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History of the Middle East. “The Extras”. The Arab League. Definition : an organization of 22 Middle Eastern and African nations where Arabic is the spoken language that promotes political, economic, cultural, and social relations among members.
History of the Middle East “The Extras”
The Arab League Definition: an organization of 22 Middle Eastern and African nations where Arabic is the spoken language that promotes political, economic, cultural, and social relations among members • Additional Information: • founded in 1945 • council of representatives from member states work to settle disputes peacefully • has had difficulty living up to goals • ARABSAT (satellite systems)
O.P.E.C. Definition: an association of 12 countries that depend heavily on oil exports for their incomes and work together to increase revenue from oil exports. • Additional Information: • founded in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela • OPEC nations produce 40% of world’s oil • OPEC nations possess 70% of world’s oil • OPEC have a direct impact on world oil prices along with: world conflict, global demand, and stock market speculation
Iran-Iraq War • Began Sept. 22, 1980 when Iraqi President Saddam Hussein orders invasion of Iran • Ended Aug. 20, 1988 with a cease-fire agreement • Additional Information: • longest war between two nations in the 1900’s • Reasons for the war: • - Iraq thought Iran was in a weak state • - Iraq (and other Arab nations) feared • Iran’s Shiite revolution • - Iran and Iraq had territorial disputes • - Iraq saw a chance to control Iran’s oil
The Persian Gulf War • Began in response to President Saddam Hussein and Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on Aug.2, 1990 • U.N. coalition bombing began Jan. 17, 1991 • Coalition forces launched ground attack into Kuwait and Southern Iraq in February • U.N. coalition ended military operations Feb. 28, 1991 • Additional Information: • first international crisis after Cold War • tested U.S. and Russia’s ability to cooperate • split Arab world between Iraq & Coalition • Results in Iraq: environmental issues, refugees, casualties, revolts, economic hardships
The Iraq War • Began March 2003 when the U.S. and coalition of 39 nations launched an invasion of Iraq • Mid-April 2003 Saddam Hussein and Iraq’s govt. fell • U.S. President George W. Bush ends combat operations May 1, 2003 • Operation Iraqi Freedom: • May 2003 to August 2010 • 2004 Sunni violence against Shia Iraqi govt. and U.S. forces • 2007 U.S. adds troop build-up • Aug. 31, 2010 U.S. ends combat operations • Dec. 31, 2011 U.S. troops expect to leave Iraq