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G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century. page 2. My Habilitation work: Development of Systems Thinking. Ch 1: Approaches towards Systems Thinking in the LiteratureCh 2: What is Systems Thinking? - a DefinitionCh 3: Systems Thinking / System Dynamics in Math EducationCh 4
1. The Evolution of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century 100th Birthday Anniversary of Ludwig von Bertalanffy
Technical University of Vienna, 2. Nov. 2001
2. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 2 My Habilitation work: Development of Systems Thinking Ch 1: Approaches towards Systems Thinking in the Literature
Ch 2: What is Systems Thinking? - a Definition
Ch 3: Systems Thinking / System Dynamics in Math Education
Ch 4: Empirical Studies about the Development of Systems Thinking
Ch 5: The Study: Development of Systems Thinking
3. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 3 Some Systems Thinking Approaches Qualitative Approaches:
Frederic Vester (Biocybernetics)
Systemic Management: e.g. Peter Gomez/ Gilbert Probst
Peter Senge: The Fifth Discipline ST and Organizational Learning
Cognitive Psychology - Dietrich Dörner: The Logic of Failure
System Dynamics-Approach (quantitative)
Jay Forrester (MIT) introduces SD at about 1960
Barry Richmond sells SD Software STELLA under systems thinking
4. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 4 Systems Thinking Approaches - Overview
5. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 5 What is Systems Thinking? Literature: ST is very fundamental and important
e.g. George Klir: Facets of Systems Science (1991, p19):
"Systems movement emerged from three principal roots: mathematics, computer technology and a host of ideas that are well captured by the general term systems thinking."
This is the only appearance of the term "systems thinking" in Klir's great book!
The same applies to a number of other important works of systems literature.
Almost no serious definition of ST in systems literature!
6. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 6 My Definition of Systems Thinking Dynamical Dim. - Thinking in dynamical processes: beyond snapshot-thinking; understanding stocks vs. flows, delays, oscillations...
Model Dim. - Thinking in Models /Awareness of Systems: modeling assumptions, model-reality; qualitative vs. quantitative models
Feedback Dim. - Thinking in loops and networks: interrelated structures, indirect effects, feedback loops, networks of interrelations
Pragmatical Dim. - Steering of Systems: finding the "leverage point", counterintuitive behavior, proper intensity and timing of actions.
7. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 7 Dynamical Thinking: Discerning stocks and flows
8. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 8 Thinking in Models: Heroin Market 1
9. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 9 Price Elasticity of Heroin
10. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 10 Thinking in Models: Heroin Market 2
11. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 11 Lessons from the Heroin Models: Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD`s) are useful tools!
CLDs help to discuss a situation. Different viewpoints can be clarified and checked more easily.
The same situation can be modeled in different ways.
CLDs allow a reflection of model assumptions.
Small differences in a model might have serious consequences.
What appears to be the solution at first sight, might (via feedback) make the problem even more severe!
12. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 12 Feedback Thought: The Arms Race(Peter Senge: The Fifth Discipline)
13. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 13 The result of the Arms Race
14. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 14 George Richardson: Two threads of Feedback Thought
15. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 15 George Richardson's Message: Feedback is a common fundamental idea in all systems approaches
The feedback structure is often hidden in peculiar notations
Explicit counsciousness of feedback in the 20th century
Many roots of feedback thinking:
Biology-math. Models (Verhulst, Lotka, Volterra)
Econometrics (Tinbergen, Samuelson, Hicks)
Engineering (Watt, Maxwell, Lyapunov)
Social Sciences (Hume, Smith, Ricardo, Hegel, Marx, Bateson, Keynes, Lewin)
Biology-Homeostasis (Hippocrates, Cannon, Rosenblueth)
Logic (Epimenides, Boole, Cantor, Russell, Whitehead, Carnap, Goedel)
Two main Feedback Threads in the 20th Century
Cybernetics Thread (Ludwig von Bertalanffy et al)
Servomechanisms Thread
16. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 16 The Cybernetics Thread Feedback was seen as an influence from output back to input.
Feedback concept just for negative loops, no escalating loops
Feedback is seen as homeostasis and control
stability and instability of negative feedback systems
Feedback analyses are usually verbal rather than mathematical or pictorial
Feedback was associated with information transmittion, communication networks, information theory
background idea: the ceration of intelligent machines
17. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 17 The Servomechanism Thread Formal dynamic feedback models employed
Basic idea: Behavior depends upon feedback structure
Feedback loops are seen as intrinsic part of real system
positive and negative loops were present
counterintuitive behavior of systems: well-intented policies lead to disaster
Policy Analysis is an important aspect of practical systems analysis
18. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 18 Ludwig von Bertalanffy on Systems Thinking LvB did great work in integrating different Systems approaches (Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Cybernetics, Social Sciences) into a General Systems Theory (GST)
GST was basically founded with mathematical concepts (differential equations, functions, stability)
Feedback concept is only implicit in GST - lack of feedback notation
Advances in Systems Thinking beyond GST are possible with new tools for diagramming/sketching feedback structures
19. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 19 My conclusions concerning Systems Thinking Systems thinking is like a tree: many roots and many branches
Feedback is a core concept of systems thinking. Others are:
thinking in processes, thinking in models, steering systems
Systems thinking abilities are darely needed, yet, hardly developed, even among higly educated persons!
Systemic diagrams are crucial for systems thinking / communication
Causal Loop Diagrams are easy to learn and very flexible systems diagramming tools
20. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 20 How to contact me: http://go.just.to/go Homepage G. Ossimitz
http://go.just.to/pap Papers (incl. this lecture)
http://go.just.to/sd System Dynamics / Systems Thinking Mega Link List
alternativ: www.ossimitz.at
mail: ossimitz@bigfoot.com
21. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 21 Systems Thinking und System Dynamics:Die Sichtweisen von Forrester und Richmond
22. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 22 Richmond (1991): What is Systems Thinking?
23. Testaufgabe "Staatsverschuldung vs. Budgetdefizit"
24. G. Ossimitz: Development of Systems Thinking in the 20th Century page 24 Literatur