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Arsh Gyan Presentation In this presentation of ours we have given names of God as defined by Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati As they are defined in Ved. " All the Vedas and the Shastraas declare AUM as the primary and natural name of God. All others are His secondary names." MANDUK UPANISHAD 1:1.
Arsh GyanPresentationIn this presentation of ours we have given names of God as defined byMaharshi Dayanand SaraswatiAs they are defined in Ved
" All the Vedas and the Shastraas declare AUM as the primary and natural name of God. All others are His secondary names." MANDUK UPANISHAD 1:1.
"He is One, but the wise call Him by different names; such as, Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni,Divya - One who pervades all the luminous bodies, the source of light; Suparnaa - the Protector and Preserver of the Universe, Whose work are perfect; Matrishwaa - Powerful like wind; Garutmaan - Mighty by nature." RIG VEDA MANDAL 1-22, 164.
"He Whom all the Vedas declare worthy of homage, Whom all devotion and righteous actions lead to, and for Whose realization, the life of Brahmacharya(chastity) is led, is called AUM.” KATH UPANISHAD 7:15.
"He , Who is the Teacher of all, subtler than the subtler , Resplendent, Who can be known through understanding begotten of Samadhi, i.e., 'superior condition' of the soul, when the mind is perfectly concentrated by means of psychical practices, is the Great Being."
It should be borne in mind that AUM is the name of God only (and of no other object - material or spiritual), whilst the application of such names as Agni to God is determined by two factors, viz., the subject under treatment and the adjectives that qualify them.
In other words, these names signify God in prayers, meditations, communions, or where such, adjectives as Omniscient, Omnipresent, Holy, Eternal and Creator of the universe qualify them.
Whilst, where the things under discussion are mentioned as created, protected, or sustained, disintegrated or where such qualifying words as finite, visible are used, they cannot be taken to signify God; because He is neither subject to such changes as evolution or dissolution, nor is He finite or visible. Therefore such names as Virat, Agni ( as in the following quotations) signify material objects of the universe:- "Then was created Virat, etc." "Thereafter was created Bhumi - earth." YAJUR VEDA 31.
"Then did the Supreme Spirit manifest Akaasha. From Akaasha proceeded Vaayu and Agni from Vaayu, etc." TAITREYA UPANISHAD.
Thus it is clear that these words ought to be understood to mean God where they have such qualifying words as Omniscient, etc.; but, where desires, passions, feelings or pleasure or pain, finite knowledge and activity are spoken of these words signify the soul; where such words, as created, dissolved material, dead, inert, are found, they mean material objects as the sun, the earth.
We have here explained the meanings of only one hundred names, but there are million of other names of God besides these. His names are without number, because His nature, attributes and activities are infinite. One name stands for each of them. These hundred names are like a drop in the ocean.
In the Veda and Shastras, the infinite attributes, powers, characteristics of God, are described, and can be learnt by the study of those books. A perfect knowledge of even other subjects can only be gained by those who study them.
1 VIRAT (from the root Rajri to illuminate, with the prefix vi and suffix kwip added to it) signifies God, because He illuminates this multiform universe.
2. Agni (from the root anchu which signifies gati and worship. Gati means to know, to move or go, to realize) connotes God, because He is all-knowledge, Omniscient and worthy of adoration, fit subject to be known, sought after and realized.
3. Vishwa (from vish to reside) means God, because all the world and the worldly objects dwell in Him and He resides in all of them.
4. Hiranyagarbha (Hiranya - light and garbha - source) means One who is the source and support of all light and luminous bodies such as the sun. This is also substantiated by Yajur Veda, which says :- " In the beginning was Hiranyagarbha - the One Lord of the creation. He sustains the sun and the earth. We adore Him - the all Blissful Being." YAJUR VEDA 13: 4.
5. Vaayu (from the root Va to move, to kill) means One who is the life and support of the Universe, the cause of its dissolution, mightier than the mightiest.
6. Taijas (from Teja to shine or enlighten) is One who is Resplendent and gives light to the sun and other luminous bodies.
