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ENALAZ: Innovative Rice-based Nutritious Powder for Nutritional Solutions in Vietnam

Learn about ENALAZ, a rice-based nutritious powder designed to address both malnutrition in rural areas and overnutrition in urban regions of Vietnam. Discover its formulation, applications, benefits, and future research directions outlined in a study by Prof. Yukihiro ISHIKAWA from Tottori University, Japan.

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ENALAZ: Innovative Rice-based Nutritious Powder for Nutritional Solutions in Vietnam

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  1. Enriched food in Vietnam, ENALAZ,which makes ricethe main ingredient In “ Development of Rice Consumption Promotion Strategies in the World “ Prof. Yukihiro ISHIKAWA Faculty of Regional Sciences Tottori University, 680-8551 JAPAN

  2. Contribution of Rice on Nutritional Problems in Vietnam ●Problems in nutrition Rural region ---- Malnutrition (Children, Pregnant and lactating women, Patients ) Urban area ---- Overnutrition (Spread of lifestyle-related diseases ●Typical Vietnamese-style diet Boiled rice + vegetable soup + main(side)dish Dairy products: pork, egg, etc. Fish Vegetables: nappa cabbage, okra, etc. Fruits: banana, etc.

  3. Child Nutrition Center ProductsVietnam

  4. Packaging Products of ENALAZ ⅠandⅡ    .

  5. The Formula’s Composition of ENALAZ Nutritious Powder

  6. Diagrammatic View of Twin Screw Extruder ① Drive unit ② Feed hopper ③ Barrels ( Temperature control ) ④ Barrel venting area ⑤ Operating control and monitoring instruments ⑥ Twin screw as plasticizing unit

  7. The Nutrition Facts of ENALAZ Nutritious Powder ( /100g ) Specific characteristics : ・ Highenergydensity ( gastric feeding as 25% solution ) ・ Micronutrients enriched food: β-carotene, calcium, etc. ・ Safe food without toxic additives

  8. Intended Application of ENALAZ ● Food for seriously ill patients ● Food hasting recovery from surgery ● Nutritive food for malnourished children and adult with poor appetite ● Nutritive food for pregnant and lactating mothers ● Alternative food for elderly people with poor digestive and absorptive capacity, and difficulty in chewing    .

  9. Circumstances of Rice in Vietnam ● Output of rice 32.6 million t ( 2000 ) ● Export of rice 3.8 million t ( $ 1 billion ) ● The share of agriculture in GDP ( $ 28.7billion ) 25% ( $ 7.3 billion ) ● Ratio of farmers 68% of employed workforce ( 41 million )

  10. Food Intake of Farmers in Vietnam Carbohydrate ------------ 80% ( 58% in Japan ) Protein & Lipid ---------- 20% ● Monthly consumption in HMC 1993 1996 Rice 8.8 7.2 ( kg ) Meat 1.4 1.7 ( kg ) Fish 1.8 2.2 ( kg ) Egg 7.0 8.7 (pieces )

  11. What remains to be done ● To inhibit the development of odorous flavors from ENALAZ ● To identify volatile compounds from ENALAZ ● To make rice-based foods palatable to market requirement ● To try to promote their nutritional value, e.g. by using germinated rice of Indica type

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