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Abortion. The conflict The dilemma Affecting people Dividing a nation. Definition. Abortion The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy Embryo
Abortion The conflict The dilemma Affecting people Dividing a nation
Definition • Abortion • The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. • The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy • Embryo • A human being in its earliest stages of development, from the moment of conception until the eighth week of development • Fetus • The name for an unborn human from the eighth week of development until birth.
Catholic ChurchPosition on Abortion • Just because a women has a legal right to choose an abortion does not make it morally right for her to do so • Catechism(2270) “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life”
Church Teachings Continues 3. Right of the unborn are to be protected in the same way any human life is protected… therefore it cannot be right for a women to choose an abortion; abortion is a serious moral evil 4. The Church does recognize two exceptions ectopic pregnancy (fertilized egg implanted in the fallopian tube) cancerous womb.
FREEDOM • Freedom is never merely about the well-being of the individual.. It is a rational matter • God entrust us to one another • Freedom involves “solidarity”…openness to the service of others • When people act as if freedom is just “Me” the results are to dominate the weak • Christian freedom does not run away from responsibility • Christians must care for the weak (the unborn, the people) • Christian freedom sees an essential link between freedom and truth (Jesus said truth will set you free) • I can do whatever I want to do… just because I can • Acting against the truth hurts not only the victim but also the actor Authentic Christian Freedom False or Seductive Freedom
Different Opinions on Abortion • The Catholic Church’s clear stance on the immorality of abortion is not accepted by everyone • Some don’t think it is morally wrong • Means of birth control or population control • Social norm (everyone says it is ok) • Acceptable cases… incest, rape, malformed fetus, life of the mother (thousands of abortions are preformed in the US and fewer than 2% fall within these types of cases)
Reasons for Most Abortions • Age of the mother • Pressure from the father or other family member • Possible deformity of the fetus • Embarrassment, shame • Finances • Career goals • Job security • Fear • Number of children • Preferred sex of the baby • Personal convenience
Political Positions on Abortion • Concern only with the legal question… Who should have the legal right to decide? • Contends that abortion is a personal decision for a women to make in her own conscience, not a legal matter to be decided by the courts • Usually personally against abortion but do not want to impose their personal morality on others • Don’t want to be confused with pro-abortionist • Answer both the moral and legal question with an unqualified “YES” • Advocate abortion as a necessary solution to many problem pregnancies • Liberal abortion law … rally against any legal efforts to restrict abortion • Call themselves “Pro-Choice” and present their arguments for abortion in terms of the rights of the mother to control her own body Pro-Choice Pro-Abortion
Political Positions on Abortion • Abortions is morally and legally wrong • Killing the unborn and no one has the right to that choice • Want the Supreme Court to repeal the decision that gives women the legal right to have an abortion • Broad spectrum of issues …war, arms build up, police brutality, death penalty, euthanasia, hunger, drug abuse, etc. • Work to change opinions and laws on several life issues • Single issue position that focuses only on abortion • May reject candidates due to their position on abortion • May get a lot of media attention • Catholic Church anti- abortion groups reject violence and are dedicated to a non-violence conversion of society Pro-Life Anti-Abortion
Legal Status of Abortion in the US • Originally, American law forbade abortion. Women were not punished for having an abortion only those who performed the procedures were subject to law • Change …legalization in Colorado & California 1967 and three years later in New York . No other state passed laws permitting abortion for any reason except to save the mother’s life • January 22,1973 Roe v. Wade (Abortion on demand) • Privacy issue, human life and personhood • Before Roe V. Wade in California it had been legal to have an abortion in the case of rape, incest or life of the mother was at risk
DEFINITIONS • VIABILITY: fetus able to sustain its life outside the womb • INFANTICIDE: killing of children • ABORTION ON DEMAND: one can have an abortion for any reason • HIPPOCRATIC OATH: Oath taken by doctors to uphold life
