and concentrate on what you seem best at afterwards. Note; These scores are not fixed forever…… Enjoy

  35. When we tap into our strongest intelligences…… We hit a pool of energy • Our attention is caught • Our interest is aroused • Our understanding is enhanced • Our memory is improved

  36. “Multiple Intelligences does not demand an overhaul of a Curriculum; it merely provides a framework for enhancing instruction and a language to describe ones efforts”

  37. With regard to discipline • Weak in a particular intelligence eg Linguistic Talking is the least effective approach to convey the seriousness of a discipline issue

  38. An appreciation of my own intelligences and an awareness of the students Multiple Intelligences. • A perspective on possibilities for Enhancing Teaching. • Confidence to stay out of my comfort zone for longer periods!

  39. Multiple Intelligences A Journey of a Thousand Miles starts with the First Step!

  40. We rarely use a single intelligence on its own………………… • We will invite you to do just that, so you can check out how you feel and what you think about that intelligence…………

  41. Work Shop • A very practical and fun approach to Multiple Intelligences! • Each person must attempt 8 tasks representing the different Intelligences. Enjoy!

  42. Multiple Intelligences • Does the theory make sense in the light of your experience? • How does it affect your view of the students? • Does it affirm your current work? • Does it offer good Resources For Teaching? • Does it show useful ways of engaging students in their learning?

  43. Multiple Intelligences Determine what is most appropriate for my teaching approach, Content, and students. • One intelligence • Students choice • Other………………

  44. Multiple Intelligences A key to meeting the needs of the many different types of learner is variety. But variety does not happen by chance – it has to be planned for.

  45. That’s all very well (but!!!)and • Class Size • Time Factor • Lack of Awareness • Comfort Zone • Resistance to Change • School Culture • Others…………………………..

  46. That’s all very well but!!!! Issues Strategies

  47. email :cmchale99@eircom.net087 9598538 Multiple Intelligences

  48. Thank You Multiple Intelligences

  49. Contact Details Caroline McHale National Co-ordinator for Business and Enterprise 087 9598538 carolinemchale@pdst.ie business@pdst.ie The LCVP is funded by the Department of Education and Science under the National Development Plan

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