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RaDIATE Meeting

RaDIATE Meeting. December 2012. RaDIATE LOGO. Logo idea in upper right hand corner Idea is hexagonal crystal with 2 atoms knocked out of lattice to form an “R” Graphite and Be are both HCP Any other ideas? Thanks to Brian Hartsell’s rendering!. Agenda.

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RaDIATE Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RaDIATEMeeting December 2012 P. Hurh RaDIATEDecember 2012 Meeting

  2. RaDIATE LOGO • Logo idea in upper right hand corner • Idea is hexagonal crystal with 2 atoms knocked out of lattice to form an “R” • Graphite and Be are both HCP • Any other ideas? • Thanks to Brian Hartsell’srendering! P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  3. Agenda • RaDIATENews (MOU status, Postdoc recruitment status, etc.) • White Board Parameter Space Table Update • Irradiate Materials Table Update • Oxford team update (C. English/S. Roberts/B. Jones/J. Marrow) • MARS DPA calculation overview (N. Mokhov) • Graphite Irradiation Creep paper discussion • Is creep an issue with targets/windows? • How low can we go? (in energy of proton beam and still get meaningful results that translate to the high energy regime) • Next Meeting P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  4. RaDIATE News • MOU • “pre-approved” by all • Being submitted by FNAL to DOE • Post-doc recruitment • Job description? • Advertising in December? • Project X Energy Station Workshop • Currently only domestic (US) participation • Explore 1 MW proton target facility for nuclear energy research applications (irradiated nuclear materials) • RaDIATE in “reverse” (how can accelerators help NE?) • January 29-30, 2013 P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  5. White-board Parameter Space Table • Latest version on RaDIATE web-site • Link to file • Re-organized the data • Updated the data • Added Gas Production/DPA column • Please review and help fill in missing information • Added Operating Conditions footnote • Thanks Kavin! P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  6. Irradiated Materials Table • Updated version on RaDIATE site • Link to file • Updated lots of information • Added gas production/DPA column • Still many blanks or unconfirmed information • Tables good enough to see overlap? • Thanks again Kavin! P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  7. Report from the “Oxford” team • Any progress to report on Stage 1 activities? P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  8. Report from the BNL “team” (of one)? • Any progress to report on further graphite/C-C testing? (hot cell repairs?) P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  9. MARS DPA Calculations • Nikolai’s presentation P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  10. Graphite Irradiation Creep Discussion P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  11. Graphite Irradiation Creep Discussion • Besides discussion of paper, what about: • Is creep an issue with targets/windows? • How low can we go? (in energy of proton beam and still get meaningful results that translate to the high energy regime) • Link to paper P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  12. Next Meeting • Mid-January? • How does it fit with recruitment schedule? (interviews probable in what time frame?) P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  13. Action Item List from November • Review MOU for “signability” at each institution and let Pat know ASAP • Review and firm up “white board” table for parameter space (imperative to have this done by next month’s meeting) • Review and fill out Irradiated Materials Table (imperative to have this in better shape by next month’s meeting) • Pat to start Doodle Poll for December meeting • Oxford Stage 1 team to review draft LBNE BLIP graphite irradiation report (on web-site) to help inform Stage 1 development • Steve Roberts to generate post-doc position description draft and distribute P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

  14. Action Item List from November • Brian Hartsell to establish list-serv address for RaDIATE • S. Brooks and P. Hurh to coordinate web-site information (PASI and RaDIATE) • Nick Simos, Pat Hurh, and KavinAmmigan to continue graphite irradiation research at BLIP • Extra Credit: Generate ideas for an ultra-cool, super-sweet, totally awesome RaDIATE Logo! P. Hurh RaDIATE December 2012 Meeting

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