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UML Notation for Realization. Realization. Extensions to support web environments. <<Type>>. CharacterString. (from Text). Anchor. FileName. MimeFileType. + src : URI. + href[0..1] : URI. + type : CharacterString. <<Type>>. CharacterString. <<CodeList>>. <<CodeList>>. LanguageCode.
UML Notation for Realization Realization
Extensions to support web environments <<Type>> CharacterString (from Text) Anchor FileName MimeFileType + src : URI + href[0..1] : URI + type : CharacterString
<<Type>> CharacterString <<CodeList>> <<CodeList>> LanguageCode CountryCode (from Text) (from ISO 00639 Human Language) (from ISO 03166 Country Codes) <<CodeList>> MD_CharacterSetCode (from ISO 19115 Identification information) PT_FreeText Free Text and Localised Character String LocalisedCharacterString 1 1 +locale 1..* +textGroup PT_Locale + language : LanguageCode + country [0..1] : CountryCode + characterEncoding : MD_CharacterSetCode
MD_Metadata + fileIdentifier [0..1] : CharacterString + language [0..1] : CharacterString + characterSet [0..1] : MD_CharacterSetCode = "utf8" + parentIdentifier [0..1] : CharacterString + hierarchyLevel [0..*] : MD_ScopeCode = "dataset" + hierarchyLevelName [0..*] : CharacterString + contact [1..*] : CI_ResponsibleParty + dateStamp : Date + metadataStandardName [0..1] : CharacterString + metadataStandardVersion [0..1] : CharacterString + datasetURI [0..1] : CharacterString + locale [0..*] : PT_Locale Attributes of MD_Metadata in the metadata XML Schema
PT_LocaleContainer + description : CharacterString LocalisedCharacterString + locale : PT_Locale + date [1..*] : CI_Date + responsibleParty [1..*] : CI_ResponsibleParty 1..* +localisedString Translation container 0..1
Datasets, Aggregates and their metadata <<Metaclass>> <<Metaclass>> <<Metaclass>> GF_PropertyType GF_AttributeType GF_FeatureType (from General Future Model) (from General Future Model) (from General Future Model) <<Abstract>> DS_Aggregate (from Metadata application information) MD_Metadata (from Metadata entity set information) DS_Dataset (from Metadata application information) DS_Series (from Metadata application information) DS_ProductionSeries DS_OtherAggregate DS_StereoMate DS_Platform DS_Initiative DS_Sensor (from Metadata application information) (from Metadata application information) (from Metadata application information) (from Metadata application information) (from Metadata application information) (from Metadata application information) +propertyType 0..* 0..* +featureAttribute 0..* +featureType +has 1..* +seriesMetadata 1..* +series 0..* +describes 0..* +superset 0..* +partOf 1..* MultiAggregation +subset 0..* +composedOf 0..*
MD_Metadata (from Metadata entity set information) <<Abstract>> DS_Dataset DS_Aggregate (from Metadata application information) (from Metadata application information) MX_Aggregate MX_Dataset CT_Catalogue (from Catalogue) 1..* +dataFile MX_DataFile The Generic Interchange Organisation +has 1..* +seriesMetadata 1..* +series 0..* +describes 0..* +superset 0..* +partOf 1..* MultiAggregation +subset 0..* +composedOf 0..* 1 0..* 0..* 0..* +datasetCatalogue 0..* +aggregateCatalogue 0..* 0..* MX_SupportFile +supportFile +aggregateFile
