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IDDE Scenario Introduction. The following presentation and scenarios are a supplement to the August 2008 NEWSC IDDE Training Power Point Presentation. This is to be used as a guidance tool to aid in to how to potentially respond to illicit discharge being reported.
IDDE Scenario Introduction The following presentation and scenarios are a supplement to the August 2008 NEWSC IDDE Training Power Point Presentation. This is to be used as a guidance tool to aid in to how to potentially respond to illicit discharge being reported. Select a scenario from the following index slides and walk yourself through the situations.
IDDE Scenarios • General Scenario Overview Table • Green Substance in the road, near inlets and on within the terrace • Murky scum on the water near a storm outfall • White floating chunks on a waterway • Gray, flakey substance that appears to be killing grass near a waterway • Who’s doing laundry with bleach? • Questions • Exit
Unknown Green Substance Someone calls stating that there is a greenish substance splattered about the road and terrace area and they don’t know what it is. What do you do? Click for next slide
Unknown Green Substance Cont’d. Recommended Action: Fill out Initial Contact Form? Call 911? Notify the Illicit Discharge Coordinator? Call Municipalities Operation Department to Assist in providing storm sewer information? Contain and identify the unknown substance? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Click for next slide
Unknown Green Substance Additional Information: 911 was called due to the fact that it was an unknown substance. The fire department made the determination that it was not a health hazard or emergency situation upon arriving on scene. The material appeared to contain fibrous, paper type product with a moist green colorant added to it. During the investigation as to what the substance was, it was noted that the Forestry Department was in the neighborhood in the past couple of days removing trees and stumps within the terrace area between the curb and sidewalk. Click for next slide
Unknown Green Substance Additional Information: The substance was identified as hydro-mulch a common material utilized when planting new grass. What can be determined from this information? Is this substance a concern or not and why? Click for next slide
Hydro-mulch: Is it a substance of concern? The picture is showing the hydro-mulch which is usually considered an inert product utilized in the establishment of vegetation. Being directly discharged to a storm inlet potentially reduces oxygen demand and increases sediment loading and therefore was considered an illicit discharge. Return to Scenario Index
Murky Scum You receive a call from the WDNR indicating that they received a call about murky scum at the end of a storm sewer that smells like petroleum. What do you do? Click for next slide
Murky Scum Cont’d. NO YES Recommended Action: Fill out Initial Contact Form? Call 911? Notify the Illicit Discharge Coordinator? Call Municipalities Operation Department to Assist in providing storm sewer information? Contain and identify the unknown substance? Find the source of the discharge? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Click for next slide
Source Investigation: Contain the discharge and protect the down stream waters. Click for next slide
Source Investigation: Take samples of the substance to identify what it is. Click for next slide
Source Investigation: Identify the drainage basin Follow storm sewer system Identify potential sources Bellwood Drainage Basin Outfall Click for next slide
Source Identified! Leaking waste process oil Rusted out dumpsters Return to Scenario Index
White Floating Chunks You receive a call from an Operations Superintendent stating that while repairing a storm manhole they observed a chalky white substance flowing in the storm sewer and floating on the waterway down stream. What do you do? Click for next slide
White Floating Chunks Cont’d. NO YES Recommended Action: Fill out Initial Contact Form? Call 911? Notify the Illicit Discharge Coordinator? Call Municipalities Operation Department to Assist in providing storm sewer information? Contain and identify the unknown substance? Find the source of the discharge? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Click for next slide
White Floating Chunks Cont’d. Field personnel repairing the storm manhole identified the white floating substance as fatty grease, therefore 911 was not called. Due to the proximity of the manhole being repaired identifying the source was made easy as well, as there was only one food processing company connected to this line up-stream of this manhole. The storm sewer line was televised and it was determined that the fatty grease was gaining entry via a floor drain that was connected to the storm sewer. The floor drain is usually capped off but a new employee not knowing this leads to the storm sewer opened it up while doing clean-up of the work area. The company took corrective actions to clean up the waterway, storm sewer and make permanent repairs to the floor drain so that this doesn’t happen in the future.
