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The modelling of 2 different cases of the trip distribution in EMME in the Czech Republic

The modelling of 2 different cases of the trip distribution in EMME in the Czech Republic. Jiri Dufek, Transport Research Centre Brno, Czech Republic jiri.dufek@cdv.cz. The modelling on regional and urban level. Regional level: Urban agglomeration: Middle Bohemian region Brno city.

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The modelling of 2 different cases of the trip distribution in EMME in the Czech Republic

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  1. The modelling of 2 different cases of the trip distribution in EMME in the Czech Republic Jiri Dufek, Transport Research Centre Brno, Czech Republicjiri.dufek@cdv.cz

  2. The modelling on regional and urban level Regional level:Urban agglomeration:Middle Bohemian regionBrno city

  3. The modelling on regional and urban level Regional level:Urban agglomeration:Middle Bohemian regionBrno city

  4. The Middle – Bohemian Region Basic information: • data of National population census used for trip generation • 574 zones, 512 internal (cities, towns , villages), 62 external) • zone groups (ga) system corresponding to the administrative units, former “districts” Ensembles defined: - ga “districts” - 14 zone groups - gb “capitals” - 2 groups (Prague gb2 and others gb 1)

  5. The Middle – Bohemian Region Demand between districts (ga): • knowledge of demand between individual district based on National Population Census - 3D trip distribution • all OD pairs were assigned to specific categories, depending on a district which they belong to = 3rd dimension Demand from district capitals (gb1) to the Prague (gb2) Node label – town name Node number – total production This is not aggregated demand (only between district capitals)

  6. The Middle – Bohemian Region Demand between districts (ga): • Strong demand inside each district (ga), small demand between outlying districts • - insufficient 2D distribution, suitable 3D distribution • 3rd dimension – sorted matrix by origin and destination district • 3rd dimension totals – district to district demand from population census DISPLAYED DEMAND: • between district capitals (gb1) • - depends ON districts • - depends NOT ONLY ON travel time and zones attractivity

  7. The Middle – Bohemian Region Demand between districts (ga): • differences between demand within a district and outside a district DISPLAYED DEMAND: • result of the 3D modelling • strong impact of 3rd dimension (demand between districts) • displayed with a help of intrinsic function “which”

  8. The Middle – Bohemian Region Model network information: • done by data exchange between ArcView and EMME, • very detailed: 4711 regular nodes, 14268 links, • interactive adjustments of the input from GIS: (highway exits, big intersections), • intersection and turn definition. Example of the intersection done interactively: - blue – one way links - red – two way links - in circles – all allowed turns

  9. The Middle – Bohemian Region Temporary results of assignment: • equilibrium assignment, BPR volume / delay function • demand matrix – resulted from 3D trip distribution • VDF variables: free flow speed, link capacity • until now only commuting Detailed view - assigned volumes on the intersection (example)

  10. The Middle – Bohemian Region Conclusion remarks: • only 1 scenario until now, not finished • now it is only commuting, shopping demand is being modeled • the development scenarios containing planned actions will be tested • the model is 1-modal (auto), planned to be multimodal • public transport lines will be put in • a modal split between individual and public transport will be modeled

  11. The Brno city and surrounding Model upgrade: • new zoning system: zones are urbanistic units • knowledge of delatied socioeconomic data about population in individual zones, from National Population census: inhabitants age, employment, sex, householsd equipment, car ownership, etc.. • totally 315 zones: 278 urbanistic units of Brno, 11 nearest villages and 26 external zones The whole network with urbanistic units and displayed centroids of nearest villages Detailed view – city centre

  12. The Brno city and surrounding Model upgrade: • The Integrated of public transport system (IDS JMK) • 57 urban lines (13 tram, 11 trolleybus, 33 bus lines) • new 27 regional bus lines and 5 train lines The whole network with zone bonudaries, train links and regional bus lines Regional bus lines usually end in significant city transport stops, for the passengers transfers.

  13. The Brno city and surrounding Determination of transport production and atractivity • Production: • Data source – population census • No. of people leaving the zone for commuting • No. of pupils and students leaving the zone • Data source – web sites • The capacity of student colleges in Brno • Attractivity: • No. of jobs in individual companies and institutions in Brno • Data about shops- estimation of No. of the customers per a day from companies incomes (data source commercial statistics) • The capacity of all secondary and higher schools in Brno (data source – Internet, personal interviews)

  14. The Brno city and surrounding Overeview of production and attraction matrices in the system

  15. The Brno city and surrounding Examples of the production and attraction plots: mo1 - commuting

  16. The Brno city and surrounding Examples of the production and attraction plots: mo2 – students from home mo2 – students from colleges

  17. The Brno city and surrounding Examples of the production and attraction plots: md1 – No. of jobs

  18. The Brno city and surrounding Examples of the production and attraction plots: md2 – shopping

  19. The Brno city and surrounding Types of the trips considered: HWH home – work – home HWShH home – work – shopping – home HShH home – shopping – home H(C)SchH home (+college) – school * - home * - only secondary and hogh schools, primary schools transport is considered to be within a zone

  20. The Brno city and surrounding Calculations of trip distribution: • input matrix = negative exponential function of distances between zones • production data is more reliable the attractivity data – scaled by production (except HSH) HWH gravity (entropy) model, production - mens commuting, attractivity – No. of jobs HWShH 3-leg trip chain (macro tchain3 used), production – women commuting (typical in Czech Republic), atractivities: Aq – No. of jobs, Br – No. of customers in shops HShH gravity (entropy) model – proportional distribution of No. of shopping centres customers between all zones according to No. of inhabitants H(C)SchH gravity (entropy) model * * - only secondary and high schools, primary schools transport is considered to be within a zone

  21. The Brno city and surrounding Dealing with external zones • 32 external zones: entries to/from the model area • 19 zones – car and bus entry • 7 zones – car entry only • 6 zones train entry only

  22. The Brno city and surrounding Dealing with external zones • Total production splited to 3 mo matrices: car, car+bus and train • Data souces: • car transport: traffic volumes from National Traffic Census • No. of passenges: lack od surveys – estimation. • Attractivity = total od previous attractivities (work, shops, schools, ...)

  23. The Brno city and surrounding Resulted full demand matrices mf2 from home or college to school mf11 1st leg of trip chain calculation (movement of employed women) mf12 2nd leg - work – shop mf13 3rd leg – shop – home mf14 from home to work (employed men) mf19 from home to shopping centre mf22 from external zones (auto) mf23 from external zones (auto and transit) mf24 from external zones (transit)

  24. The Brno city and surrounding Modal split and auto assignment Calculation od the modal split (matrix mf20): not finished yet, utility functions are not definite mf20 =e^ f (mf3, mf9, mo12, md12) / (e^f (mf3, mf9, mo12, md12)) + (e^f(mf4, mf1, mo12, md12)) Calculation ofall day auto demand (matrix mf16): (mf19+mf19'+mf22+mf22')+(mf11+mf12+mf13+mf14+mf14'+mf24+mf24')*mf20 explanations to matrices / see previous slide

  25. The Brno city and surrounding Modal split and auto assignment assigned auto demand (mf16) volumes must be calibrated

  26. The Brno city and surrounding Conslusions: • Next plans in Brno • calibration of modal split functions (in Brno: 55 % cars, 45 %) • calculation and assignment of urban transport matrix • development of scenarios (some already are in older model) • construction of Big City Circle and other planned roads • two high – speed tramway lines • a shift of Central railway Station • the Park and Ride system.

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