<<Codelist>> <<Codelist>> MX_ScopeCode MD_ScopeCode + attribute + attributeType + collectionHardware + collectionSession + dataset + initiative + series + stereoMate + nonGeographicDataset + sensor + dimensionGroup + platformSeries + feature + sensorSeries + featureType + productionSeries + propertyType + transferAggregate + fieldSession + otherAggregate + software + service + model + tile Extended Scope Code
<<Abstract>> MX_File + fileName : FileName + fileDescription : CharacterString + fileType : MimeFileType +fileFormat 1 MX_DataFile MD_Format + featureType [0..*] : GenericName (from Distribution information) Transfer files 0..* MX_SupportFile
CT_UomCatalog ConventionalUnit UnitDefinition DerivedUnit BaseUnit (from ISO 19136) (from ISO 19136) (from ISO 19136) (from ISO 19136) UoM Catalogue +uomItem 1..*
CT_CRS + definition : CharacterString CT_CoordinateSystem <<Abstract>> SC_CoordinateSystemAxis CC_OperationParameters SC_CoordinateSystem CC_OperationMethod SC_PrimeMeridian CC_Operation SC_Ellipsoid SC_Datum + definition : CharacterString SC_CRS (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) (from Spatial referencing by Coordinates) CT_CoordinateSystemAxis + definition : CharacterString CT_Datum + definition : CharacterString CT_Ellipsoid + definition : CharacterString CT_PrimeMeridian + definition : CharacterString CT_Operation + definition : CharacterString CT_OperationMethod + definition : CharacterString CT_OperationParameters + definition : CharacterString CRS Catalogue CT_CrsCatalog 1..* +crs 0..* +coordinateSystem 0..* +axis 0..* +datum 0..* +ellipsoid 0..* +primeMeridian 0..* +operation 0..* +operationMethod 0..* +parameters
CT_CodelistCatalogue CT_CodelistValue CT_Codelist Codelist Catalogue <<Abstract>> CT_Item + identifier : GenericName + name [0..*] : GenericName + definition : CharacterString + description [0..1] : CharacterString 1 1..* +codelisItem 1 1..* +codeEntry
Sample UML <<DataType>>Class1 +attr1: typeAttr1 +attr2[0..1]: typeAttr2 +role1 1..* <<DataType>>Class2 +attrA: typeAttrA +attrB[0..1]: typeAttrB
Partial Data Quality information UML from ISO 19115, A.2.4.1
Sample UML for class stereotyped Enumeration (a simpleType) <<Enumeration>>EnumClass1 +enumVal1+enumVal2+enumVal3
Sample UML for an Abstract Class <<Abstract>>AbsClass1 +attrX: typeAttrX +attrY[0..1]: typeAttrY
The UML of the Abstract Class EX_GeographicExtent from ISO 19115 <<Abstract>>EX_GeographicExtent +extentTypeCode[0..1]:Boolean="1"
Sample UML for sub-class <<DataType>>Class1 +attr1: typeAttr1 +attr2[0..1]: typeAttr2 <<DataType>>SubClass1 +attr3[0..1]: typeAttr3
Table 4 (row1) - UML of the Classes EX_GeographicExtent and EX_GeographicDescription from ISO 19115 <<Abstract>>EX_GeographicExtent +extentTypeCode[0..1]:Boolean="1" EX_GeographicDescription +geographicIdentifier: MD_Identifier
Sample UML for class stereotyped Enumeration <<Enumeration>>EnumClass1 +enumVal1+enumVal2+enumVal3
Table 5 (row1) - MD_ObligationCode Class from ISO 19115 <<Enumeration>>MD_ObligationCode +mandatory+optional+conditional
Sample UML for class stereotyped CodeList <<CodeList>>CodeListClass1 +listVal1+listVal2+listVal3
Table 7 (row 1) - CI_DateTypeCode Class from ISO 19115 <<CodeList>>CI_DateTypeCode +creation+publication+revision
Sample UML for class stereotyped Union <<Union>>UnionClass1 +attr4: typeAttr4 +attr5: typeAttr5
Table 8 (row 1) - The MD_Resolution class from ISO 19115 <<Union>>MD_Resolution +equivalentScale: MD_RepresentativeFraction +distance: Distance
