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Note: These are slides only. The recording is also available on Slideshare at: https://www.slideshare.net/Altimeter/the-rise-of-digital-influence-with-brian-solis-13017768 <br><br>Digital Influence is one of the hottest trends in social media, yet is largely misunderstood. <br><br>This webinar, expanding upon Brian's recent report, will discuss in greater detail what digital influence is and how businesses can leverage it to their advantage. <br><br>How does influence spread online? How does it cause effect? What are the possible outcomes, and how can they be measured? Brian will answer these questions and others, as well as discuss a clear Action Plan to help businesses capitalize on Digital Influence. <br>Brian's report, The Rise of Digital Influence, is available on the Altimeter Group website at: altimetergroup.com/research/reports/the-rise-of-digital-influence.
You are now marketing to an audience with an audience of audiences
The Human Network = The Human Algorithm
Everyday people are now personal media networks that influence consumer behavior
Welcome to the EGOSYSTEM @briansolis
Influence starts with the “me” in social media
A credit score for THE SOCIAL WEB
You are already INDEXED
It’s about striking a balance between our personal brand and the brand we represent
I only get my problems solved on Twitter because of my influence score. I feel sorry for those who don’t have a high score. - Your customers already get it
Klout and other “influence scores” are increasingly being adopted by analytics vendors and others
Chevrolet says it got 16,000 positive consumer mentions on social media; user-generated videos; three requests to take advantage of a special discount and one confirmed purchase.
“Two years ago, Salim at SAP inspired Priscilla Scala and I to work on “Social Profiling.” We brainstormed profile markers then wrote code that sorted SAP followers into dynamic buckets based on Influence and Bio categories.” – Jodee Rich, Kred Blog
Prior to running any influencer campaign, the team first identified who it is Microsoft is trying to reach, where they are, what media they consume, and how they behave. The research found that upwards of 70% of its target consumers are influenced by their peers. - Molly O’Donnell, Director of Influencer Marketing at Microsoft
It was our hope that people would come out of it as Windows Phone evangelists. Our objective wasn’t to simply get tweets or updates, but instead measure whether or not this program changed familiarity or the likelihood to purchase a phone. - Molly O’Donnell, Director of Influencer Marketing at Microsoft
Social media amplification is off the charts… we can see that programs that target influencers can change behavior. - Molly O’Donnell, Director of Influencer Marketing at Microsoft
PeerIndexpartnered with a number of brands to offer PeerPerks: “high value exclusive offers that you can claim based on your PeerIndex rank and Topical PeerIndex rank”
Understanding the importance of digital influence Requires answering important questions…
What is influence, and what makes someone influential? • Who is influential in social networks and why? • Why would they engage with us? • How can I recognize influence or the capacity to influence? • What effect does digital word of mouth have on my business? • How can I measure successful engagement with influential consumers?
Research by: Robert Cialdini Infographic by: Tabjuice
The Dynamic Customer Journey 3. Commerce Self-expression Feedback Evaluation 2. Pre-Commerce Expert Purchase Engagement Reviews Brand Strength Consideration Word of Mouth Experience Discovery Introduction Sentiment Post-purchase research Interruption Influence Loop Validation Experimentation Awareness Advocate Reconsideration Passive Sentiment Loyalist Loyalty Interruption 1. Formulation Commitment 4. Post-Commerce Bond
1+1=∞ Influencer engagement is additive to traditional one-to-many broadcast communication adding a 1-to-1-to-many layer
Influencer Mapping Helps… Build relationships with the right people Build trust Foster advocacy Shape experiences and reputation Cause measurable outcomes
Businesses have a finite amount of money and time; therefore, they must identify the most connected people that can to help expand their reach. The value to businesses is that they can have access to the respective Rolodex of consumers and reward them as a result. - Dr. Bernardo Huberman, Director of HP Labs
We live in a society obsessed with measurement, but the act of measuring often means that the thing being measured becomes illusive. When sociologists measure social capital, they do so from a distance precisely because people would try to game the measurement. But what's happening here isn't just measurement: it's trying to leverage measurement to do something. That's where it loses its role as a measurement process. - danahboyd, Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research
With executives increasing demand on ROI, brands must tread strategically as they experiment with influencer campaigns.
When ROI = The Realization of Influence • Brands cannot afford to make marketing or engagement decisions based on scores alone • Do these new services that capture social media scores equate to influence? No…and that’s why we’re here today • In digital influence, value is in the eye of the beholder • In the end, the true measure of influence is determined by an outcome or extent of change
social capital • vs. • influence
Social capital is the key that unlocks digital influence and new customer touch points.
Social Capital = The collective value of all 'social networks' and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other • -Robert Putnam
Social capital can be measured by the amount of trust and reciprocityin a community or between individuals • -Robert Putnam
The Pillars of Influence: Understanding the 3R’s Resonance: The measurement of the duration, rate, and level of interactivity around content, a topic, or conversations. High resonance ensures that more people will see each post or update. Reach: Relationships form the social graph and define how far information can travel across the social graph and communities at large. Reach is a measure of popularity, affinity, and potential impact. Relevance: Topical relevance forms the interest graph and the communities of focus. Individuals aligned through subject matter create a series of linked relationships that send information along communities of focus
The New Era of Consumer Influence: When Nobodies Become Somebodies Frequency: The rate a social object, topic, or person materializes in social streams. Period: The length or portion of time it remains visible after the initial appearance. Amplitude: The level of engagement within a network. Authority: Expert on subject matter. Authority prompts respect, which is a reward for expertise or specialty. Trust: Difficult to measure, trust is a key trait in relationships. Trust is the firm belief in the reliability, truthfulness, or ability of someone. Affinity: A natural liking or sympathy for someone or something. Popularity: The state of being liked, admired, or supported by many people. Proximity: The location of an individual is taken into consideration where effect is necessary within a particular setting or environment. Goodwill:Increases appreciation and the probability for collaboration and action.
RRS Relevance.Resonance.Significance
A person’s stature within each network can directly affect behavior or cause an effect.