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Optical Measurment In Tissue

Optical Measurment In Tissue. Kamal Abu Shindi 20063092006 Advisor: Mohammad AL-Akhras Department of Physics in Jordan University Science & Technology “JUST” Jordan – Irbid December- 2007. Introduction :-.

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Optical Measurment In Tissue

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  1. Optical Measurment In Tissue Kamal Abu Shindi 20063092006 Advisor: Mohammad AL-Akhras Department of Physics in Jordan University Science & Technology “JUST” Jordan – Irbid December- 2007

  2. Introduction:- • 1- The Interact of light with material take multiple method Absorption Transmission Scattering • 2-show the Applications to the Interact of light in nature and medical and biological 3-show The difficulty to study a scattering and absorption to a tissue • 4- develop study the propogation of light in amultiple scattering medium • 5- schuster (1905)→ Dreosti(1930) → Kubelka- Munk (1931) →Kubelka(1948)

  3. The Kubelka – Munk {K – M} equations . 1-The condition to applay {K – M} equations : • a- the elementary volume elements is chosen such that only single scat- • tering take place • b- the scattering non-coherent c- Isotropic 2-If three condition applied then the absorbed and scattring light is linearly dependent on thickness 3- we let the sample is persumed to have one dimensional geometry ,Area much larger than thickness .

  4. J I0 0 • dI= - K.I.dx – S.I.dx + S.J.dx • - dJ = - K.J.dx – S.J.dx + K.I.dx • Boundary condition : at X=0 →I=I0 and X=d →J=0 • and Td = I(d)/I0 Rd = J(o)/ Io • by solve equation we obtain dx +x I

  5. S= (1/Cd) coth-1 (1+T^2-R^2)/2R C • K/S = [ (1 + Rd^2 – Td^2)/ (2Rd) ] – 1 • WhereC = √k/S ((k/S) +2) • From these equation we can calculate (K,S) from Measurment (R,T,X)

  6. Transmission and optical density • OD = - Log T (d) • Beer’s Low I(x)=I0 exp(-µx) • At x=1HVL then I(x) =0.5* I0 = I0 *exp(-µx) • 1HVL= 0.693/µ • Penetration Depth π= π0 exp( -x/δ)

  7. Experimental procedure • 1-we make a tissue from a powder potato mix with pure water at concentration 16.3gm powder / 1 liter water • 2-revolve the mix with heat for 20 minutes • 3-input the slap among empty 1mm • 4-keep the cup in refrigerator. • 5-after freezing the mix we cut the tissue for circular slide • 6-keep the side in dark and cold place • 7-we go to take date from UV spectra-meter about [ wave length (λ) , absorption (od)]. • 8-and we go to X-ray spectrometer to take data.

  8. UVGlass

  9. UVAgar

  10. UVAgar+Glass

  11. X Agar

  12. xAgar+Glass

  13. Conclusion and summary • 1- we can calculate attenuation coefficient and half value layer from transmission and thickness at constant wave length . • 2-we can Calculate the scattering and absorbing factors from transmission and reflection diffusion • 3-The one-dimensional diffusion approximation implement for fast calculation of microscopic optical constants from diffuse transmission and reflection measurement.

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