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Chapter 12. 實體存貨與倉儲管理 (physical inventory and warehouse management). 倉儲管理目標. 倉儲的目標 : 最少成本與最佳顧客服務 有效率的倉儲作業必須 : Provide timely customer service Keep track of items so they can be found readily and correctly
Chapter 12 實體存貨與倉儲管理 (physical inventory and warehouse management)
倉儲管理目標 • 倉儲的目標: 最少成本與最佳顧客服務 • 有效率的倉儲作業必須: • Provide timely customer service • Keep track of items so they can be found readily and correctly • Minimize the total physical effort and thus the cost of moving goods into and out of storage • Provide communication links w/ customers
倉儲活動 • Receive goods • ID the goods • Dispatch the goods to storage • Hold goods • Pick goods • Marshal the shipment • Dispatch the shipment • Operate an information system
空間利用率與易取得性cube utilization and accessibility • 易取得性: be able to get goods wanted with a minimum amount of work • 空間利用率: the use of space horizontally and vertically • Fig. 12.2
庫存位置 stock location (warehouse layout) • Concerns w/ the location of individual items in the warehouse • No single universal stock location system suitable for the all occasions • Which system, or mix of systems, depends on the type of goods stored, the type of storage facilities needed, the throughput, and the size of orders
庫存位置系統 • Group functionally related items together • Group fasting-moving items together • Group physically similar items together • Locate working stock and reserve stock separately
固定位置系統 • An SKU is assigned a permanent location or locations, and no other items are stored there • Store and retrieve items w/ minimum of record keeping • Used in small warehouse where space is not at premium, where throughput is small, and where there are a few SKUs • Adv.: everything is nice and simple so things are readily found • Disadv.: have poor cube utilization – on the average, only 50% of cube space is utilized (presume the avg inv is half the order qty)
浮動位置系統 • Goods are stored wherever there is appropriate space for them • The same SKU may be stored in several locations at the same time and different locations at different times • Adv.: Improved cube utilization-Modern warehouses are usually computer based • Disadv.: Need accurate and up-to-date info on item location and the availability of empty storage space so items can be put away and retrieved efficiently
使用點儲存(point-of-use storage) • Inventory is stored close to where it will be used -particularly in repetitive mfg and in a JIT environment • Adv.: • mat’ls are readily accessible to users • Mat’l handling is reduced or eliminated • Central storage costs are reduced • Mat’l is accessible at all times
中央儲存 • Contains all inventory in one central location • Adv.: • Ease of control • Inv record accuracy is easier to maintain • Specialized storage can be used • Reduced safety stocks, since users do not need to carry their own safety stock
訂單揀貨系統 • Area system: • Circulates throughout the warehouse selecting the items on the order ,much as a shopper would in a supermarket • Generally used in small warehouse where goods are stored in fixed locations
訂單揀貨系統 • Zone system: • The warehouse is broken into zones, and order pickers work only in their own area • Each order is handled separately and leaves the zone b/f another is handled • Zones are usually established by grouping related parts together
訂單揀貨系統 • Multi-order system: • A number of orders are gathered together and all the items divided by zone • Pickers then circulate through their area, collecting all the items required for that group of orders • Suitable for situations where there are many items or many small orders w/ few items
交易步驟 • ID the item • Verify quantity • Record the transaction • Physically execute the transaction
不準確的存貨記錄後果 • Lost sales • Shortage and disrupted schedules • Excess inventory (of the wrong things) • Low productivity • Poor delivery performance • Excessive expediting, since people will always be reacting to a bad situation rather than planning for the future
不準確存貨記錄的原因 • Unauthorized withdrawal of mat’l • Unsecured stockroom • Poorly trained personnel • Inaccurate transaction recording • Poor transaction recording system • Lack of audit capability
量測存貨記錄的準確性 • Accuracy is 100% or 20% or something else? (2 of 10 items are correct)
允差 tolerance • The amount of permissible variation b/w an inv record and a physical count • To judge inv accuracy • Set on individual items based on value, critical nature of the item, availability, lead time, ability to stop production, safety problems, or the difficulty of getting precise measurement • Fig. 12.4
稽核存貨準確性的目標 • To audit record accuracy • Find the causes of record inaccuracy and eliminate them
Two basic methods of checking the accuracy of inv records • Periodic (usually annual) counts of all items • To satisfy the financial auditors that the inv records represent the value of the inv • To planners, the physical inv represents an opportunity to correct any inaccuracies in the records • Cyclic (usually daily) counts of specified items -does 稽核存貨準確性的目標
Periodic (annual) inventory • Three factors in good preparation: • Housekeeping • Inv. Must be sorted and the same parts collected together so they can be counted • Identification • Parts must be clearly identified and tagged w/ part number • Training • Those who are going to do the inv must be properly instructed and trained in taking inv.
盤點步驟 • Count items and record the count on a ticket left on the item • Verify this count by recounting or by sampling • When the verification is finished, collect the tickets and list the items in each department • Reconcile the inv. Records for differences b/w the physical count and inv. dollars
Problems of taking an annual physical inv. • Usually the factory has to be shut down, thus losing production; labor and paperwork are expensive; job is often done hurriedly and poorly since there is much pressure to get it done • People doing the inv. are not used to the job and are prone to making errors
循環盤點 cycle counting • A system of counting inv. continually throughout the year • Counts are scheduled so that each item is counted on a predetermined schedule • Adv. • Timely detection and correction of problems • Complete or partial reduction of lost production • Use of personnel trained and dedicated to cycle counting
Count frequency • The number of times an item is counted in a year • Basic idea is to count some items each day so all items are counted a predetermined number of times each year • the count frequency should increase as the value of the item and number of transactions (chance of error) increase
When to count • An order is placed • An order is retrieved • The inv. Record reaches zero • A specified number of transactions have occurred • An error occurs
物料堆放方法及料架種類 • 物料堆放方法 • 平面堆放方式 • 立體堆放方式 • 鉤式堆放 • 料架的種類 • 金屬製料架 • 木製料架 • 塑膠製料架