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General Motors Presentation to ICC September 26, 2007 Sustainable Mobility- The GM Approach. General Motors in Russia. General Motors has diversified sales, production and business locations within the Russian Federation GM Russia Headquarters: Moscow
General MotorsPresentation to ICCSeptember 26, 2007Sustainable Mobility-The GM Approach
General Motors in Russia • General Motors has diversified sales, production and business locations within the Russian Federation • GM Russia Headquarters: Moscow • GM’s manufacturing facilities in Russia include: • Joint venture with Avtovaz ( Togliatti) and the European Bank for Reconstruction producing about 50,000 vehicles a year with 1200 people. • Production of Chevrolet Niva and Viva • A new plant in St Petersburg began production in 2006 and is expected to have a capacity to produce 70,000 vehicles by 2008 and employ more than 900 people by 2009. • Production of Chevrolet Captiva, Opel Antara and a new compact vehicle • GM also imports components from the US for final assembly at the Avtotor facility in Kaliningrad. These products include: Chevrolet Tahoe and Trailblazer, Hummer 2 and 3, and Cadillac CTS, STS, SRX, BLS and Escalade.
GM in Russia • GM sells under 5 brands in Russia, with the largest choice available to the Russian consumer. • Chevrolet, Opel, Saab, Hummer and Cadillac • In 2006, GM sales in Russia were 132,600 vehicles – representing a 6.6% share of the automotive market. This year we expect to sell 250,000 units and achieve a share of about 10% • Chevrolet is the number one selling foreign brand in Russia • General Motors established an R&D Science Office in Moscow in 2005, which is engaged in work in the fields of chemical applications, materials, processes, new transmission development , computer simulation and alternative energy sources. The facility also has a collaborative relationship with Moscow University to work on hydrogen storage development.
Sustainable Mobility • Today, less than 15% of the world’s population has access to personal transportation • Demand for light duty vehicles is projected to continue to grow dramatically • GM has an important role to play in ensuring that mobility becomes more sustainable • GM takes full responsibility for reducing environmental and energy consumption from our facilities • GM has lead responsibility to develop and bring to market environmentally friendlier technologies • Reductions from vehicles on the road require an integrated approach including positive government policy framework and engagement of fuel providers in providing lower CO2 fuels (on a source-to-wheels basis)
GM Environmental Principles • General Motors Board of Directors adopted the Environmental Principles on March 4, 1991. They are intended to serve as a guide for all GM employees worldwide, encouraging environmental consciousness in both daily conduct and in the planning of future products and programs. • As a responsible corporate citizen, General Motors is dedicated to protecting human health, natural resources, and the global environment. This dedication reaches further than compliance with the law to encompass the integration of sound environmental practices into our business decisions. • The following environmental principles provide guidance to General Motors personnel worldwide in the conduct of their daily business practices. • We are committed to actions to restore and preserve the environment. • We are committed to reducing waste and pollutants, conserving resources, and recycling materials at every stage of the product life cycle. • We will continue to participate actively in educating the public regarding environmental conservation. • We will continue to pursue vigorously the development and implementation of technologies for minimizing pollutant emissions. • We will continue to work with all governmental entities for the development of technically sound and financially responsible environmental laws and regulations. • We will continually assess the impact of our plants and products on the environment and the communities in which we live and operate with a goal of continuous improvement.
Global What is GM-GMS? • A Single Integrated Manufacturing System (Total Enterprise Approach) • Five Key Principles which Support the Basic Manufacturing Goals of People, Safety, Quality, Responsiveness, Cost and Environment! • Contains All the Elements for Operating a Lean Plant • Principles and Elements are Interdependent (Work as a SYSTEM). 2
Plant Performance All GM plants are tasked with full compliance with GMS requirements.Plant scorecards are developed to track plants’ progress in key metrics.
Plant Scorecard Example (Safety/People/Quality/Responsiveness/Cost/Environment) METRICS
Voluntary Initiatives - Environment and Energy • In many countries, GM participates in Government-Business Voluntary Initiatives: • US: DOE 1605b GHG Reporting Program, DOE Climate Vision Program, EPA Climate Leaders Program - GM has already reduced its CO2 emissions by 23%, 2000-2005 with goal of 40% reduction from 2000-2010. • Canada: GM has been recognized by the Voluntary Challenge / ISO GHG Registry as a Gold Level reporter for 8 consecutive years. GM Canada has reduced GHG emissions reductions by 42% since 1990 with over 30% more vehicles are being built • Australia: GM Holden has been a participant in the Australian Government’s Greenhouse Gas Challenge since 2000 and has reduced CO2 by over 10,000 tons • China - GM has worked with the World Environment Center to establish the “Greening the Supply Chain” Project which provides expertise to auto suppliers on sound environmental practices
Global Facility Energy, Water and Waste Performance 2000-2005 2000-2005 2005-2010 Goal Actual Goal Energy Use 10% 14.8% 10%Reduction Water Use 10% 19.0% 10%Reduction GHG Emissions 8% 15.5% 8%Reduction Waste 15% 23.5% 15%*Reduction * North America (Set by Region)
Advanced Propulsion Technology Strategy Improve Vehicle Fuel Economy and Emissions DisplacePetroleum HydrogenFuel Cell-Electric Battery-ElectricVehicles (E-Flex) Hybrid-ElectricVehicles (includingPlug-In HEV) IC Engineand TransmissionImprovements Time Petroleum (Conventional and Alternative Sources) Biofuels (Ethanol E85, Biodiesel) EnergyDiversity Electricity (Conv. & Alternative Sources) Hydrogen
GM’s E-Flex System • A family of electric vehicle propulsion systems • Electrically driven • Able to create electricity on-board • Plug-in capable
REINVENTING Automobile the
GM’s Globally Integrated-2006 Corporate Responsibility Report: Global Reporting Initiative G2 Guidelines • The 2006 web-report allows the user to search areas of interest within the portfolio of reports or per GM region, country, facility and/or GRI indicator • Executive Summary Brochure • Our Message • Performance at a Glance • About Us • Managing Public Policy Issues – Key Issues – Global Climate • Our Products • Vehicle Strategy Section • Environmental Performance • Economic Performance • Community Investment • Social Performance • Education • Keyword Search • GRI Index GM has published an annual Corporate Responsibility Report since 1994. The GM CR Report is available on-line at: www.gmresponsibility.com The GM CR Report has evolved into a Global “One Company” report.
Conclusion • Why do companies do these type of positive initiatives: • Commercial • Customer • Good Corporate Policy • Legislation