Related Abortion Laws • Ruled it was unconstitutional to require a woman to receive spousal or parental consent before choosing to have an abortion. It also ruled it was unconstitutional to prohibit saline abortions • It determined that instituting mandatory waiting periods for women wishing to receive abortions was unconstitutional. Women did not need to provide informed consent. In other words, women didn't not have to demonstrate that they were knowledgeable about the procedure they were about to undergo. Also declared unconstitutional were laws requiring the “humane” disposal of the remains of the fetus and those imposing mandatory hospitalization of women for second trimester abortions. Planned Parenthood v. Danforth ( 1976) City of Akron v. Akron Center of Reproductive Health (1983)
Methods of Abortion 5weeks • Ru-486 (5 to 7 weeks) – this drug causes an abortion by interfering with the function of the placeneta, starving the unborn child. The chemical also blocks the action of the hormone that makes the lining of the uterus hold onto the fertilized egg. The lining breaks down and the embryo is lost in the bleeding that follows. This method takes place over the span of several days. • Methotrexate(5 to 9 weeks) – An injection of methotrexate kills the child by interfering with the cell division process. Several days later, a woman is treated with prostagladin suppositories to help expel the fetus, and the woman aborts at home. This method requires three doctors visits to complete the process. • 7 – 9 days following fertilization – embryo implants into the uterine lining. • 18 days – the heart muscle pulsates sporadically • 20 days – the foundation of the central nervous system has been laid down. • 25 days – the heart beats regularly (1/10 in.) • 6 weeks after conception – brain waves are recordable. Body movements are visible on an ultrasound 7 weeks 8weeks Early Abortions Fetal Development
12 weeks • Vacuum Curettage (6 to 16 weeks) – After a local anesthetic is administered, a powerful suction tube is inserted into the uterus. The unborn child is torn apart by the force of the suction and the fetal body parts and placenta are sucked into a jar. Possible complications include infection, cervical laceration, and uterine perforation. • D&C/ Dilation and Curettage ( 6 to 16 weeks) – the abortionist inserts a loop-shaped knife into the mother’s dilated cervix and, by scraping the uterine wall, cuts the child into pieces. To ensure that the uterus is empty, the abortionist or nurse must reassemble the body parts. • 8 weeks – all body parts are present. Name change to “fetus”. He/she has hiccups, kicks, waves, and moves freely in the uterus. (1 ¼ in) • 10 weeks – all organs are functioning. • 16 weeks – end of first trimester – hearing is fully developed (6 ½ in.) 14 weeks 17 weeks Fetal Development Early Abortions
22 weeks • D&E/Surgical Dilation and Evacuation (15 to 20 weeks) – a treatment that involves an overnight stay. Once a general anesthetic has been administered, the cervix is stretched open and the abortionist uses forceps to pull the child out of the womb, limb by limb. Similar complications of infection, cervical laceration, and uterine perforation can occur. • Prostaglandin (16 to 38 weeks) – Also called misoprostol, this drug is injected or given as a suppository to induce a premature labor that is much like a miscarriage and which usually lasts six to twelve hours. Live births are common using this procedure. Bleeding lasts between five days and five months.. Complications include convulsions, vomiting, and cardiac arrest. • 20 – 24 weeks – the earliest age that survival is possible outside the uterus. He/she can open eyes. Hair appears on the head. (approx 1 lb.) • 26 weeks – end of the second trimester – recognizes voices. 14 in 2 lb 4 oz) • 37 wks – birth prior to this time is considered premature (5 lb 9 oz) • 40 wks – full-term pregnancy (7 lb. 4 oz. 20 in) 24 weeks Fetal Development Late Abortions
33 weeks Saline Abortion (16 to 32 weeks) – this practice involves the insertion of a long needle into the woman’s abdomen, where a salty solution is injected into the amniotic fluid. The salt burns the child’s lungs and skin. The mother delivers a dead baby within 24 hours. Due to serious health risk to the woman, this method is infrequently used. Digoxin Induction (20 to32 weeks) – a lethal chemical is injected into the baby’s heart and labor is induced with prostagladin. Partial Birth Abortion/D&X (20 to 32 weeks) – the baby is pulled out feet first while the head remains in the uterus. The abortionist then makes a hole in the back of the baby’s skull and removes the brains with a suction catheter. This causes the head to collapse, allowing the dead child to be removed in one piece. Hysterotomy (24 to 38 weeks) – this procedure involves making an incision in the mother’s abdomen, like a C-section. The baby is then removed and allowed to die from neglect. • 27 weeks 29 weeks 35 weeks 28 weeks Fetal Development Late Abortions 36 weeks
How Common are Abortions in the United States According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which is a branch of Planned Parenthood that contacts hospitals and known abortionist, there are an estimated 1,555,000 abortions performed annually in the United States.