7. Ishwar (from Ish - power, knowledge) is One whose knowledge and power are infinite.
8. A'ditya (from a - not, do - to break, decay) is One who never dies or decays - is Immortal.
9. Prajna (from Pre - perfectly and Jna - to know) One whose knowledge is perfect, Who is Omniscient.
10. AUM is the highest name of God; it is composed of three letters, A, U, M. This one name comprises many other names of God. Thus, briefly:- A stands for Viraat, Agni and Vishwa, etc. . U stands for Hiranyagarbha, Vaayu and Tajjas, etc. Mstands for I'shwara, A'ditya and Prajnaa, etc.Vedas and other true Shastraas, that whatever they treat of God; all these names stand for Him.
11. Mitra ( from nimid to love) means God, because He loves all and is worthy of being loved by all.
12. Varuna (from vri - good or vara - to desire) is One who is best, holiest of all and desired and sought after by all righteous, pious and learned men who are seekers after truth and salvation.
13. Aryama (from re to obtain, to go and ma to respect) is One who respects and honors the good and, the just, and punishes the wicked - The Great Judge who gives souls the fruits of their deeds, good or evil.
14. Indra (from Idi - power) is One who is all - powerful.
15. Vrihaspati ( pa - to correct or govern, Vriha - great) is One who is greatest among the great, and governs the entire universe.
16. Vishnu (Vishr - to pervade) is One who pervades all the universe, animate and inanimate.
17. Urukramaa ( uru - great, krama - energy) is One who possesses infinite energy.
18. Brahma (brih or brihi - to lord) is One who lords over all.
19. Bhumi is One who is the abode of all and greater than all.
20. Surya is One who is the life and light of the universe, animate or inanimate.
21. A'tma (at - to pervade) is One who pervades the soul as well as the material universe.
22. Paramaatmaa (para - great, aatmaa see above) is One who is holier than the soul, subtler and more powerful than the soul and matter, who pervades and controls the soul.
23. Parameshwar (Param - great, Ish - power, knowledge ) is One who is All-powerful among the powerful, Almighty.
24. Savita (su - to create) is One who is the Creator of the Universe.
25. Deva (from the root div, which means to operate, desire to win, work, illuminate, praise, please, punish, sleep, desire and know) is One who operates in the universe and governs it and does all His works by His own powers without help from others; Who desires or helps the good and the righteous to win and is Himself invincible, gives all power and means to work.
25. Deva (from the root div, which means to operate, desire to win, work, illuminate, praise, please, punish, sleep, desire and know) is one Who knows everything and is just and glorious, illuminates and enlightens all, is worthy of praise, All-blissful, bestows happiness on others, punishes the wicked and gladdens the hearts of the good and Himself enjoys perpetual bliss.
25. Deva (from the root div, which means to operate, desire to win, work, illuminate, praise, please, punish, sleep, desire and know) is one who has ordained night for all to sleep and rest, in the indefinable, imperceptible, primeval elementary matter - prakriti; Whose will is holy and Who is desired and sought after by the good, and Who pervades all and knows all.
26. Kurvera (kuvi - to cover or spread) is One who covers all or overspreads all.
27. Prithivi (prithu - spread) One who has spread this extensive universe.
28. Jala (jala - to beat) One who beats or punishes the wicked and beats the atoms into shape, or beats them as in the Creation or Dissolution of the universe, respectively.
29. Akaash (kash - to illuminate or enlighten) is One who illuminates or enlightens the whole world.
30. Anna and atta ( from ad to eat) is One who eats or absorbs into Himself or contains the universe, animate and inanimate. As grubs are born in the inside of a fruit of a fig tree, live and die in the same, so is the universe born, lives and perishes in God. TAITREYA UPANISHAD 2: 10. VEDANT SHASTRA 1: 29.
31. Vasu ( vas to abide or dwell) is the One who dwells in all things, and is the abode of all.
32. Rudra (Rudir - shed tears) is One who makes the wicked and the unjust shed tears. It is said in the Shatapatha Brahmana "Whatever a man thinks, he speaks; whatever he speaks, the same he acts; whatever he acts, he reaps". In other words, a man reaps whatever he sows. When the wicked suffer pain in consequence of their sins at the hand of Divine Justice, they wail and weep. He is, therefore, called Rudra
33. Naaraayana ( Naraa - water and souls, aayana - abode) signifies, God, because He is the abode of souls and pervades them. MANU 1:10.
34. Chandra (chadi - to please) is the One who is All-bliss, and gives pleasure and happiness to others.
35. Mangala (mang - has the same meanings as gati, which means to know, to move or go, to realize ) is One who is All-blissful, and showers bliss on the soul.