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Expanding Access to Complex Rehab Technology for Individuals with Disabilities. May 07 , 2013 Theresa T. Morgan ITEM Coalition Staff Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville, P.C. Theresa.Morgan@ppsv.com 202-466-6550 i temcoalition.org. What is the ITEM Coalition?.
Expanding Access to Complex Rehab Technologyfor Individuals with Disabilities May 07, 2013 Theresa T. Morgan ITEM Coalition Staff Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville, P.C. Theresa.Morgan@ppsv.com 202-466-6550 itemcoalition.org
What is the ITEM Coalition? • Over 65 national and local non-profit organizations focused on expanding access to medical devices and assistive technology for individuals with disabilities • Consumer and clinician-led, our steering committee members are: • ASHA • United Spinal • NMSS • AFB • PVA • Includes a diverse set of organizations • disability organizations • non-profit provider and supplier associations • RESNA and ATAP are members
ITEM Coalition Mission • Engaged in a sustained education and advocacy campaign to raise awareness among policymakers of the critical importance of adequate access to assistive devices, technologies and related services • Building support for legislative and regulatory changes to address this problem through enhancing current coverage policies • Promotes a broad-based assistive device benefit that helps as many users of assistive devices, technologies, and related services as possible
Joining the ITEM Coaltion • Membership is open to all national non-profit organizations who support the ITEM Coalition mission, without any requirement to contribute financially • Steering committee meets once a month • Members meet annually, and receive updates and opportunities to advocate for broader coverage through regulations, legislation and education
ITEM Coalition and CRT • ITEM supports the Ensuring Access to Quality Complex Rehabilitation Technology act of 2013 (HR 942) • Would create a separate category from the current Medicare DME category • Introduced 3/4/2013 • Sponsored by Rep Crowley [NY-14] • Referred to the Health Subcommittee in both the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Ways and Means Committee • No Senate version at this time • 24 Cosponsors • 16 Democrats • 8 Republicans
What is Complex Rehab Technology (CRT)? • HR 942 defines CRT as items: • Designed and configured for a specific qualified individual to meet the individual’s unique medical, physical and functional needs and capacities for basic activities of daily living; and items which are • Primarily used to serve a medical purpose and is generally not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury; and items • Requiring specialized services and evaluation to ensure the features and functions of the item meets the needs of the specific individual
Who uses Complex Rehab Technology (CRT)? • Individuals who might need access to CRT include, but are not limited to, individuals with: • Congenital disorders, progressive or degenerative neuromuscular diseases • Spinal cord injury • Traumatic brain injury • Cerebral Palsy • Multiple Sclerosis • Myopathy • Huntington’s Disease • And other low incidence conditions which impede an individual’s function and ability to live independently
“Complex” vs. “Standard” • Complex Power WCs • Standard Power WCs 7% of Medicare Intended for progressive diagnoses Provides positioning Accommodates deformity Provides pressure management Offers ventilator accommodation 93% of Medicare Intended for ambulatory limitations Basic joystick drive only Provides no positioning No deformity accommodation Provides no pressure management No ventilator accommodation
How would H.R. 942 Improve Access to CRT? • CMS, in consultation with Office on Disability, VA, DOD and others would standardize access by: • designating certain technology as CRT, and • creating an eligibility process by which individuals with certain physical and functional needs could access that technology • Remove the restriction on coverage to CRT when it can be helpful outside of the individual’s home • Improve program safeguards by increasing quality standards for suppliers of CRT items above current DME standards • Allow beneficiaries in skilled nursing facilities to obtain CRT items when transitioning to the community
CRT and Competitive Bidding • Competitive bidding Mandated by Congress thru the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, and subsequent legislation • Medicare must replace fee schedule payment method for DMEPOS with a competitive bid process • ITEM Coalition is surveying beneficiaries to assess problems or disruptions in access • In round one, on average reimbursement dropped 32 percent in the nine markets • Phase 2 will be launched on July 1, 2013, in 91 areas, with an average reimbursement cut of 45 percent • All areas of the country could be under competitive bidding by 2016 • Some CRT is already exempt from bidding, HR 942 would require the formal category be entirely exempt from the bidding program
Questions about CRT or ITEM? • Go to itemcoalition.org or www.access2crt.org • Contact me! • Theresa.Morgan@ppsv.com • 202-466-6550