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The Urinary System

The Urinary System. Chapter 18 Pgs 547-573. Introduction The Organization of the Urinary System The Kidneys Superficial and sectional anatomy The nephron Blood supply to the kidneys Basic Principles of Urine Production Filtration at the glomerulus

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The Urinary System

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  1. The Urinary System Chapter 18 Pgs 547-573

  2. Introduction The Organization of the Urinary System The Kidneys Superficial and sectional anatomy The nephron Blood supply to the kidneys Basic Principles of Urine Production Filtration at the glomerulus Reabsorption and secretion along the renal tubule Control of kidney function Urine Transport, Storage, and Elimination The ureters and urinary bladder The urethra The micturition reflex and urination Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Fluid and electrolyte balance Acid-base balance Overview

  3. Functions of the Urinary System • Remove organic wastes generated by cells • Regulates blood volume and blood pressure • Regulates plasma concentrations of ions • Helps to stabilize blood pH • Controls valuable nutrients

  4. Basic Principles of Urine Formation • Process involves excretion and elimination of dissolved solutes (3 metabolic wastes): • Urea • Most abundant organic waste (21 grams/day) • Produced during break down of amino acids • Creatinine • Generated during breakdown of creatine phosphate (1.8 g/day) • Uric acid • Breakdown and recycling of RNA (480 mg/day)

  5. Three Distinct Processes of Urine Production • Filtration • Bp forces water across filtration membrane • Depends on solute size • Renal corpuscle across cap walls of glomerulus • Reabsorption • Removal of water and solute molecules from filtrate after enters renal tubule • Selective process • Simple diffusion or carrier proteins • Water passive (osmosis) • Water and solutes reenter circ at peritubular caps and vasa recta • Primarily at PTC • Secretion • Transport of solutes across tubular epith into filtrate • Necessary because: • Filtration does not force all dissolved materials out of plasma • Blood entering peritubular caps may still contain undesirable substances • Loop of Henle and collecting system (water, sodium, potassium lost to urine) • All processes create fluid very different from other body fluids

  6. Filtration at the Glomerulus: Filtration Pressure • Net force promoting filtration is filtration pressure • Higher than capillary blood pressure elsewhere in body • Result of difference in diameter of afferent and efferent arterioles • Which one do you think would have a smaller diameter?

  7. Filtration Pressure • Very low (10 mm Hg) • If glomerular blood pressure drops, kidney filtration will stop • Minor changes in blood pressure: • Reflexive vasodilation/constriction of arterioles • Automatic or due to SNS • Serious drop in bp can reduce or stop filtration • Kidneys most sensitive to bp than any other organ • Control many homeostatic mechanisms for regulating blood pressure and blood volume

  8. Filtration at the Glomerulus: The Glomerular Filtration Rate • Glomerular filtration • Process of filtrate production at the glomerulus • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) • Amount of filtrate produced in the kidneys each minute • Averages 125 mL/min • 99% of filtrate reabsorbed • Very important process • Inability to reclaim water can quickly cause death by dehydration

  9. DCT and Aldosterone • DCT cells actively transport sodium ions out of tubular fluid in exchange for potassium or hydrogen ions • Pumps regulated by aldosterone • Aldosterone secretion occurs: • In response to circulating ACTH from anterior pituitary • In response to elevated potassium ion concentrations in extracellular fluid • The higher the aldosterone levels, the more sodium that is reclaimed and the more potassium that is lost

  10. DCT and Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) • Controls the amount of water that is reabsorbed • Absence of ADH: • DCT and collecting ducts impermeable to water • Higher the ADH, the greater the water permeability and the more concentrated the urine

  11. Properties of Normal Urine • pH: 4.5-8 • Water content: 93-97% • Volume: 1200 mL/day • Color: clear yellow • What does dark yellow urine indicate? • Odor: varies with composition • Bacterial content: sterile

  12. The Control of Kidney Function • Regulated in 3 ways: • Local, automatic adjustments • in glomerular pressures • through changes in diameters of afferent and efferent arterioles • Activities of SNS • Effects of hormones • Make complex, long-term adjustments in bp and blood vol • Stabilize GFR by regulating transport mechanisms and water permeabilities in DCT and collecting duct

