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GED- i Ltd

GED- i Ltd. Secure data R esides on Cloud, Hosting & Local SAN storage Transferred over public/private networks Store data Very Fast SAN storage. www.ged-i.com +972 9 8355600 dsaar@ged-i.com. About GED- i Ltd. Israeli Company Founded in 2005 Development started in 2006

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GED- i Ltd

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  1. GED-i Ltd • Secure data • Resides on Cloud, Hosting & Local SAN storage • Transferred over public/private networks • Store data • Very Fast SAN storage www.ged-i.com+972 9 8355600 dsaar@ged-i.com GED-I Proprietary

  2. About GED-i Ltd • Israeli Company • Founded in 2005 • Development started in 2006 • Held by 3 founders and private investors • Funding • External - Private & Governmental - about $800,000 • Founders – About $2M • Office is Netanya, Israel • Patent allowance in USA GED-I Proprietary

  3. Company Status • Sales – Initial revenues of more than $200,000 • Sales – Win of project estimated of $1M (G4Crypt) • Sales channels - Europe, Asia, Israel • Products - GSA 2000, G4Crypt - Commercial • Oracle/SUN’s Partner • IBM’s Storage Proven, Integrated Solution • HP – Interoperability, Integrated solution GED-I Proprietary

  4. GED-i Team Management: • David Saar, MBA – CEO 24 years leading High-tech companies in Executive positions. Served as Vsecure Technologies Inc CEO, founder and the GM of TSK Israel Ltd and ECI Telecom Director of Worldwide Marketing. • Elisha Atzmon, PhD – CTO, 12 years in advanced systems Research, Analysis and Implementation. • Lior Greenblat, MSc – VP R&D, 10 years in leading design, development and implementation Advisory Board: • Nadav Kedem, MSc Most recently serves as the manager and Director of R&D at EMC Israel • Giora Cohen, BSc 25 years in leading design, development and implementation of high-tech technologies • Rony Shapiro, MSc – VP R&D, 22 years in leading design, development and implementation of security systems. GED-I Proprietary

  5. Security Target Markets Sensitiveand ConfidentialData at: • Cloud Computing • Cloud Operator • as Infrastructure • as Service • Enterprise external DC • Enterprise DRP • Enterprise • Internal data center • Private cloud • DRP / Hosting • Network connecting remote sites GED-I Proprietary

  6. Target Markets - Customers Data security for the Civilian & HLS • Government • Defense • Airlines company • Municipal Authority • Bank • Payment Processor • Insurance • Hospital • Telecom • Enterprise • Cloud Operator • University • Airports • Cities • Communication • Research Centers • Grocery chains • Casino sites • Police • ISP • Telecom • Law enforcement • Defense bases • Private Networks • Enterprise branches • University campus • Hospital sites GED-I Proprietary

  7. Cloud/Storage Security - Why • Compliance to Privacy Regulations • PCI DSS • CA 1386 • DOD 5015 • HIPAA • GBL • Basel II • Data Security • Data Security is a “Show Stopper” for cloud computing, mainly to Enterprises • Data deployment risks – Cloud, Hosting, Data Center • Control over Data Security measures GED-I Proprietary

  8. Cloud Security Problem Confidentiality, Integrity,Availability Customer CLOUD Data1 Data Processing Customer Data2 Customer GED-I Proprietary

  9. GED-i’s product Positioning Cloud Customer mapping • Users (Enterprises, SMB) • Operators • Users (Enterprises, SMB) • Operators Private Public • Operator Infrastructure • Operator revenue generator • Operators Infrastructure PaaS IaaS SaaS GED-I Proprietary

  10. 7 Cloud Security Risks By Gartner • Privileged User Access – Privileged administrators and control over their access • Regulatory Compliance • Data Location – Local regulations compliance • Data Segregation – Shared environment, Encryption • Recovery • Investigative Support • Long-term viability • X – available by GED-I • X – Not available by GED-i GED-I Proprietary