Sample UML for class stereotyped MetaClass <<MetaClass>> <<xs:simpleContent>> ns1:externalImpl_PropertyType <<XCPT>> MetaClass1 <<DataType>>Class1 +attr1: MetaClass1
ISO 19103 Date Realized by gco:Date_PropertyType <<Type>> Date + century : CharacterString + year[0..1] : CharacterString + month[0..1] : CharacterString <<xs:choice>> + day[0..1] : CharacterString gco:Date_PropertyType <<XCPT>>
CI_Date class from ISO 19115 <<DataType>>CI_Date +date: Date +dateType:CI_DateTypeCode
ISO 19107 GM_Point Realized by gml:Point <<Type>> <<xs:element>> <<XCGE>> GM_Point gml:Point +position: DirectPosition
Table 9 (row 1) - XCGE for gco:UnlimitedInteger shown as xs:element stereotyped class <<xs:simpleContent>> gco:UnlimitedInteger_Type <<xs:attribute>> + isInfinite[0..1] : xs:boolean <<xs:attribute>> +type <<xs:element>> gco:UnlimitedInteger <<xs:attribute>> + nillable="true"
Realization of CharacterString with xs:string <<Type>> <<XCT>> <<xs:simpleType>> CharacterString xs:string
Table 10 (row 1) - XCT Realize for UnlimitedInteger_Type with xs:simpleContent stereotype <<xs:simpleType>> xs:nonNegativeInteger <<xs:simpleContent>> <<XCT>> <<Type>> gco:UnlimitedInteger_Type UnlimitedInteger <<xs:attribute>> + isInfinite[0..1] : xs:boolean
Table 11 (row 1) - XCT Realize for gmd:PT_FreeText_Type with xs:complexType stereotype <<xs:complexType>> <<XCT>> PT_FreeText gmd:PT_FreeText_Type (from FreeText) 1..* 1..* +textGroup <<xs:simpleContent>> gmd:LocalisedCharacterString <<xs:attribute>> id[0..1] : xs:ID <<xs:attribute>> locale[0..1] : xs:anyURI
Table 12 (row 1) - Sample XML Schema for gco:Date <<xs:union>> gco:Date + xs:date + xs:gYearMonth + xs:gYear
Sample UML for class stereotyped xs:choice <<xs:simpleType>> xs:dateTime <<xs:union>> gco:Date + xs:date + xs:gYearMonth + xs:gYear <<xs:choice>> gco:Date_PropertyType
“xmlNamespace” and “implement” stereotypes ISO 19115Metadata <<xmlNamespace>> gmd <<implement>>
“xmlNamespace” and “import” stereotypes <<xmlNamespace>> gmd <<xmlNamespace>> gss <<import>>
Regular xmlSchema package <<xmlSchema>> applicationSchema.xsd Application Schema Information (from ISO 19115 Metadata) <<implement>>
Hierarchy of XML Schema packages <<xmlSchema>> root.xsd <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> schema1.xsd <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> schema2.xsd
XML Packaging ISO/TS 19139 XML Schema <<xmlNamespace>> gmx <<implement>> <<import>> <<import>> ISO 19115 Metadata <<xmlNamespace>> gmd <<xmlNamespace>> gss <<import>> <<implement>> <<import>> <<implement>> <<import>> ISO 19107 Spatial Schema <<xmlNamespace>> gts <<import>> <<import>> <<import>> <<xmlNamespace>> gco <<xmlNamespace>> gsr <<implement>> ISO 19108 Temporal <<implement>> <<implement>> <<import>> ISO 19111Spatial Ref By Coord ISO/TS 19103 Conceptual Schema Language
Organization of the gmd namespace <<xmlSchema>> gmd.xsd <<xmlSchema>> metadataApplication.xsd <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> freeText.xsd <<xmlSchema>> metadataEntity.xsd <<xmlSchema>> spatialRepresentation.xsd <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> dataQuality.xsd <<xmlSchema>> portrayalCatalogue.xsd <<xmlSchema>> applicationSchema.xsd <<xmlSchema>> metadataExtension.xsd <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> content.xsd <<include>> <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> identification.xsd <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> citation.xsd <<xmlSchema>> referenceSystem.xsd <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> constraint.xsd <<xmlSchema>> distribution.xsd <<xmlSchema>> maintenance.xsd <<xmlSchema>> extent.xsd <<include>> <<include>>