Gray Flaky Substance What would you do if someone notified you of a gray flaky substance next to and crossing over a newly constructed recreational trail that is immediately adjacent to a waterway and appears to be either killing the new grass or not letting the new grass germinate and take root? Click for next slide
Gray Flaky Substance Cont’d. NO YES Recommended Action: Fill out Initial Contact Form? Call 911? Notify the Illicit Discharge Coordinator? Is this an illicit discharge, as it is not going into the Storm sewer system? Contain and identify the unknown substance? Find the source of the substance? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Click for next slide
Gray Flaky Substance Cont’d. The illicit discharge / storm water coordinator was contacted. From the description of the incident and substance a decision was made not to call 911 but the coordinator did immediately investigate the situation. The coordinator did make contact with WDNR while in route to the scene. The WDNR did not elevate this situation to emergency status either thus re-enforcing the decision not to all 911. What was determined was that a company hired to haul bulk process paper waste to a landfill opted to store the material at their shop over long holiday weekends with no best management or storage containment devices in place. Click for next slide
Gray Flaky Substance Cont’d. This paper sludge, even though is relatively inert, was classified as an illicit discharge of a solid waste as it increases the amount of sediment in the water stream and decreases the oxygen levels within that waterway. The WDNR under their solid waste program ordered them to sweep up and remove the material from their site unless appropriate containment could be provided. In addition to proper containment appropriate inlet protection would be required. There have been no further incidents with this hauler.
Another agency calls stating they were checking a facility and encountered a bleach chlorine smell being discharge into a river. Upon further investigation……. Laundry Anyone? Click for next slide
Laundry Anyone Cont’d. Recommended Action: Fill out Initial Contact Form? Call 911? Notify the Illicit Discharge Coordinator? Notify WDNR? Contain and identify the unknown substance? Find the source of the substance? Call Municipalities Operation Department to Assist in providing storm sewer information? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Click for next slide
Laundry Anyone Cont’d. Where to begin to find the source: UW-Extension Residential (In a Different Drainage Basin) Manufacturing Local Laundry Mat (In a Different Municipality) Local Meat Processing Plant Click to Advance
Laundry Anyone Cont’d. The other agency actually called WDNR prior to notifying the owner of the MS4. Therefore, the local fire department was not called but could have been due to the nature of potential substances (chlorine and/or bleach) being discharged. The WDNR and local municipality worked together to try and identify a source. Doing a quick desktop map survey concluded that the drainage basin was relatively small but included commercial and industrial facilities. The obvious location was a laundry mat a little up-stream of the outfall and located in another municipality. The laundry mat was disregarded when it was noted that there was nobody doing laundry at that time of the day. Click for next slide
Laundry Anyone Cont’d. The actual field investigation lead to the end of the public sewer and the beginning of a private sewer which was owned and operated by a local meat packing plant. The plant staff was very accommodating in search of the source. The plant has an on-site waste treatment facility and it was potentially thought that was the source of the discharge. Through the walk through of the site, tanks and containment systems were observed. Through discussions it was noted that they received a shipment of liquid Sodium Hypochlorite for processing. In talking with others, during the transfer of the Sodium Hypochlorite the truck driver had a leaky connection and discharge onto the pavement. That was washed down into the storm sewer. Correct actions were taken. Click for next slide
Sodium Hypochlorite Sodium WHAT? If this chemical compound sounds totally unfamiliar, maybe you'll recognize it's common name-chlorine bleach. Chlorine bleach, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), is a very useful and inexpensive disinfectant.
Answer WRONG Back to Previous Slide
Answer GREAT JOB Back to Previous Slide
???? QUESTIONS ???? If you have questions, comments or concerns or totally confused do not hesitate to contact your Storm Water / Illicit Discharge Coordinator - OR – NEWSC’s Illicit Discharge Committee Chairperson – Sue Olson (920) 832-6473 Past Committee Chairperson Matthew Heckenlaible (920) 448-3112 - OR – Your local WDNR Illicit Discharge Coordinator – Jason Mueller (920) 662-5492
North East Wisconsin Stormwater Consortium(NEWSC) “Communities working together for cost-effective stormwater management and regulatory compliance”
Resources Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination A Guidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessments Center for Watershed Protection www.cwp.org Model Illicit Discharge and Connection Ordinance NEWSC www.newsc.org Spill and Illicit Discharge Response Procedure Manual NEWSC www.newsc.org EPA WDNR
Mailing Address: PO Box 1861 Appleton, WI 54912-1861 Phone:(920) 886-8164 Fax:(920) E-mail:newsc@fwwa.org Contact Us www.NEWSC.org THANK YOU!