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Welcome. Introduction. Sub-English Ist paper Class-Nine Unite-3 Lesson-6 Time-50 Date-20-3-14. Name- Mancia Rani Assistant teacher Bidyut Unnayan Board High School Khulna Id-388. Learning outcome- After we have studied this lesson ,we will be able to

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  1. Welcome

  2. Introduction Sub-English Ist paper Class-Nine Unite-3 Lesson-6 Time-50 Date-20-3-14 • Name-Mancia Rani • Assistant teacher • BidyutUnnayan Board High School • Khulna • Id-388

  3. Learning outcome- After we have studied this lesson ,we will be able to talk about PahelaBoishakh ask and answer questions and give opinions infer meaning from the context make a dialogue talk talk talk talk

  4. Look at the picture What is the picture about?

  5. PahalaBoishakh

  6. Look again Where do you think it is? What are the people doing?

  7. Say what are the traditional food?

  8. Look carefully What is the traditional dress for man And woman?

  9. Who is the writer of the song? When do we mainly sing this song?

  10. Look it again

  11. Ask and answer these question(in pair) 1.Do you go out in the morning of PahelaBoishakh If you do ,Where do you go? If not,What do you do? 2.What kind of food you eat in the morning of Pahela Boishakh? 3.Do you wear any specile clothes on this occaision?

  12. Word meaning Festoon-a long thin piece of material Banners-placard Festivities-celebrate Make sentences with this word

  13. Read the text

  14. write down few organisations institutions name. Chhyanata Fine Arts of Dhaka university Bulbul lalitakala academy Jatiya press club Bangladesh TV, Shilpakala academy National dalies

  15. Programs of the day

  16. Look what kind of food shopkeeper offer. Open halkhata(fresh account book)

  17. Look how people decorated themselves

  18. Complete the passage with suitable words. The word pahela means the first and Boishakh is the ----month of Bangla calender.The day is observed not---in Bangladesh but----in some other parts of The world.It is celebrated in West Bengal Assam and Tripura.It is also-----in theUK.

  19. Evaluation 1.What is the first day of Banla year? 2.Where does the programme begin first? 3.What is Halkata ? 4.What does housewives cook on the day?

  20. Home work Describe your own cultural or religious festival That you celebrate.you can use the following Words. You can also use other words relevant to The festival. Colourful special traditional religious Dance flower food songs Festive cultural

  21. Thank you

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