Organization of gmd namespace (continued) <<xmlSchema>> identification.xsd <<xmlSchema>> metadataApplication.xsd <<xmlSchema>> metadataEntity.xsd <<xmlSchema>> dataQuality.xsd <<xmlSchema>> distribution.xsd <<Leaf>> Identification information <<Leaf>> Metadata application information <<Leaf>> Metadata entity set information <<Leaf>> Data Quality information <<Leaf>> Distribution information <<xmlSchema>> applicationSchema.xsd <<xmlSchema>> portrayalCatalogue.xsd <<xmlSchema>> content.xsd <<xmlSchema>> metadataExtension.xsd <<xmlSchema>> spatialRepresentation.xsd <<Leaf>> Application Schema information <<Leaf>> Portrayal catalogue information <<Leaf>> Content information <<Leaf>> Metadata extension information <<Leaf>> Spatial representation information <<xmlSchema>> extent.xsd <<xmlSchema>> constraint.xsd <<xmlSchema>> citation.xsd <<xmlSchema>> maintenance.xsd <<xmlSchema>> referenceSystem.xsd <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<Leaf>> Maintenance information <<Leaf>> Extent information <<Leaf>> Constraint information <<Leaf>> Citation and responsible party information <<Leaf>> Reference system information <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>> <<implement>>
Implementation of URL ISO 19115 Metadata <<Leaf>> Citation and responsible party information <<XCT>> URL <<xs:simpleType>> xs:anyURI
<<xs:simpleType>> xs:anySimpleType ISO/TS 19103 <<DataType>> <<xs:simpleType>> <<XCT>> CharacterString xs:string ISO 19115 <<XCT>> Free Text <<xs:simpleContent>> gmd:LocalisedCharacterString_Type <<xs:complexType>> <<xs:attribute>> id[0..1] : xs:ID gco:Objectreference_PropertyType <<xs:attribute>> locale[0..1] : xs:anyURI <<xs:complexType>> LocalisedCharacterString gmd:LocalisedCharacterString_PropertyType (from FreeText) <<XCPT>> <<XCGE>> gmd:LocalisedCharacterString XML implementation of LocalisedCharacterString
<<DataType>> CharacterString ISO/TS 19103 <<xs:complexType>> gco:CharacterString_PropertyType <<XCT>> (from basicTypes.xsd) <<XCGE>> gco:CharacterString <<xs:complexType>> PT_FreeText gmd:PT_FreeText_PropertyType (from FreeText) ISO 19115 <<XCGE>> gmd:PT_FreeText Free Text <<XCPT>> <<xs:complexType>> gmd:PT_FreeText_Type <<XCT>> <<xs:element>> textGroup [1..*] : gmd:LocalisedCharacterString_PropertyType XML implementation of Free Text
Organization of the gss namespace <<xmlSchema>> gss.xsd <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> geometry.xsd <<normative>> Geometry <<implement>>
ISO 19107 profile to GML 3.2 <<normative>> <<xmlSchema>> Geometry geometryBasic0d1d.xsd <<Leaf>> Geometry root <<Type>> <<xs:element>> GM_Object <<XCGE>> gml:AbstractGeometry (from Geometry root) <<Leaf>> Geometric primitive <<Type>> GM_Primitive <<xs:element>> <<Type>> <<XCGE>> gml:Point GM_Point +position: DirectPosition
Organization of the gts namespace <<xmlSchema>> gts.xsd <<include>> <<xmlSchema>> temporalObjects.xsd <<Leaf>> Temporal Objects <<implement>>
ISO 19108 profile to GML ISO 19108 Temporal <<Leaf>> <<xmlSchema>> Temporal Objects temporal.xsd TM_Primitive <<XCGE>> <<xs:element>> (from Temporal Objects) gml:AbstractTimePrimitive