  11. GED-i’s Data Security suite • The Only End to End Solution • GSA 2000 - Storage Encryption • Data Encryption (AES 256 XTS) • For Local Data Center, Hosting site and Cloud site • G4EC - Encryption and Access Control • Ensures the confidentiality of the data located at the Hosting/Cloud • Key manager and Encryption control unit, located at  the customer site • G4Crypt - Network Encryption • IP network Data encryption as it is transmitted between Customer sites and cloud sites. GED-I Proprietary

  12. Cloud’s Vulnerabilities and GED-i’s Security Suite • Data resides in remote cloud site - • Data may be exposed to unauthorized eyes • Solution – GED-I storage encryption (GSA 2000) • User’s access to cloud site through public or private networks - • Data may be viewed or changed • Solution – GED-I’s network encryption (G4Crypt) • Access Control – • User has no control on users access to his own Data/Servers • Solution – GED-I’s Remote control over data encryption and accessibility (G4EC) • Data and Servers availability– User has no control when his Data are approachable • Solution – GED-I’s Remote control over data encryption and accessibility (G4EC) • Shared Cloud infrastructures and services – Separation between different cloud users Solution – GED-I’s Remote control over data encryption and accessibility (GSA 2000) GED-I Proprietary

  13. GED-i’s Cloud Security suite Transmitted Data Encrypted Cloud Data Encrypted Cloud data Controlled by Cloud Client Clients Cloud Services at remote site Local Server Cloud Data G4Crypt AB GKS 2000 Key Server &@ &@ &@ User Site GSA 2000 EE Encryption Engine Cloud Servers IPSEC Agent GED-I Proprietary

  14. Hybrid Cloud Public Cloud Main Site Clients Cloud Servers GSA 2000 EE Encryption Engines CISCO MDS 9000 Cloud Storage CISCO MDS 9000 Private Cloud GKS 2000 Key Server Server CISCO MDS 9000 Local Storage CISCO MDS 9000 GSA 2000 EE Encryption Engine Clients GED-I Proprietary

  15. Security Offering status • Data Encrypted on Cloud Storage devices • Encryption per Physical server • Encryption Keys at customer site • Data Path encryption from Cloud site to Customer site • NPIV data path – multi servers to multi targets • Encryption per VM server • Encryption per end-user VM • Full Data Path encryption from Cloud storage to Cloud Customer site • Access to data only upon G4EC activation • X – available X - Under/Final developmentX - development GED-I Proprietary

  16. Storage’s Data Security offering Clients Storage data is Encrypted and Available to End Users Server ABCD ?&#@ GKS 2000 Key Server Storage GED-I Proprietary

  17. High Availability Solution AES 256 Clients FC / iSCSI GSA 2000 EE (Encryption Engine) GKS 2000 (Key Server) Server Ethernet GEM 2000 (Element Manager) ABCD #W~Z GSA 2000 EE (Encryption Engine) Clients Storage GED-I Proprietary

  18. Why GED-i Technology • The BEST security - 2 (4) encryption layers with millions of keys • Central Solution for any type of data or application • Integrated solution into IBM (HP) storage • Dedicated HW solution - Plug and Play, no performances degradation • but - S/W product available on standard HW servers (IBM, HP) • A wholemedia protection approach • Separated Key Manager locally or remotely • Easy to install and to maintain • Suitable to any Servers OS • Suitable to any Storage manufacturer (IBM, EMC, HP, HDS, DELL...) GED-I Proprietary

  19. Why to encrypt (with GED-i) Business • Data Security is Enterprise’s“Show Stopper” • Solution for Cloud/Storage/Hosting Operators for Enterprises • Solution for Enterprises for Cloud/Hosting/Storage • Low TCO since no need to secure each application independently • Competitive Advantage over other operators • Suitable to existing HW – Low investment GED-I Proprietary

  20. GED-I’s Go to Market & Business Model • Product Sales • Customers • Cloud operators, Storage Center, Data Center, ISP (Amazon EC2) • The High-End Market : Enterprises, Health, Financing, Research Centers, Government, Banking • Channels - Partnership with Storage, IT and Security integrators/VARs to • Local channels perform: Sales, integration, support, GED-I 2nd line support • Transfer price may based on % of end user price (30%-35%) • Pricing: starting at $30K • Technology Sale - OEM/ Cooperation • Storage Devices Manufacturer (EMC, IBM, SUN, HP, DELL, HDS,…) • Communication Devices Manufacturer (CISCO, Brocade) • Security: CA, Symantec, Check Point GED-I Proprietary