  13. Local Regulation of Kidney Function • Change in diameter of afferent and efferent arterioles and glomerular capillaries • Can compensate for minor changes in bp • Ex: ↓ blood flow and ↓ glomerular pressure will trigger: • ________ of the afferent arteriole and glomerular capillaries and • ________ of the efferent arteriole

  14. Sympathetic Activation and Kidney Function • Autonomic regulation primarily through SNS • Serves to shift blood away from kidneys • Affect on GFR? • Direct effects on kidney function • Powerful constriction of afferent arterioles • ↓ GFR, slows production of filtrate • Why is that important? • Can override local regulation in sudden crisis • Acute fall in bp, heart attack • When done, GFR returns to normal

  15. Sympathetic Activation • Indirect effects • When changes region pattern of blood circulation, blood flow to kidneys affected • Ex: dilation of bv in hot weather shunts blood away from kidneys • Glomerular filtration declines temporarily

  16. Hormonal Control of Kidney Function • Angiotensin II • ADH • Aldosterone • Atrial Natriuetic Peptide (ANP) • Secretion of angiotensin II, ADH, aldosterone integrated by renin-angiotensin system

  17. Renin-Angiotensin System • Glomerular pressures can remain low due to: • Decrease in blood volume • Fall in systemic bp • Blockage of renal artery • Then juxtaglomerular apparatus releases enzyme renin Renin → angiotensinogen → angiotensin I → angiotensin II • Angiotensin II is a powerful vasoconstrictor

  18. Renin-Angiotensin System • Angiotensin II has following effects: • Peripheral capillary beds • Brief but powerful vasoconstriction • Elevates bp in renal arteries • Nephron • Triggers contraction of efferent arterioles • Elevates glomerular pressures and filtration rates • CNS • Triggers release of ADH • Simulates reabsorption of water and sodium ions • Stimulates hypothalamus • Thirst sensation • Adrenal gland • Stimulates secretion of aldosterone • Stimulates sodium reabsorption along DCT and collecting system • Stimulates secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine • Sudden, dramatic increase in systemic bp

  19. ADH • Increases water permeability of DCT and collecting duct • Stimulates reabsorption of water from tubular fluid • Causes thirst sensation • Release occurs: • Under angiotensin II stimulation • Independently • Hypothalamus neurons stimulated by ↓ in bp or ↑ in solute concentration of circulating blood

  20. Aldosterone • Stimulates reabsorption of sodium ions and secretion of potassium ions in DCT and collecting duct • Primarily occurs: • Under angiotensin II stimulation • In response to rise in potassium ion concentration of blood

  21. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) • Oppose renin-angiotensin system • Released by atrial cardiac muscles when bp and blood volume too high • Affects on kidney: • Decrease in rate of sodium ion reabsorption in DCT • Increased sodium ion loss in urine • Dilation of glomerular capillaries • Increased filtration and urinary water loss • Inactivation of renin-angiotensin II system • Inhibition of renin, aldosterone, ADH secretion • Net result: • Increased loss of sodium ions • Increase in vol of urine produced • Combination lowers blood vol and bp

  22. The Micturition Reflex and Urination • Process of urination or micturition coordinated by micturition reflex • Stretch receptors stimulated as bladder fills • Increased impulses in afferent sensory fibers: • Brings parasympathetic motor neurons in sacral spinal cord to threshold • Stimulates interneurons to relay sensation to cerebral cortex (conscious awareness) • Urge to urinate when bladder contains 200 mL of urine

  23. Micturition Reflex and Urination • Both internal and external sphincters must be relaxed • External under voluntary control • When external relaxes so does internal

  24. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance • Fluid Balance • Amount of water gained each day = to amount lost • Involves regulating content and distribution of water in ECF and ICF • Cells and tissues cannot transport water so reflects control of electrolyte balance • Electrolyte Balance • Gain electrolytes from food and drink; lose in urine, sweat, feces • Balance exists when net gain = net loss • Involves balancing absorption rates • Acid-Base Balance • Production of H+ = loss • pH of body fluids within normal limits • Body produces acids so prevention in reduction primary problem • Lungs and kidneys

