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Introductory Lectures in Fundamentals of Christian Leadership. INFLUENCETHE MEANS OF LEADERSHIP. Session 5. Introduction. Leadership is strictly depended on character, for simply stated. Leadership is dynamic. L eade rship is a dynamic concept and not a static one.
Introductory Lectures in Fundamentals of Christian Leadership
Introduction • Leadership is strictly depended on character, for simply stated
Leadership is dynamic • Leadership is a dynamic concept and not a static one. • When a leader claims he or she has one style of leadership, he is saying he is static. • With this mind set, the leader won’t have correct understanding of leadership and will be limiting his usefulness.
A Spirit-led leader must be flexible to meet the complicated requirements of ministry. • Therefore, a leader must have a flexible character to meet the pressing needs of those he is serving.
Robert Clinton (1992, 39) agrees with this proposition as he writes,
Trust: Important Factor in Leadership style • Most people want to have a meaningful contribution to the environment around them. • Whether they work in or run an office, or are members in a church council, most people want to be trusted and be responsible. • This requires trust on the part of the leader and also from the followers. • Unfortunately, normal human behavioral traits hinder people from trusting others.
Principle-led leadership in a Christian context is probably the model which can solve this problem. • The result will be self-actualization to both parties and release successful development and use of personal talents and abilities. • Trust paves the way for unity and strength
Effective Christian leadership needs to deploy various uses of power to achieve desired goals. • This does not refer to the “dark side” of power, such exploitative or manipulative power. • Instead, the use of power is used for the “ability” of a leader to positively influence a follower in behavior and character.
Leadership is the exercise of power • Power, in the church should not be understood with negative connotations, because of the Maltese cultural heritage; • instead, it must be understood as the ability to accomplish a ministry.
Authority refers to the right to decided or act. • The perfect example is that of the Maltese people giving the authority to the members of parliament to make laws and decisions. • On the other hand, those elected should have the power (ability) to use the entrusted authority wisely.
Influence Power • Church leadership, in particular, demands, power and authority. • This has to be accompanied by influence.
Serventhood • As Christians, we should associate influence with servanthood. • Influence power is the style the Lord Jesus chose to guide and lead his disciples, giving the church a Biblical precedent to follow.
Without these three concepts • There can be no successful, meaningful leadership; either in government, or in the church.
The Church Father Jerome once claimed, “There can be no church community without a leader or a team of leaders” (Schilleveeckx, 1984, 1). • Understanding the dynamics of power enables Maltese Christian leaders to
The Church Father Jerome once claimed, “There can be no church community without a leader or a team of leaders” (Schilleveeckx, 1984, 1). • Understanding the dynamics of power enables Maltese Christian leaders to
Clinton, Lee, Elliston and Covey, all describe the concept of power, authority, and influence from different perspectives and situations. • Their description reveals how, and how not, to use power. • Basically, they all agree about the syncretism of these concepts for the benefit of all those involved.
Coercive Power • The Maltese Christian leaders need to understand coercive power is not the ideal style of leadership, although sometimes it is necessary. • Coercive power is exploitative and dangerous in the house of God unless used in the
Lording over the congregation is surely not Scriptural (1 Peter 5:3). • Neither should power be manipulative, • such as taking advantage of some situation to control the congregation or any other individual. • Doing so, the Christian leader would be misusing the authority entrusted to Him or her by the Holy Spirit.
Competency • The competency of the leader is important here. If one is not able to lead, he will not have followers! • The power entrusted to the Christian leader is the ability of the leader > to use his God-given gifts > to take care of the flock of Jesus Christ, > And guide them where they should be in their spiritual maturity; > even if the congregation does not deem it necessary.
Nutrient Power • The Maltese Christian leader should be a nutrient leader (Lee, 74). • Lee describes nutrient power as the parent’s care for his or her children; a paternalistic role and influence. • This is what Jesus meant when He told Peter to “shepherd” (poimai/nw) and “feed” (bo/skw) His sheep. (John 21:15—17 NIV).
I am certain all Maltese leadership wants to have a positive influence with those whom they are leading. • Secular leadership may want to positively influence customers, friendships, business colleagues and the like.
Christian leadership must influence the congregation of God for a better life in Christ. • This influence can be accomplished by three important concepts which Covey dived in 3 headings with 30 subheadings.
Integrative Power • The last kind of power discussed in this seminar is integrative power. • Integrative power is the kind of power which integrates with another person’s power resulting in greater power (Lee, 74).
The Biblical principle in this view found in Leviticus a 26:8 and Ecclesiastics 4:12)
Leaders, and all Christians in general, can use their abilities for the building of the Kingdom of God, starting from their respective local church, and transmitting their influence to the national church.