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Physics faculty. Al-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. Department of thermal physics, standartization and metrology. Doctor of physic and mathematic sciences , prof. Askarova A.S. Head of thermophysics, standar t ization and metrology department. 2011-Almaty. Teachers of our department.

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  1. Physics faculty Al-FARABI KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Department of thermal physics, standartization and metrology Doctor of physic and mathematic sciences, prof. Askarova A.S. Head of thermophysics, standartization and metrology department 2011-Almaty

  2. Teachers of our department Кашкаров Владимир Васильевич Дробышев Андрей Степанович Лаврищев Олег Александрович Жаврин Юрий Иванович • Исатаев Совет Исатаевич Алдияров Абдурахман Уалиевич Шортанбаева Жанар Кайыржановна Толеуов Газиз Айтқожаев Абдуает Заитович Болегенова Салтанат Алихановна Поярков Игорь Викторович Мукамеденкызы Венера Асембаева Мансия Кабыловна Исатаев Мухтар Советович Манатбаев Рустем Кусаингазыевич

  3. Our PhD teachers and young teachers Рыспаева Майя Жумабековна PhD doctor. Волошина Ирина Эдуардовна PhD doctor. Болегенова Сымбат Doctoral candidate PhD Максимов Валерий Юрьевич Doctoral candidate PhD Ермагамбетова Сауле Дилмановна Бекмухамет Айдын Бекетаева Меруерт Турганбеккызы

  4. Our scientific manpower

  5. Our laboratory and speciality Scientific laboratories Laboratory of heat and mass transfer processes modelling Laboratory of heat and mass transfer problems Laboratory heat and mass transfer in non-uniform environments Laboratory cryophysics and cryotechnology Department’s specialities 050604-physicist, specialisation is "thermophysics" (bachelor) 050732- Standartization , certification and metrology (bachelor) 6N0604-physicist, specialisation is "thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering" (bachelor) 6M072300-technical physics (Master degree) 6M073200-Standartization , certification and metrology (Master degree) 6D072300-technical physics (PhD) 6D060400-physicist (PhD)

  6. International communications University of Pennsylvania (prof. S.Lvov) USA Technical university of Braunschweig (Germany) prof.R. Leithner Institute of Thermal Engineering, Technical University Vienna, ( prof. V.Linzer) Austria The Lyons Central Institute, (prof. Gorohovski М) France Department of thermal physics, standartization and metrology Institute of technical thermophysics НАН of (prof. E.J.Epik) Ukraine Physicotechnical institute of low temperatures, (academician НАНУ V.G.Manzhely) Ukraine The Ekaterinburg technical university, ( prof. V.D.Seleznev) Russia Technical university, ( prof. V.Bondibej) Germany The Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Bauman MSTU Russion Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis by name A.V.Topchiev, Russion

  7. what is our research object? The main production of energy in Kazakhstan in the year 2005 formed about 67, 5 million kWh. In recent years the consumption and production of power has been increasing in line with the expansion of the economy. It is predicted that the 1990 level of energy production (87.38 million kWh) will be reached in Kazakhstan by the year. In the structure of the fuel balance for electricity stations coal constitutes 75%, gas 23% and black oil 2%. The predicted growth pattern of energy consumption is shown in the table below :

  8. We are  co-operation with: Participants of the international project of fund INCO-COPERNICUS :prof. A.S.Askarova), prof. F.Ch.Lokvud, Prof. F.Dzh. Kosten, prof. Messerle, etc. (2003, London) The prof. R.Ljajtner, prof. A.Askarova, doctor H.Mjuller, Doctoral candidate E.Lavrishcheva, Germany laboratory Employees at performance of the contract from Open Society "Харрикейн-кумколь-мунай" on oil pipeline Zhusaly-kumkol Cooperation in sphere of industrial laser technologies for oil and gas pipelines

  9. Our research projectson the thermal power station Carrying out of three-dimensional computing experiments on research burning processes of a coal dust in various top internal chambers and to creation model of formation harmful powder-gas emissions in the course of fuel firm burning on TPP in Kazakhstan.

  10. Wind energy Kazakhstan provides 250 MW of wind power by 2015 and 2,000 MW in 2030. The expected level of wind penetration is very low: less than 1% in 2015 and about 4% of electricity in 2030. Green Power Central Asia, a joint venture between Kazakhstan’s Visor Group and the Turkish subsidiary of the Italian group Relight Group, seeks funding to build two wind farms with a capacity of 600 MW in the south of the country an estimated cost of 1,000 million dollars. Construction is planned for two years and be the first major wind farm in the country, which has only a few wind turbines unstaladas.

  11. three-dimensional computing heat and mass transfer in non-uniform environments Aerodynamics is a subfield of fluid dynamics and gas dynamics, with much theory shared between them. Aerodynamics is often used synonymously with gas dynamics, with the difference being that gas dynamics applies to all gases

  12. cryophysics and cryotechnology LIQUID NITROGEN is the neutral stuff which 80% of the air is made of, but cooled down to minus 196 degrees Celsius. This is interesting stuff! It's great fun! Cryo-chamber using for basic scintific research work The internal structure of Liquid Nitrogen Production device Liquid Nitrogen Production equipment

  13. superconductor Superconductivity is an electrical resistance of exactly zero which occurs in certain materials below a characteristic  temperature

  14. High-speed rail there have been many changes in the technology used in high speed trains. One of these is maglev (magnetic levitation), but most high speed trains use other technologies because they are easier to implement and they allow for more direct high speed connections to cities without the need for new tracks.

  15. TOKAMAK A tokamak is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices, and it is one of the most-researched candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power. See also Shiva laser for an alternative.

  16. cryo-technology uisng for Spacecraft observations Spacecraft observations, laboratory measurements and field studies to understand the composition and distribution of surface deposits on planetary surfaces, and how they influence the formation and subsequent evolution of various worlds in the solar system.

  17. Cryotechnology using in nanotechnology Cryo vacuuming chamber Scanning electronic microscope Nanoparticls 

  18. Cryotechnology using in Medicine Cryogenic Sauna Treatment Skin Cancer Treatment Brain Cancer Treatment 

  19. Cryotechnology using in Reproduction The wheels can not used

  20. Our goal is to find new energy source !!! Geothermal energyis thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is energy that determines the temperature of matter. Earth's geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radiactive decay of minerals, from volcanic activity, and from solar energy absorbed at the surface. The geothermal gradient ,which is the difference in temperature between the core of the planet and its surface, drives a continuous conduction of thermal energy in the form of heat from the core to the surface. Geothermal power is cost effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly Geothermal energy

  21. Thank you for your attention !!!

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