  25. Water Loss Water Gain Fluid Balance

  26. Fluid Shifts • Water movement between ECF and ICF • Occur rapidly, reach equilibrium within min to hrs • Occur in response to changes in osmotic concentration (osmolarity) of ECF • ECF more concentrated (hypertonic) than ICF • Water moves from cells to ECF until equil reached • ECF more dilute (hypotonic) than ICF • Water moves from ECF into cells and vol of ICF will increase accordingly

  27. Electrolyte Balance • Important because: • A gain or loss of electrolytes can cause a gain or loss in water • The concentrations of individual electrolytes affect a variety of cell functions • Will discuss sodium and potassium b/c: • They are major contributors to osmotic concentration of ECF and ICF • Most common problems with electrolyte balance caused by imbalance between sodium gains and losses • Have direct effects on normal functioning of living cells • Problems with potassium balance less common but more dangerous

  28. Sodium Balance • Amount of Na+ in ECF represents balance between absorption in digestive tract and excretion • Excretion in: • Urine • Primary • Kidneys most important site (aldosterone and ANP) • Sweat • If intake or output rate changes, corresponding gain or loss of water occurs • Water follows salt!!! • Ex: • High salt meal will not raise [sodium ion] of bodily fluids • Sodium chloride crosses digestive epith and osmosis brings additional water into ECF • Reason why people with ↑ bp not supposed to eat high salt diet (dietary salt will be absorbed and blood vol and bp will increase)

  29. Potassium Balance • Primary cation of ICF (98% of potassium in body) • Concentration in ECF represents balance between: • Rate of potassium ion entry across diges epith • Proportional to amount in diet • Rate of loss into urine • Strongly affected by aldosterone • Reabsorption of sodium from filtrate in exchange for potassium ions from ISF • High potassium levels in ECF = high aldosterone = additional loss of potassium in urine

  30. Acid-Base Balance • pH of body fluids represent balance between acids, bases, and salts in solution • Maintained at 7.35-7.45 • Any deviation dangerous • [H+] changes: • Disrupt stability of cell membranes • Alters protein structure • Changes activities of important enzymes • Cannot survive with pH below 6.8 or above 7.7

  31. Acid-Base Balance • pH below 7.35 = acidosis • pH above 7.45 = alkalosis • Affect all systems but nervous system and cardiovascular very sensitive to fluctuations • Severe acidosis deadly b/c: • CNS function deteriorates • Individual becomes comatose • Cardiac contractions grow weak and irregular • Symptoms of heart failure • Peripheral vasodilation • Dramatic drop in bp; circulatory collapse • Problems with acidosis more common • Why?

  32. Acids in the Body • Carbonic acid (H2CO3) important • Lungs: carbonic acid breaks down into CO2 + H2O • CO2 diffuses into alveoli • Peripheral tissues: CO2 in solution interacts with H2O • Forms H2CO3 which dissociates into hydrogen ion and bicarbonate CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3 ↔ H+ + HCO3- • Reaction occurs spontaneously and rapidly • Carbonic anhydrase

  33. Buffers and Buffer Systems • Metabolic acids must be controlled by buffers • Buffers • Dissolved compounds that can provide or remove hydrogen ions • Stabilize pH of solution • Include weak acids (hydrogen ion donors) and weak bases (hydrogen ion acceptors) • Buffer system • Consists of combination of weak acids and its dissociated products • H+ and an anion • 3 major systems: • Protein buffer system • Carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system • Phosphate buffer system

  34. Protein Buffer System • Contributes to regulation of pH in ECF and ICF • Depend on ability of amino acids to respond to changes in pH by accepting or releasing hydrogen ions • ↑ pH, carboxyl group (--COOH) of a.a. dissociates and releases a hydrogen ion • ↓ pH, amino group (--NH2) accepts additional hydrogen ions (forms –NH3+)

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