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Martin Luther King. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase .”. Early Life. Originally Michael Lewis King Born on January 15 th 1929, in Atlanta GA Sang in his church’s choir and later entered the seminary
“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.”
Early Life • Originally Michael Lewis King • Born on January 15th 1929, in Atlanta GA • Sang in his church’s choir and later entered the seminary • Suffered from depression because of racial humiliation • Brilliant student and was already a good public speaker in high school
Martin Luther King « I have a dream », August 28, 1963.
Persuasive Speech • His body language: Calm and grounded. Inspiring respect and self-belief. • Hisvoice: Cadent, paced,andverydramatic. Brings a real passion to the speech, and renforces his convictions. • The language: Powerful, and evocative. « Nowis time to risefrom the darkand desolatevalley of segregation to the sunlitpathof racial justice. »
Persuasive Speech • Repetition :makesiteasy to remember, catches people’s attention, builds a crescendo, bringsempahsis. “Let freedom ringfrom Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ringfromLookoutMountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ringfromeveryhill and molehill of Mississippi. Fromeverymountainside, let freedom ring.”
Persuasive Speech • References : Religion, « And the glory of the Lord shallberevealed », and Patriotism, « Our republicwrote the magnificentwords of the Constitutuion and the Declaration of Independence ». • Withhis people:disposed of his script, talks about theirpersonal situations directly,«Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina »,includeshimself, « Again and againwe must rise ».
His cause • Non violence (ex:MontgomeryBus Boycott, Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's success with non-violent activism) • Religion (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) • Politics( leader of the SCLC ) • Compensation(King stated that black Americans, as well as other disadvantaged Americans, should be compensated for historical wrongs.) • Albany movement • Birmingham campaign(In April 1963, the SCLC began a campaign against racial segregation and economic injustice in Birmingham, Alabama. )