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Management of accidental marine pollution (AMP): Exchange of post- Prestige experience. Saferseas. An inventory of post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects. Georges Peigné. Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9 th of October 2007.
Management of accidental marine pollution (AMP): Exchange of post- Prestige experience Saferseas An inventory of post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects Georges Peigné Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
An inventory of post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects Saferseas • National programmes and projects • EC programmes and projects • Interreg programmes and projects Georges Peigné Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
An inventory of post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects Saferseas Based on: • Cedrefiles (and involvement in projects) • EC files (Cordis) • Emsa« Overview of EU-funded R&D projects in the field of Marine Pollution » • AMPERAproject (www.amp-research.info) • Interreg(www.interreg-atlantique.org) • projects websites Georges Peigné Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National programmes and projects National EC Regional National R&D programmes and projects on AMP Programmes funding on AMP within 8 European countries (AMPERA partners) Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional France (1): since 1978 (Amoco Cadiz spill), a permanent programme Cedre: Centre for documentation, reseach and experimentations on accidental water spillages Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCE IN R&D PROJECTS Sintef Spitzberg, Norway Brest, France Comparing oil weathering in different climates
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional France (2): - during response to Erika spill: - Cedre- NMRI (Japan) exchange of experience workshops - meetings and visits of European experts - as a consequence of Erika spill : - call for R&D projects for improving at sea response - reinforcement of Cedre programme - Ritmer: a network for RTD on AMP - call for R&D projects and studies on impact assessment Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional France (3): - during response to Prestige spill: - exchange of experience meetings and workshops - meetings and visits of European experts - as a consequence of Prestige spill : - involvement of Cedre in Spanish projects: Continmar, ESEOO,… - joint response to EC call for projects: Spreex, OSH,… - from a French network (Ritmer) to a European one: AMPERA - and other spills: - oil spills (Tricolor,…) - illegal discharges - HNS in bulk: Ievoli Sun, Ece - containers: Napoli,… Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional Spain : - as a consequence of Erika spill: - development of co-operations with France - during the Prestige spill: - AEU 2003: special actions on the Prestige spill (9 projects) - as a consequence of Prestige spill : - VEM: a 3 years strategic action on AMP (76 projects) - CONTINMAR - ESEOO -… - CEPRECO: a new centre dedicated to AMP - involvement of CEDEX in AMP - joint response to EC call for projects: Spreex, OSH,… - from a Spanish network to a European one: AMPERA Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Context : during Prestige crisis, as it had not been planned, responders did not consider useful to involve scientific expertise available in Galicia Reaction : proposals of several R&D projects, including Continmar, aiming at showing very practically how the scientific community could assist in the improvement of contingency plans start : january 2004 Desarrollo de elementos, herramientas, protocolos de actuación, y de un sistema de información para el diseño de planes de contingencia ante vertidos marinos accidentales Development of elements, tools, protocols for activation and of an information system for developing contingency plans for fighting against AMP
Interest of French involvement in Continmar • For Spain : access to the French experience, allowing a better orientation for strategic choices. • For France : possibility of transfering experience and tools • For both : better prospects for compatibility between approaches et mutual knowledge, useful for facilitating exchanges in case of a transborder spill Continmar follow-up • ESEOO • EROCIPS • ….
ESEOO Project: A Contribution to the Establishment of an Operational Oceanography System at Spanish Coastal Waters • Prestige crisis highlighted the existence of gaps in some aspects of the Spanish Operational Oceanography (OO): • Neither currents nor oil spill operational forecasting systems • Some groups improvised effective solutions during the crisis, showing their technical capabilities • ESEOO Project create a large consortium to: • Take advantage of the mentioned capabilities • Fill the observed existing gaps • Boost OO in Spain
Partners: • Université de Saint-Jacques • Université de la Cantabrie • Puertos del Estado • Sasemar • Université de La Corogne • Institut Nacional de Météorologie • CEDRE • MétéoFrance, etc.
