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Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, neuropathic disorders affecting NS. M. Bojar Charles University Prague, 2nd Medical School, Dpt. of Neurology, FN Motol. I. Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, disorders of the CNS a PNS.
Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, neuropathic disorders affecting NS M. Bojar Charles University Prague, 2nd Medical School, Dpt. of Neurology, FN Motol
I. Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, disorders of the CNS a PNS • Incidence, prevalence -high, rising due to many factors • Etiology – diabetes, thyroid gland • DM neuropathy 10% in the manifestation, 50% of px after 25 l.,thg endocrinopathy. Inter. disorders- liver, kidney. • Abuse + spirits – alcohol, drugs 15%? Inflammatory + infections. Compression + vibrations (P.C., musicians). Medicaments + env. toxins and noxae. • Heredity - HSMN, SCA, inherited metabolic encephalopx • PA – axonopathy (demyel., mixed), neuropathy, neuronopathy, (angiopathy). Encefalo/myelopathy - atrophy, leukoencefalopathy.
Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, disorders of the CNS a PNS • Metabolic - inherited - acquired • Toxic ( industry, environment, drugs, food and water) • Paraneoplastic ( autoimmunity, therapy …) • Hereditary – various inherit.disorders of NS • Combined with hereditary disposition and infectious +parainfectious disorders 3
Diabetic polyneuropathy. 2006 – Treated diabetic pts in ČR n748 528. • DM I.type : 18-29 yr - 18%, > 30 yr 58% • DM II.type :at time of dg. 8.3%, after 10 yr 32 % • Cca 50% diabetes pts have DN, out of them 18% px are symptomatic. • ČR cca 67 400 diabetes px with symptomatic DN • (Pelikánová,Bartoš:Diabetes mellitus minimum pro praxi, Perušičová:Trendy • soudobé diabetologie, Rušavý:Diabetická noha) 4
II. Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, disorders of the CNS a PNS • Clin. symptoms – • Sensitive • Motor • Combined • Distribution • Cr.nn, radiculo/neuropathic. sy - spinal roots, peripher.nn. • Encefalo/myelopathy • Combined 5 5
What is typical for polyneuropathies? PNP – typical features: affect mainly long nn – LE, but UE, too. Entreppement sy – „narrow channels“- carpal tunnel sy, elbow tunnel sy manifest mainly distally. start typically and „silently“in rest, in night, sleep… 6
Subjec. problems, complaints - impaired sensitivity and vegetative system Sensitive neuropathic symptoms – start typically when resting, in the night. Rarely during the day. Irritative, positive : neuropathic pain, itching- paresthesias, hot, dysesthesias, oversensitivity. Restless legs sy, usually night + „fire“ feeling. Sy canalis carpi, entrempement sy… Failure, negative : strange, cold, icy, numb, „wooden“ LE 7
Subjective complaints, troubles – motor, movement functions Motor neuropathic symptoms Irritative, positive : spasms- crampi, fasciculations. Failure, negative : fatigue, heaviness, weakend UE,LE, palsy, unstable gait 8
Neuritis vs. neuropathy ... • Neuropathy – impairment of neurons and axons. • Only non-inflammat. origin– • metabol., toxic, mechanical... • But… • Neuritis – inflammatory impairment of peripheral nerves Sensu lato even neurons. 9
III. Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, disorders of the CNS a PNS • Diagnostics • Illness hist.- Fam H, Epi H, Proff H, ToxH, Travel H. • Biochemistry, CSF. Immunology. Serology, virology • X- rays + NIM - MRI,CaT, US. • EF - EMG, EP - VEP, BAEP, MEP.EEG. ENG. Stabilometry • Biopsy. • Clinical examination, neurostatus 10
Myotatic reflex – old, but useful… 11
Neurologic finding, neurostatus Impaired function of muscles, movements, trophic functions Hyporeflexy or areflexy L5/S2, later areflexia L2/4 Hypotonia and atrophy of distal muscles, mainly LE, espec. msc. interossei Diminished msc. strenght- LE ( gate), later UE( PET bottles , locks, zips ) 12
Paraneoplastic impairment of the NS • Reactivity of the immune system against Tumor tissue/disease and its treatment. Anticancer „surveillance“. • Autoimmune reactions – pre/post tumor manifestation and therapy modifying effx. • Combined reactions – drug-induced, opportune - superinfections, actinotherapy, metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, hypo/dyssimunity. 13
Impairment of the NS of toxic-metabolic origin • Toxic – addiction : alcoholism, nicotinism, drugs+ medicaments Exogennous – toxic substances – environmental, industry, agriculture - organofosfates, intoxications - org.sbst. Iatrogennous – cytostatics, antibiotics, immunomodulans, neuropharma drugs Metabol. & organ impairment – liver, renal, amyloidosis… 14
Renal, uremic polyneuropathy • Chronic renal insuficiency – late stage • Distal symmetrical sensitive and motor form – slowly progressive. Koincidence with DM, myeloma, vasculitis • Mononeuropathy affecting dialysed pts. Mainly n.medianus, n.ulnaris + n.peroneus. 15
Hepatal polyneuropathy • Acute – viral hepatitis B, C. Guillain Barré syndrom-like polyradiculoneuritis. • Chronic – hepatopathy, postinfectious, toxic-metabolic, combined. • Mononeuropathy multiplex. • Th. hepatoprotectives, INFa,vitamins (B1,6,12). Abstinency, diet. Rhb., physiotherapy, balneotherapy. 16
Metabolic, toxic, paraneoplastic, infectious impairment of CNS a PNS • Therapy • Causative - against metab. dysfunction, agent, noxa, toxin. Neuroprotection.Vasoactive. SSRI. NMD. AED • Symptomatic- circulation,nutrition. Diet, psychotherapy. • Physiotherapy. Balneotherapy. Spa therapy. • Prognosis – >> chronic-progressive, > deficit. Letality - toxic encefalomyelopathy, infectious, limbic - paraneoplast.encx