Women Who Have Had AbortionsRecent Study • 26 % …were between ages 15 to 19 • 50% …felt pressured or forced to abort • 83% …felt the decision had been rushed • 90% …felt they had inadequate information to decide • 90% …felt that they had compromised their values and ideals • 42% …complained of severe physical complications • 94%... reported negative feelings about having the abortion • 70% …said the relationship with the father had ended • 81%... felt victimized • 19% described suicidal intent or destructive behavior • 70% reported severe negative psychological impact • 71 % said legality had an effect on their choice ( If it’s legal, it must be right)
Potential Complications From Abortion • Death… hemorrhage, infection, embolism, anesthesia (legal abortion is the 5th leading cause of maternal death in the US) • Breast Cancer… doubles after one abortion and rises with two or more abortions • Uterine perforation • Cervical lacerations • Placenta Previa in later pregnancy • Ectopic pregnancy • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease • Endometritis • Menstrual disturbances • Fertility and reproductive problems later in life • Sterility • Miscarriages • Difficulties in future labor an delivers • Premature birth
Potential Psychological Complications • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Post Abortion Syndrome • May surface soon after or years later • Significant event can trigger ( child, date, etc) • Dr. Koop (1988) Report • At least some women are psychologically disturbed by abortion • Researchers have identified 14 clearly defined characteristic (coerced into abortion, negative moral beliefs, prior mental health problems, strong feelings of attachment to the unborn child, etc.) • Intake information at abortion clinics indicates that 60 to 80 percent of patients seeking abortion have one or more of these predisposing risk factors
Women at Risk of PAS • Since 1980 mental health providers have begun treating an increasing number of women who are suffering mental and emotional difficulties as a result of induced abortion • 10 year period of denial .. Women will repress their feelings • Common factors • Feel pressured into having the abortion • Feel uncertainty/ambivalence/mixed feelings about their choice • Feeling of self-betrayal • One positive emotion … relief…especially after feeling the degrees of pressure • Temporary relief followed by and emotional paralysis or numbness • Denial of Reality … blame problems on people, circumstances other than the abortion. (avoid people, events, dates) • Self-destructive behavior (drugs/alcohol, suicidal)
PAS Frequently Reported Behavior • Depression • Low self-esteem • Sleep disorder • Memory loss • Sexual dysfunction • Chronic problems with relationship • Dramatic personality changes • Anxiety attacks • Guilt and remorse • Difficulty grieving • Increase tendency toward violence • Chronic crying • Difficulty concentrating • Flashbacks • Loss of previously enjoyed activities and people • Difficulty bonding with later children
Low Risk Abortion Patients • Abortion is a free choice for them • No moral qualms about the abortion and would have little or no interest in having children
Bakersfield Pregnancy Center1801 21st Street # 1 • All services are free and confidential • Free pregnancy test • Medical verification ( nurse performs the test and fills out the form required to help get aid) • Free ultrasound • Community referrals (medical, housing. legal, adoption, school, etc.) • Pregnancy options ( accurate information on all options…. Care and support) • Confidential Help … 24 hours a day (website a: www.wehelpyou.org) • Material assistance - maternity clothes, baby clothes and items)
Embrace Program • Don’t allow anyone to trivialize or minimize your grief • Don’t be too hard on yourself • Forgive those whom you might be feeling bitter because of their involvement in the abortion • Seek healing from God
Abortion: Pro Choice ArgumentsPro choice (abortions) refer to the political and ethical view that a woman should have complete right over her fertility and that she should have the freedom to decide whether she wants to continue or terminate her pregnancy. The pro choice movement entails to guarantee a woman her reproductive rights. Those who are pro choice give the following arguments in support of abortion: Control over her body and the freedom to decide the course of her life is critical to a woman's civil rights. When a woman is pregnant it is her body that goes through all the stress of pregnancy. If she decides not to have a pregnancy she should be able to do so. Denying her the right to her body is violating her most basic freedom.
One of the most pertinent questions regarding abortion is when does life begin. A fetus may be alive but so are sperms and eggs. Its true that life in every form should be respected. However, should the right of a fetus be greater than that of a woman who in majority of the cases would bear the responsibility of the unplanned child? • One of the important abortion facts is that most of the abortions take place in the first trimester when the fetus cannot live independent of the mother. It depends on the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord for nutrition and health and hence should not be considered a separate entity.
A lot of care and precautions are taken while carrying out an abortion. Most of the abortions are done during the first trimester when abortions are most safe. As a result, abortions pose only 0.5% risk for the woman to develop serious complications. This certainly does not affect women's health gravely or their ability to conceive in future. • Unwanted teenage pregnancy can have serious complications if the pregnancy is continued. An adolescent is neither mentally nor physically ready to continue a pregnancy. Besides health related complications, a minor mother isn't psychologically ready to handle the responsibilities of a child. With a life to support, many such girls drop out of school and start working in order to fend for the child. This certainly spells a bleak future for such girls.
While some believe that life begins at conception, there are others that do not believe in this. There are different theories regarding when life begins. Unless every one can be made to agree to the one point when life begins, laws prohibiting abortion would be forcing one theory on all. • Making abortion illegal does not stop unwanted pregnancies from taking place. In case abortion is made illegal, many women may get it done from unauthorized entities. This would pose a greater threat to their life and health. • For those who fear that abortion might be used as a contraceptive, there is no reason to panic. Studies have shown that as few as 8% of the women who undergo abortion did not use contraceptives. • One of the important pro choice reasons is that rape or incest is traumatic for a woman. Forcing her to bear the added responsibility of the child she conceived through the unfortunate act would only add to her mental stress