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional • Belgium • 2 programmes (SPSD 1 and 2) between 1998-2006. Budget of 2.700.000 and 3.300.000 €. Science for a Sustainable Development launch for the period 2005-2013. • Estonia • No specific programmes. 6 projects and 610.000 € for 2005. • Ireland • Marine RTDI measure in the National Development Plan, but no specific AMP research. • Norway • 2 specific programmes. MAROFF, 2002-2009 and PROOF, 2002-2008. • United Kingdom • 9 R&D themes developed since 1990. One specific programme for the Sea Empress. Total budget for the R&D during the period 1990-2005, around 31.000.000 €. Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National programmes and projects National EC Regional Developed fields : Type of pollutants taken into account in national R&D programmes and projects on AMP Programmes funding on AMP within 8 European countries (AMPERA partners) Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects MAIN POINTS : National EC Regional • Disparities between countries on the R&D programmation organisation (development of specific programmes, development of theme with a definition of priorities) and on the budget assigned. • R&D thematic developed appears to be mainly the impact after incidents (Erika, Prestige). Recent R&D enhancement in the Detection and monitoringtechnologies field. • Few examples of Co-operative R&D between European countries (in connection with national programmes). • Budgets assigned to AMP need to be clarified and unified. Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National programmes and projects National EC Regional EC R&D programmes and projects on AMP • Global annual amount : around 4M€ between 2002-2004 (Spain spent 10.2 M€ in 2003, France 5.7 M€ in 2002, Norway 2.6M€ in 2002) • No specific AMP RTD programmes, except, until 2006, through the Community Framework Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
COMMUNITY FRAMEWORK: DG ENV YEARLY CALL FOR TENDER (training courses/workshops/pilot projects/exercises) 2005 - 3.2 M€1) Response to heavy oil 2) Animal walfare 3)Response to chemical pollution 4) Environmental impact of oil spills and other harmful substances 5) Oil pollution monitoring and detection 20061) Global evaluation of environmental impact of accidents occured during the past 5 years and progress in damage assessment + detection of pollutants on the sea bed 2) Evaluation of the state of play of the response to marine pollution accidents at European level (with Emsa ORVs) 3) Response to chemical pollution 4) Recovery of heavy oil 5) Monitoring and detection by aerial surveillance and satellite images 6) Role of NGOs and volunteers in the field of response to marine pollution 7) Claim management
Workshops and training sessions 2003, 2006 : satellite imagery and illicit discharges 2007: spill monitoring methodologies
Pilot projects NEBAJEX:Study and identification of proceedings for on site monitoring of oil slicks (2002) B, N, F … DG Env funded pilot project ... partially realised on a real spill(Tricolor) … a transboundary spill (B, F, UK) MUMM SINTEF HASREP:RESPONSE TO HARMFUL SUBSTANCES SPILLED AT SEA (2004)
Pilot projects ASMA:SURVEY, MODELLING AND ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS OF SUBMERGED OIL (2005) • Exchange of experience on Erika and Prestige spills • Follow up of the EXCAPI project (Ritmer) DHI …
POST PRESTIGE DG TREN CALL FOR TENDER (pilot projects/Coordination action) FP 6 2nd call, Sustainable Surface Transport – 2004 Workshop: « Robotics and pollution », Brussels , March 2004 - antipollution ships for pumping oil at the surface of the sea - devices – systems for pumping oil at the bottom from the wrecks pilot projects:OSH (Oil Sea Harvester) EU-MOP (Elimination Units for Marine Oil Pollution) DIFIS (Double Inverted funnel for Intervention on ship wrecks) POP&C (Pollution Prevention & Control) Coordination action: SPREEX (Spill Response Experience)
Response Experience from major incidents and spills since 2000 in European waters: oil spills : Erika, Prestige,… HNS in wrecks: Ievoli Sun, Ece, and RTD conducted since 2000 Not forgetting pre existing knowledge and know how coming from more than 30 years of SPREEX in Europe and worldwide and from R&D conducted since the 70’s To establish SoA to uncover and discuss major gaps in OSR, in order to identify areas for further developments and needs for further RTD efforts
SPREEX scope MOST IMPORTANT ISSUES in terms of OSR PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE WP 1: European oil spill response management for quick response action - crisis management (information & communication tools; training and use of simulators) - places of refuge (risk assessments and decision support systems) - legal issues WP 2: Optimisation of resources for oil spill response at sea : - recovery vessels and equipment, - disposal of sunken wrecks - dispersants WP 3 : Integration and real time updating of spill information - airborne and satellite remote sensing - real time data acquisition and transfer, position tracking of vessels and response equipment - spill modelling WP 4 : Environmental effects and total costs of response approach - clean up and restauration technologies, including bioremediation - assessment of environmental and socio-economic impact - places of refuges (acceptance criteria and DSS)
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional ERA-Net Scheme: Structuring the ERA- Research and Innovation: (Enhancing R&D projects to find solutions to struggle against various marine pollutions) Network for Coastal Research: Coordination Action « ENCORA », 4th thematic network: « Pollution prevention and mitigation » MAPO Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional FP 5 & Cross-cutting activities / JRC activities MIDIV (Monitoring illicit discharges from vessels) IST (Information society technologies) RAPSODI(Remote sensing anti-pollution system for geographical data integration) DISMAR (Data integration system for marine pollution and water quality) WIN(Wide information network for risk management integrated project) Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional FP 5 EESD (Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development) CLEOPATRA ( Chemical effluent and oil pollution alert) COMMODE(Communities of marine microorganisms for oil degradation) FLUOSENSE( Laser fluorosensor for oil spots detection) MATBIOPOL(Role of microbial mats in bioremediation of hydrocarbon polluted coastal zones) OCEANIDES (Harmonised monitoring, reporting and assessment of illegal marine discharges) Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects National EC Regional FP 5 & LIFE - ENV OSIS (Oil Spill Identification System) – 2002 OSIS- Marine Transport (Oil Spill Identification System) – 2004 Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects European Regional Fund (ERDF) INTERREG IIIB: Trans-national co-operation between national, regional and local authorities within large geographical areas Atlantic Area Programme (2000-2006) P-S-F-I-UK PRESTIGE (Reinforcement of technical means to fight against consequences of the Prestige spill. Assessment and prospects for transnational cooperation for spill control in the Gulf of Biscay) 2002-2005 EROCIPS(Emergency response to coastal oil, chemical and inert pollution from shipping) 2004-2007 LOSTCONT (Solution to the problem of containers lost by ships passing through the Gulf of Biscay) 2006-2008 EMDI (Espace Manche Development Initiative) – ICZM _ 2004-2007 National EC Regional Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007
A need to limit duplications and to Improve Connection and Synergies between national and international AMP RTD programmes Better funded AMP RTD on identified major gaps MAPO involving interested SMEs
Post Erika and post Prestige national and european exchange of experience & improved preparedness projects Thank you for your attention…. and don’t hesitate to exchange your experience and improve our knowledge ofAMP projects georges.peigne@cedre.fr Saferseas - Brest - Tuesday 9th of October 2007