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ECOOP – WP2.3 Ensure proper and maximum real time delivery of remote sensing data. Participants: CNR, ENEA, DMI, IFREMER, AZTI-Tecnalia, NERC, CLS, PdE, NUIC, DNSC. Objectives. integrate existing satellite observing systems
ECOOP – WP2.3 Ensure proper and maximum real time delivery of remote sensing data Participants: CNR, ENEA, DMI, IFREMER, AZTI-Tecnalia, NERC, CLS, PdE, NUIC, DNSC
Objectives • integrate existing satellite observing systems • coordinate access to Earth Observation (EO) products taking full advantage of existing national and European resources • ensure advanced satellite products for monitoring and assimilation into ECOOP models during TOP Links with other WPs • WP3: satellite products based upon the results of the R&D activity • WP8: ECOOP information management
First year activities Design of the RT and NRT data satellite acquisition and delivery system for the TOP phase D2.3.1.1 (CNR, Ifremer, CLS, DMI) Activities: • analysis of current satellite systems/products • analysis of WP3 outcomes and planned activities for the next 6 months • analysis of the in situ data required to produce advanced R/S products • design of the RS observing system for TOP: data input, products, format, delivery systems
Satellite products The new Satellite products to be assimilated by ECOOP models include: • SST merged R/S - in situ products (Gulf of Biscay, Adriatic and Baltic Seas) • Altimetry merged R/S with tide gauges and mean dynamic topography (Gulf of Biscay and Black Sea) • Ocean Colour merged R/S - in situ products (Gulf of Biscay and Adriatic Sea) ECOOP-WP3
Sea Surface Temperature • During TOP, specific ECOOP SST data will be produced by EuroGOOS sub-region SST processing systems after introducing the improvements resulting from WP3 • SST data input: ECOOP-WP3
L2P data products provide satellite SST observations together with a measure of uncertainty for each observation • L2P data are written in a common netCDF format, following CF 1.0 conventions
SST: Gulf of Biscay IFREMER Present: IBIROOS area is covered by the multi-sensor L4 SST products computed by Ifremer using data from both infra-red and micro-wave radiometers Daily global SST with a resolution of 0.1°res. NRT SST are produced since October 2007. ECOOP Improvements The ODYSSEA chain will be used and tuned to provide daily SST fields at a higher resolution (0.02° res.) over the IBIROOS area. Improvements in the intercalibration using in situ data Including all coastal stations Data format : Netcfd, complying to CF-1.0 convention and GHRSST format Delivery system ftp and OpenDAP
SST: Baltic Sea DMI • Present: • L2P data corrected from skin to subskin • single sensor error bias applied to all sensors • relevant satellite observations used as input for the Baltic Sea L4 processing system (DMI) at 0.03° res. ECOOP Imprevements Merged multi-sensor L4 at 0.03° res. Adjustment of all satellite observations to the most accurate sensor (AATSR) Include near-real time MARNET buoy observations in the L4 analysis, if required. Data format : Netcfd, complying to CF-1.0 convention and GHRSST format Delivery system ftp and OpenDAP
SST: Adriatic CNR Present: Adriatic Sea is covered by the several SST products provided by the CNR Daily images at 1km res. from AVHRR and MODIS Daily SST data over the Adriatic model grid (AREG), 5km NRT Mediterranean multi-sensor OISST (L4) at 1/16° res. NRT SST Adriatic products available since October 2002, Mediterranean multi-sensor L4 since 2006. ECOOP Improvements Merged multi-sensor L3 over AREG grid (with adjustment of all satellite observations to the most accurate sensors (AATSR/MODIS terra (4μm)) Data format : Netcfd, complying to CF-1.0 convention and GHRSST format Delivery system ftp and OpenDAP/THREDDS
Global products Regional products Mean Sea Level Trend The center Added Value Products More information on www.aviso.oceanobs.com
Regional products Regional SSALTO/DUACS products available for TOP period Mediterranean and Black Sea sea: standard processing refined for Med and Black sea European Shelves: Products dedicated to regional applications provision of tide, inverse barometer, HF signals information Real Time Products Based on OGDR products Allow a gain of 2-3 days of data Along track and map Along track Along track Data Format: NetCDF Data access: Opendap, anonymous FTP and Live Access Server
Black Sea : A new regional product • SLA relative to new mean profiles • Using new standard corrections more consistent with SSH • Performed on longer periods (except for T/P : 7-years reference period) • Using a dedicated regional processing • Data selection with specific criteria based on mean profiles quality • Higher resolution • Local LWE correction (HF aliasing, orbit and tidal residual error) Period 1992-2005 computed for all missions –> MHI + other deliveries 1992-2005 EKE New products 1/8° Standard AVISO 1/3°
New Real Time product 2 days gain Old acquisition status based on IGDR and OGDR products • - OGDR do not have accurate orbit estimation • Merging of recent information (eddies, fronts) contained in the OGDR with large scale information from IGDR • Useful for short term forecasts
Satellite ocean colour: IBIROOS (1) Ifremer Present products
Satellite ocean colour: IBIROOS (2) Ifremer Present products Product delivery: The product delivery occurs after the ongoing validation phase and is based on existing Ifremer's facilities: ftp anonymous access: ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/cersat/products/gridded/ocean-color/ web services: NAUSICAA web server http://www.ifremer.fr/nausicaa/marcoast/index.html PREVIMER web server http://www.previmer.org Opendap access is actually being setup and will be available for the IBI-ROOS area and all the ocean color products
Satellite ocean colour: IBIROOS (3) Ifremer Design of the improved R&S system for the ECOOP project. Daily merged MODIS/MERIS L2 on a pixel by pixel basis Automatic extractions of data (SST, Chl, turbidity) from coastal networks for validation and visualization in the Ifremer web server of satellite images Nausicaa/MarCoast.
Satellite ocean colour: Adriatic Present ECOOP Improvements Chlorophyll estimated with different algorithms for case 1 and case 2 waters A new processing chain will be developed for MERIS . Ad hoc OC products will be developed for modelling data validation and assimilation based on modelling requirements. In particular daily, weekly and monthly chlorophyll and K490 products will be developed using all the available satellite over the new Adriatic model grid (2km). This data will substitute the ADRICOSM AREG products currently produced. Delivery system & data Format This delivery system will be upgraded in framework of the ADRICOSM-STAR project. In particular, historical data, RT and NRT data will be delivered as netcfd CF-1.0. The data will be also available from CNR-ISAC-GOS OpenDap facility. Accessible via THREEDS at: http://fe4.sic.rm.cnr.it:8080/thredds/config/adricosm_star.html CNR
Satellite data format harmonization • All data already written in standard, internationally agreed format • (netCDF, CF-1.0) • SSTGHRSST format • Altimetry AVISO format • Ocean colour MERSEA format • Data delivery based on existing ftp and opendap servers.