  21. Market size Storage Security - Based on external disks market size report by Gartner Q1/2010 GED-I Proprietary

  22. Sales Target GED-I Proprietary

  23. Feasibility • Based on • Existing customers • Discussions with: IBM, HP • Conferences • Consultants • Articles • Market Researches • Internal Knowhow GED-I Proprietary

  24. Investment Options • Targets • Expanding marketing and Sales activity • Product line expansion • More focus on the cloud market • 24 months of operation • Profitability GED-I Proprietary

  25. SAN Storage • GFSS • GED-I Fast SAN Storage • For Performance demanding application GED-I Proprietary

  26. Fast SAN Storage • For performance demanding applications: • “READ” at very fast speed • “WRITE” at very fast speed or no writing at all • “SAVE” to disk at regular speed, periodical or no data saving at all • For Mid-Range (SMB) • Utilizing standard HW platforms GED-I Proprietary

  27. SAN Storage • Target Market • Mid-range (SMB) market • Competition • VERY EXPENSIVE traditional storage • Advantages • No competition in the target market (??) • Usage of “every” 3rd party Server or JBOD • Un-matched price level (S/W) GED-I Proprietary

  28. Target Applications • Image Processing • VOD • Download Servers • Sharing Systems • Army Systems • Music on Demand • Video Processing • Simulation • Query Data Bases (DB) • Data Confidential application • Fast Boot Application • QA/Testing systems GED-I Proprietary

  29. Network Security • G4Cypt • Network Encryption • For public and Private Network GED-I Proprietary

  30. Network Encryption • Encrypting Data transmitted between IT islands ABCD %&^# Encrypted IP Network IPsec AES 256 ABCD Public Network

  31. G4Crypt Models • An encryption appliance • Desktop or 19” Rack mountable device • Point to Multi Point (P2MP) and Point to Point (P2P) • AES 256 standard encryption • Full Duplex Encryption • Encryption rates at 100, 300, 600Mbs and near 1Gbs • HWBypass for fast recovery • Remote management (SNMP, SSH )

  32. Radio Network Encryption Site A Site B G4Crypt 300 Site D Site C Central Site

  33. Total Solution by GED-i

  34. Thank You For contact: GED-I Ltd www.ged-i.com +972 9 8355600 +972 52 6498246 dsaar@ged-i.com GED-I Proprietary

  35. About GED-i Ltd • Israeli Company • Founded in 2005 • Office is Netanya, Israel • Patent granted in USA • Sales channels - Europe, Asia, Israel • Sales – Selected to secure Italy PA network GED-I Proprietary

  36. The Problem • Privacy regulations, Data breaches result in huge financial damages and business optimization obliges to secure private data and are the rationale behind the need to encrypt data on storage devices. • Today, almost all the data resides on storage devices is not encrypted. The vulnerability of non-encrypted stored data is one of the most critical security problems to enterprises, financial, health organization, government and defense. • The merging of Cloud Computing and virtualization technologies, which based on storing data at remote sites, creates major security considerations which increases the need for remote data encryption. • Moreover, in the few cases of encrypted data, a penetration into storage system, lost or stolen Disk gives the thief sufficient time to use advanced tools over Known Data Structure over a large amount of data to break the encryption (if any), to hack into and to expose the information. GED-I Proprietary

  37. Product Description • GED-i’s appliance is installed adjacent to the Storage device ports and any data transferred to the storage device is encrypted and decrypted while it is transferred back to the user in real time. All the data is kept encrypted on the storage disks. • The required key-information for the encryption process and for the decryption process is saved on a dedicated external key server (or in All-in-ONE solution on an external retractable physical device such as a flash memory on USB port, PCMCIA, CD, server disk, etc). GED-I Proprietary

  38. Technology Description • GED-i’s solution is a Central Storage Data Security that uses 4 layers of Encryption: • The basic layer is a standard AES-256-XTS encryption of the data, • The second layer is storage segmentation, • The third level is geometric restructuring (scrambling) layer implemented as part of the actual writing to the storage device. • The fourth layer, the interference, involves special operations on the storage device to reduce the traceability of the storage surface characteristics. GED-I Proprietary

