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GRAMEEN DANONE FOOD Ltd Social innovation to bring nutrition to the poor in Bangladesh & to valorize and professionalize local populations. Our Business model in Bangladesh. A Social Business model with 5 objectives.
GRAMEEN DANONE FOOD LtdSocial innovation to bring nutrition to the poor in Bangladesh & to valorize and professionalize local populations
A Social Business model with 5 objectives • Health through nutrition at a very affordable price for all Bangladeshi children • Improve living conditions of the poorest in the community by involving them in all stages of the business model • Preserve natural resources as much as possible • Profitability to ensure return on capital and sustainability • Micro / proximity business model to ensure ownership and learning by local population, and macro replication • With networked autonomy
Bangladesh background: population pyramid Total population: 144 million - 80% rural 41% aged below 14 Average family size: 4.9 GDP / cap : 600$ a year (Indon.: 1,200$) Density 1000 p. / km² >€4.1 a day (>333Tk) 14% €2.9-4.1 a day (233-333Tk) 11% €2-2.9 a day (167-232Tk) 16% €1-2 a day (83-166Tk) Grameen Danone Project 37% <€1 a day (<83Tk) 22% Sources : 2004 statistical yearbook of Bangladesh, 2005 estimates on total population, household income per day
Macro Nutrition Issues Micro Nutrition Issues • Overall energy deficiency, particularly among young children (between 24% and 40% gap vs RDA) • Protein deficiency • Iron (49% among young children) • Vitamin B2 • Calcium • Vitamin C • Vitamin A • Iodine and zinc likely • 87% of protein source is vegetal (lentils and beans), deficiency in essential amino-acids likely Health Concerns • Stunting (41% of young children) • Diarrhea • Polluted water (arsenic, bacteria) Key health/nutrition concerns in Bangladesh Source: Grameen/local NGOs
ShoktiDoi, a yoghurt full of nutrition ShoktiDoi has been specifically developed by Danone’s experts in R&D, with technical help of GAIN, to fulfil the nutritional needs of children in Bangladesh and to contribute to their healthy growth by bringing them the benefits of milk, live cultures and other micronutrients they lack. ShoktiDoi contains milk, sugar, date molasse, starch, Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, Iodine and Danone special blend of yoghurt cultures (Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Streptococcus Thermophilus). Each 60 g cup of ShoktiDoi brings ~ 12.5% of RDA in Calcium and is fortified with 30% of RDA in Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A and Iodine. ShoktiDoi is produced by Grameen Danone Foods Ltd in a small modern factory in Bogra, built with the Danone know-how on quality and food safety.
Efficacity study currently on going with • Objective : • Evaluate the impact of a fortified vs non-fortified yogurt • Evaluate the impact of a fortified yogurt vs no regular yogurt consumption at all • Specifics : • Evaluate the impact of the fortified yogurt on morbidity, growth, cognitive development and status indicators • Over periods of 6 months and one year • Principal investigator: Sunil Sazawal MD, MPH, PhD • Primary Institution: Johns Hopkins university, USA • Collaborating Institution: Center for Micronutrient Research, India • Partnership: GAIN (funding and technical advising)
A mission: support social businesses such as GDFL • bringing health through food to as many people as possible • in areas where Danone can concretely add competencies • Projects: Grameen-Danone + 3 others projects in incubation phase in Africa and Asia, in Water, Baby-Food and Dairy • A Financial tool : French SICAV: to finance those social businesses (10% of 65M€) • A Network : Danone, NGOs, suppliers, subscribers, local teams, academics… who want to engage into social business solutions (www.danonecommunities.com)
A network with complementary knowledge 50% Technical expertise & assistance in local regulatory environment, micro-credit financing, agriculture mgt, distribution and consumer education 50% Technical expertise in R&D, nutrition, manufacturing, quality, marketing Technical expertise in fortification, nutrition marketing, efficacy study
Professor Muhammad Yunus about training Source : youtube.com Video
Little stories of empowerment : experience to educate Autonomous factory Sales’ladies danone.communities network Impactful volunteers
Social Innovation for nutrition Autonomy & Learning 1/ Build a network of complementary knowledge 2/ Experience to educate Thank you for your support!