  39. Security Target Markets Sensitiveand ConfidentialData at: • Cloud Computing • Cloud Operator • as Infrastructure • as Service • Enterprise external DC • Enterprise DRP • Enterprise • Internal data center • Private cloud • DRP / Hosting • Network connecting remote sites GED-I Proprietary

  40. Target Markets - Customers Data security for the Civilian & HLS • Government • Defense • Airlines company • Municipal Authority • Bank • Payment Processor • Insurance • Hospital • Telecom • Enterprise • Cloud Operator • University • Airports • Cities • Communication • Research Centers • Grocery chains • Casino sites • Police • ISP • Telecom • Law enforcement • Defense bases • Private Networks • Enterprise branches • University campus • Hospital sites GED-I Proprietary

  41. Storage Data security What is it • Encrypting Data resides on Storage Devices • Preventing INTERNAL data hacking • Data is secured even if was copied • Secures ANY type of data • For Enterprise Internal DC or Cloud site DC GED-I Proprietary

  42. Network Data security What is it • Encrypting Data transferred over Public or Private networks • Preventing Data exposure even if data is hacked • Securing Enterprise data transferred between Remote Operational sites GED-I Proprietary

  43. Cloud/Storage Security - Why • Compliance to Privacy Regulations • PCI DSS • CA 1386 • DOD 5015 • HIPAA • GBL • Basel II • Data Security • Data Security is a “Show Stopper” for cloud computing, mainly to Enterprises • Data deployment risks – Cloud, Hosting, Data Center • Control over Data Security measures GED-I Proprietary

  44. Cloud Security Problem Confidentiality, Integrity,Availability Customer CLOUD Data1 Data Processing Customer Data2 Customer GED-I Proprietary

  45. GED-i’s Data Security suite • The Only End to End Solution • GSA 2000 - Storage Encryption • Data Encryption (AES 256 XTS) • For Local Data Center, Hosting site and Cloud site • G4EC - Encryption and Access Control • Ensures the confidentiality of the data located at the Hosting/Cloud • Key manager and Encryption control unit, located at  the customer site • G4Crypt - Network Encryption • IP network Data encryption as it is transmitted between Customer sites and cloud sites. GED-I Proprietary

  46. GED-i’s Cloud Security suite Transmitted Data Encrypted Cloud Data Encrypted Cloud data Controlled by Cloud Client Clients Cloud Services at remote site Local Server Cloud Data G4Crypt AB GKS 2000 Key Server &@ &@ &@ User Site GSA 2000 EE Encryption Engine Cloud Servers IPSEC Agent GED-I Proprietary

  47. Hybrid Cloud Public Cloud Main Site Clients Cloud Servers GSA 2000 EE Encryption Engines CISCO MDS 9000 Cloud Storage CISCO MDS 9000 Private Cloud GKS 2000 Key Server Server CISCO MDS 9000 Local Storage CISCO MDS 9000 GSA 2000 EE Encryption Engine Clients GED-I Proprietary

  48. Storage’s Data Security offering Clients Storage data is Encrypted and Available to End Users Server ABCD ?&#@ GKS 2000 Key Server Storage GED-I Proprietary

  49. High Availability Solution AES 256 Clients FC / iSCSI GSA 2000 EE (Encryption Engine) GKS 2000 (Key Server) Server Ethernet GEM 2000 (Element Manager) ABCD #W~Z GSA 2000 EE (Encryption Engine) Clients Storage GED-I Proprietary

  50. Why GED-i Technology • The BEST security - 2 (4) encryption layers with millions of keys • Central Solution for any type of data or application • Integrated solution into IBM (HP) storage • Dedicated HW solution - Plug and Play, no performances degradation • but - S/W product available on standard HW servers (IBM, HP) • A wholemedia protection approach • Separated Key Manager locally or remotely • Easy to install and to maintain • Suitable to any Servers OS • Suitable to any Storage manufacturer (IBM, EMC, HP, HDS, DELL...) GED-I Proprietary

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